Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
0 (1s): Good morning, 1 (2s): Church. Good morning. Good morning. Will you stand as we worship the Lord this morning? 0 (13s): It's to be the happier morning 2 (18s): You Jesus. Thank you for your presence. When all I see is about you see my victory tree when all I see is you see about and the, 0 (44s): And 2 (45s): As I walk through the shout, your love surrounds me. There's nothing to feel for. I am we with you. Come on. You notice. So I find on my knees with my hands lifted high, God, the battle belongs to you. I at your how seat through the night, oh God, the be belong to 0 (1m 30s): You. 2 (1m 37s): And if you against me for Jesus's nothing impossible for sees 0 (2m 2s): My 2 (2m 5s): You 0 (2m 10s): Is 2 (2m 13s): Here. 0 (2m 19s): So 2 (2m 20s): I find I with my hands. It did high. But that'll bes 0 (2m 30s): You. 2 (2m 31s): Everyth, right? I'll see through the, oh God. But that'll to 0 (2m 42s): You 2 (2m 47s): Homebody fortress, you go before us. Nothing can stand against the power of our God. You shining the shadows, you win everybody. Nothing can stand against the power of our God in almight. You go before us. Nothing can stand against the power of our God. You shine in the shadows, you win everybody. 2 (3m 29s): Nothing can stand the of our God in almighty forts for 0 (3m 39s): Us, 2 (3m 40s): Nothing can stand against power. Our God shine in the shadows. You every nothing can stand against the power of our 0 (3m 57s): God. Oh, 2 (4m 2s): So when or on my 0 (4m 5s): Knees 2 (4m 6s): With my hands knit high, God, that'll be lost to in Everyth. I see. 0 (4m 21s): Oh 2 (4m 22s): God, that'll be 0 (4m 24s): To you. 2 (4m 27s): Oh God. That'll be 0 (4m 57s): Christ 2 (4m 59s): Foundation. Areno shaken. I my that, that I'll 0 (5m 17s): My 2 (5m 22s): He's let me down. He's he now. He won't Hass. You got 0 (5m 49s): Highs 2 (5m 50s): I've got makes no 0 (5m 53s): Sense. 2 (5m 54s): So I won't be 0 (5m 56s): Going 2 (6m 0s): Done by my, 0 (6m 5s): My life 2 (6m 6s): On Jesus. He's never so out. He 0 (6m 24s): Won't. He wont. He won't. 2 (6m 38s): He wants, he he wants, 0 (6m 53s): He wants 2 (6m 58s): He will 0 (6m 59s): Be. 2 (7m 2s): Christ is my 0 (7m 3s): Firm found 2 (7m 38s): He 0 (7m 41s): He 2 (7m 51s): He'll het and 0 (8m 4s): Holy 2 (8m 5s): Worship of whos who, Love. Come on. You've seen Rain came, Rain came, rain flew. But my house was built on. I'm came and wind blew. 2 (8m 46s): Not houseless built on you. I'm with you. I've gotta make it 0 (8m 58s): Through 2 (9m 1s): Rain and wind. Blue. Not houseless belts on you. I'm with you. I'm make it it through. Yeah, I'm it through. Cause I'm strong on you. I'm gonna, This is my house. He's builts on you. Christ's my burn foundation. 2 (9m 47s): When now everything around me, never. The more I 0 (9m 58s): Put my 2 (9m 59s): Jesus, He's faithful. So I would, He 0 (10m 17s): Won't. He won 2 (10m 27s): Het, He give him a 1 (10m 48s): Revelation 21, 5 and six says, He who is seated on the throne said, 2 (10m 54s): I 1 (10m 54s): Am making everything new. Then he said, Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true. He said to me, It is done. I am the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end to the thirsty. I will give water through water without cost. From the spring of the water of life. He who is seated on the throne said, I am making everything new church this morning we're gonna sing a newer song for us called New Thing. And may that be true for us. He has new things for you. No matter what season of life you're in, he has new things. Would you sing this with me? 2 (11m 55s): These's are the days that we prayed for a story. Being of faith has begun and I'm seeing so much still, I'm that the best is not yet come. 0 (12m 21s): Jesus 2 (12m 23s): Not done with me. You're tub a new, you're tubing anything away proceeded 0 (12m 46s): Praise 2 (12m 53s): To Jesus and all thes. Jesus not 0 (13m 5s): Done with me. You're doing anything you're doing. I get up. You 2 (13m 45s): Never up you get up. You up on 0 (13m 50s): Me. 2 (13m 51s): Your is get up. You get up. You never give up on 0 (13m 58s): Mes gonna give up. Never give 2 (14m 3s): Up. I 0 (14m 11s): Your 2 (14m 12s): Is up. You never gave up. You never give up on me. You is never gonna up. You never give up. You never 0 (14m 23s): Give up on me. Never gonna give up. You never, you never give. No. Jesus' 2 (14m 40s): Not 0 (14m 41s): Done 2 (14m 42s): With me. You're 0 (14m 45s): A new thing. You're 2 (14m 48s): Doing 0 (14m 49s): A new thing. I Im baby. You're doing a new, you're doing. Love is never, you never gave up. You never give up on me. You never gonna give up. You never gave up. You never give up on me. Give up, never up. Never up. 0 (15m 31s): I know. Done with me. You're a new thing. You're doing a new for all. You're doing a new, you're doing a new. 3 (16m 2s): Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this morning. We thank you that two who began a go to work in us. Thank you Lord. Still working, Lord still working on us. And you're, you're sanctify us. You're bringing us in that process of being made holy and holy day by day. Lord, you set us aside, Lord, you're calling us into a new thing, Lord, the new heavens and the new earth that will someday be Lord. But yet we're looking forward to that day. And while we're still here, Lord, we're calling and inviting others into your family, the family of God, and into a great and grand inheritance Lord. So remind us of that new thing that you're doing, that thing that you have for us yet keep our heart set and our mindset on your kingdom. 3 (16m 45s): Lord Jesus name we pray. Amen. You may be seated. 4 (16m 51s): A good Mor 3 (16m 54s): Almost there. 4 (16m 55s): Hello. Good morning. And welcome. It's not working. Is he going? There you go. There we go. Is it okay? There we go. There 3 (17m 5s): We go. Thank you. 4 (17m 6s): Technical difficulties. Good morning and welcome. It's Family Sunday again. We are just so glad you guys are back. As you can tell from the name, it's Family Sunday. We are all together here today. We got all the kids in, so we are just so glad we have donuts and it's just gonna be a great time to listen to the message today. Yeah. Yeah. And 3 (17m 29s): You're 4 (17m 29s): Brier. Oh yes I am. Brier. This is Jeremy. 3 (17m 32s): Jeremy. My name's Jeremy. I'm the youth and family pastor here. And this is not my son and he's not related, but my wife got us confused this 4 (17m 39s): Morning. I don't have any 0 (17m 41s): Positions here 4 (17m 42s): Yet. 3 (17m 44s): So yeah, we're so glad you're joining us here on Family Sunday. It's exciting day as well. We're having, having child dedication right after this. And so it's just a great day to, to be together as a family. We've got a few things coming up. So we also, last week we, we were challenged to help give towards Hurricane Ian relief. And so that was the challenge put out. I don't remember, I don't know how much was raised last week, but we're gonna keep raising that $10,000. We raised $10,000. That's amazing. So that is just a, a generous gift that we're gonna be sending out to Hope City Church out in Florida to, to support them and their, and their kind of regrowth effort building up efforts. 3 (18m 27s): So that's some there, if you still wanna help give towards that, you can write a checkout to Harvest Church or age, you know, on the website and just put in the memo hurricane relief. And, and that's on top of your regular giving church. You've been just an amazing church to, to continue giving. It's been just a great growth in our, the season of our church. So thank you so much. 4 (18m 50s): Also, we are going to be on October 31st or Halloween. We typically don't like Halloween. It's a little 3 (18m 59s): Bit dark. 4 (19m 0s): Yeah, it's a dark, it's it's a dark holiday. Yeah. So we wanna make it much more family friendly. Friendly. So we are going to be having an outreach during Halloween where we're gonna have like a mini carnival in here. So there's gonna be candy, it's going to be great. You can donate candy back at the info center. Yeah. And it's gonna be three to 5:00 PM three to 5:00 PM on October 31st. So 3 (19m 28s): Yeah, open the doors to the community. It's gonna be a great time just to share the gospel message with them in just a tangible way. So it's gonna be awesome. And gals wanna want you to mark your calendar for November 18th at 6:00 PM We're gonna be having a gals event. And this is just like put it on your calendar. We don't have all the details yet, so details are to come, but that'll be November 18th on a Friday night, 6:00 PM 4 (19m 50s): Also for the winter season, we are going to get ready for operation Christmas Child, if you don't know what this is, you take a little like shoebox and you fill it with a bunch of toys and stuff and then it gets sent across the world to a child that's not gonna be able to celebrate a normal Christmas. Yeah. And so we just want to bless these kids. So you can pick up your operation Christmas child box on the back and make sure you drop it off by November 13th so that it can be shipped out on time. 3 (20m 20s): Awesome. And you said your family's probably done 30 to 40 boxes over your 4 (20m 24s): Lifetime? Yeah, quite a few. Okay. They've done, yeah, we've done quite a 3 (20m 26s): Few. Awesome. Well we got a video for Operation Christmas Child. Let's check that out. 5 (20m 38s): At the count of three when children opened the shoe boxes, they're so excited. 6 (20m 43s): I mean, it's just been incredible. 7 (20m 46s): Kids are so excited giving them a gift. Do it in Jesus name. And that's what this is all about. 8 (20m 52s): Jesus loves you. 9 (20m 56s): It's a gospel opportunity is the chance for the children to change the entire life. 10 (21m 2s): The word of God is spreading. The gospel is 9 (21m 4s): Advancing, 11 (21m 6s): It is impacting children, it is impacting families. It is impacting the world greatly. 7 (21m 13s): Thank you for praying. Thank you for giving. God will bless and God will use your gift to touch the life of a child and to be able to do it. Jesus name. So thank you, thank you for being a part of it. God bless each and every one of you. 3 (21m 32s): All right. So just what a great way to impact our world for the life-changing mess of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So get your boxes in the back of the Info center right now. We're gonna have a, a time of meet and greet. So say hello to someone around you as well as I'll invite up to the stage those, those families that are dedicating their children today. So say hi to someone around you. We'll be back in a minute. 0 (22m 8s): We all 8 (22m 13s): Loves 0 (22m 14s): Us 8 (22m 18s): When we're so 0 (22m 21s): No 8 (22m 22s): Matter what we 0 (22m 23s): Do to, 8 (22m 26s): This is great. There's nothing better. Didn't 0 (22m 32s): You? We And in this fucking Mr. 0 (23m 20s): Prevails, 8 (23m 22s): I hope his Jesus God never fails matter. What we do. He loves is the 0 (23m 34s): Kids 8 (23m 36s): Is 12 (23m 46s): I'm 0 (23m 48s): Ladies. 3 (24m 6s): All right. You guys will. All right. Welcome everyone. Child dedication Sunday on the side. Yeah, can go on the side. Yeah. All right. Come on up. Come on up. Schwartz is what exciting day shows our, our church is growing, not, you know, from, from the youngest up. 3 (24m 51s): So it's, it's, it's great to see your families up here. It's all right. So I get to introduce everyone first. So over here we have Logan and Caitlin Weiss, and we have their whole family, but today they're gonna be dedicating Theodore, Theo, and Willow. Let's see. And and Theo was born July 13th, 2022. And Willow was born August 17th, 2019. And Emmett back here was born December 21st, 2016. All right. And over here we have the Schwartz family. 3 (25m 33s): We got Joel and Caitlin and Gwen. And today they're gonna be dedicating Laurel. And she was born on January 19th, 2019. I got the date right. Okay. And then also Juniper, who was born on October 21st, 2020. So you just had a birthday. That's exciting. So today it's, it's, it's, it's a great day cuz first and foremost, it's the parents that we're dedicat are dedicating their lives to the Lord and the raising of their children in to nurture and discipline in the admonition of the Lord. 3 (26m 13s): New living translation says the discipline and instruction of the Lord. And so I wanna read a passage from Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy six, verses four through seven says, Hero Israel, the Lord our God is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength. And these words, which I've commanded today shall be in your heart. So first and foremost, it's, it's the parent's relationship to God. That's the most important. And it it starts with the parents in their walka Lord as they're loving and obeying him and drawing closer to, to the Lord in humble obedience. So I brought up a triangle because I think in a way this is the, our relationship with God is the best pyramid scheme. There it is out there, okay? 3 (26m 54s): It's the good pyramid scheme. And so at a on a triangle, you have three different points. And you have God of top, cuz God is the rock, he's unmovable. But as the husband and wife begin to draw closer to God, and they began to come closer and closer to God, you can see they also, Dr. Come closer to each other. And so as your relationship individually grow and, and, and become closer to God, so too will your relationship with you as spouses grow closer to each other. And then what that does is Paul says that, follow me or imitate me as I follow and imitate Christ. So as you are going closer and your walk, the kids are gonna see that and they're gonna replicate that. 3 (27m 36s): So that is the triangle. But it also says, and Deutero, it says, You shall teach them diligently to your children. You shall talk to them when you sit down at your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, when you rise up. It's, it's a lifestyle of raising these kids up and teaching and nourishing. And it takes full efforts. A hundred percent right? A hundred percent. Psalm 1 27 says, Behold children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward like the arrows in the hand of a warrior. So are the children in one's youth. And it says, Happy is the man who has e quiver full of them. They shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with their enemies at the gate. So the Bible says that children are not only a heritage and reward, but they're also arrows in the hand of a war. 3 (28m 22s): Parents, you're warriors, we're raising dragon slayers in the time of dragons. I like that Facebook post that came out during 2020. You see, arrows are not just meant to be to stay in the quiver, They're meant to be shot out, they're meant to be released. They're, they're, they're meant to be sent out. And it takes time, it takes focus, it takes effort, it takes concentration. So that's what parenting is. It is preparing your children to be released out into the world and accomplish what God has for them. So I'd love right now to just to to, for the church body, you're a part of this community, to, to help raise these kids, to love on them. So why don't you raise your hand for to just be as we just pray over these two families. 3 (29m 6s): Jesus, we thank you for these two families, Lord, who are here saying that they're here to dedicate their children into the Lord. We thank you for each of the individual personalities of these children and all that you want to accomplish in and through them Lord. And so Lord, draw the parents closer to you, God, and closer to each other, Lord, so that their relationship might be strong and that that love might trickle down into the lives of their kids. And that kids witness Lord, your, their obedience to you Lord. So Lord, we dedicate these children unto the Lord. We dedicate them to you. God. We say, Lord, that good work that you started in them, we complete it, Lord, yes, we thank you Lord. 3 (29m 47s): In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Love you guys. Love you. All right, Steve. 13 (29m 60s): Yeah, I'm up. 14 (30m 3s): Thanks Jeremy. Thanks guys. I remember 31 years ago, roughly we dedicated sweet KK to the Lord. And, and really it is a dedication of the parents, as Jeremy said, We're actually asking parents to make a commitment of their lives, to raise up godly offspring. And we're talking today about impacting our community and our world with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. I tell you, as parents and grandparents, we've got the greatest opportunity to impact our nation, our world, our community, and our world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. 14 (30m 46s): So sometimes when we're busy, you look at my, look at these young families, there's so much going on, there's so much activity and so much drawing and pulling on these young families, and I just want to encourage parents and grandparents and grandparents. But that the greatest thing that you can do is, is impact your little kids with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. And watch how that will change the culture and will change your family and will change the dynamic of the, the nation and the world. Good and wonderful things happen as a result of that investment. And it's an investment, right? It's like a lifetime of investment, but it's got the best return possible. 14 (31m 31s): It's just the most amazing thing. And so with that, let's pray as we get into the message today, We're gonna be in First Corinthians chapter four. And Lord, we just want to invite you, Lord, we're so thankful for the opportunity to set time aside in the service, to challenge people, to challenge families, to raise their kids the way that the scriptures inform us to raise our kids. And so, Lord, I pray that there would be strength around that focus and commitment around that focus, Lord, that there would be a lifetime of dedication around that focus, Lord, that we as your church would make it our priority to pray for the next generation, to disciple the next generation Lord God, to instruct and to model to the next generation what it means to be a servant of yours, a follower of yours, Lord God. 14 (32m 22s): So in our conduct and our words and our thoughts and our deeds, God, that they would see and want to emulate and model that in their own, in their own lives, Lord God. So we pray Jesus, that each week as we gather that we'd be built up on our most holy faith, that we would, would receive instruction and encouragement to do what you've called us to do in your Word. And so part of that, and a major part of that Lord, is that we might impact those around us, impacting our community and our world with the life changing message of Jesus Christ will help us to do that. We pray, Lord, thank you for your grace in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. How many can remember, you guys seem a little quiet today? 14 (33m 5s): How many can remember our core values? Four core values on which we move forward together on, I'll give you the first word of each core value and then you fill it in. We are committed the Lord to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are confident in the word of God. We are created to serve God and others. And we are called to love all people, right? Do me a favor, write it down as my, some of us just need, we need core values for our own lives, right? Like we need to adopt core values for our lives that help to shape us and mold us as we move forward. 14 (33m 48s): And so use these core values because they are applicable, they are transferable, they work for a corporation, the, a corporate gathering of people like a church, but they also work for individuals and for families. And so, and then part of that is a purpose statement. What is your life gonna be like? Well, as a church, I hope and I pray, and our goal and our focus is that we would be impacting our community and our world with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. And so that's kind of what we're talking about today. But before we get to that, I got something for pastor appreciation that I'd like to share with you a couple weeks ago was pastor appreciation week. And so we received, you know, encouragement and gifts and that sort of thing. 14 (34m 29s): And one of the things that I did receive was a, a free joke. I got a free, I didn't have to pay five bucks for this joke. It was a free joke. And so this is the joke. What did the buffalo say to his son when he dropped him off at school? Bye son. I think I'm actually used that before, but it worked again. I got it. I had to use it. So anyway, hey, we're in First Corinthians chapter four. We're going to do our best to walk through all of First Corinthians chapter four. Do I have a calendar counter up there? Boy, I can't hardly see that. 30 Oh my glasses, I got like 45 minutes. Is that what they are? Is that what I have? 45 minutes. Thanks Amanda. Thanks. 14 (35m 10s): I might take 45 today impacting our community and our world life changing message of Jesus Christ. How do we do that? How do we do that? I mean, we gotta have steps to accomplish the goal. We gotta have things that we can do that help us march down that path, that intentional path that we've set out for ourselves. And so as we look at first Corinthians chapter four, the apostle Paul Apollos and Paul, our, our speak, Paul, especially through the, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is speaking to us about what our lives should look like. And he's speaking to a church, he's speaking to the church at Corinth, he's speaking to believers, people who are like you and I, who are just trying to figure out what it means to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. 14 (35m 56s): And so, number one in your notes, how do we, how do we impact our community and our world with life changing message? We gotta live our lives for God and not man. So number one, live your life for God and not man. You think we see that in the scripture? We see it all throughout the scripture, right? We can probably unpack any book of the Bible, any chapter of the Bible, and we'll see kind of this underlying theme in there that we are called to live our lives for God and not for man. First Corinthians four, one says, So look at Apollos and me as mere servants of Christ who have been put in charge of explaining God's mysteries. 14 (36m 39s): So this first kind of levels the playing field. Paul reminds us of his role as simply a servant of God. What does that word servant mean? Is if we get a word picture, it's actually the under rowers in the bottom of a ship. The under rowers are the, the least envied servants on the boat. They're underneath at the bottom of the boat and they're rowing and they're pushing the boat, they're moving the boat through the waters. It's, it's a thankless job. And they're underappreciated, but they're doing a job moving the ship. I'll re under rowers indicating the lowest galley slaves, the ones rowing on the bottom tier of the ship. 14 (37m 21s): They were the most menial un envied and despised of slaves. So when Paul talks about his role as a servant, he really has got a clear perspective of his role. This is the Apostle Paul who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament. He could be boasting about his role within the kingdom, but instead, instead he doesn't, He realizes that he is a servant of the living God. And he communicates that throughout his epistles, as he writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He says, Hey, every person in the kingdom of God is merely a servants of God. And that word could be understood as, as an employee, maybe that's an easier word for us to understand where employees of God were actually working for God. 14 (38m 8s): Were employed by God here in the earth to do the work that he's called us to do. We're employed to do God's work in the earth. So every the servant of God is directly answers to God. Every one of us will give an account and stand before the king and give an account for our lives. Why? Because we're employed by him for a purpose to do, do the work that he's called us to do. So Apollo and Paul, they understood, hey, we're simply employees of God. They were put in charge of explaining God's mysteries. And so they were servants of God. 14 (38m 49s): Paul Apollo and Paul were servants who knew their job in the kingdom. So we're kind of getting some pieces and we're starting to put it together. Apollo and Paul, they were servants and they understood their role within the kingdom. And so there's some things that we can grab a hold of as believers here in the 21st century. We can get a better understanding, a clearer understanding of who we are. We are servants, employees of God with responsibilities. And it's our job to figure out what that responsibility is. Paul continues to challenge us in the next verse, verse two. Now a person who is put in charge as a manager must be faithful. 14 (39m 33s): So Paul's brings something else to the table that helps us to understand who we are and who we have been created to be. So we are simply servants of God. We're employed by God with responsibilities and we must be faithful in those responsibilities. So there's a little three many, three point service sermon within a sermon. These are things that God has called us to do. We can unpack the scripture and get point by point. We can get step by step the plan that God has for us. And Paul's outlining it for us. We are called to be servants. And so nobody in the kingdom is, is more important than another. 14 (40m 15s): We're all just servants of the living God, employees of God. And we've got responsibilities. And it is our responsibility to figure out what our responsibility is. And then once we've figured out what our responsibility is, then we must be faithful with our responsibility. This is indeed how we impact our world, our, our community, and our world. The life changing message of Jesus Christ. We get very serious about who we are. Not in a unhappy way, but in a, I don't know about you, but when, when a person figures out what they're on the earth to do, they, it, it, it just fills that person with a sense of purpose, a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility. 14 (41m 4s): Like I know what I'm here to do. A lot of people go out through throughout life and they've never quite settled in, in their identity and figured out who they are. And so they're running from thing to thing, accomplishment to accomplishment, trying to fill that void. And that void can only be filled in Christ Jesus when we realize that in Christ we are servants of God. Jesus modeled that for us. He said, I didn't come to be served but to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many. And so Paul, in the early church followers of Jesus Christ understood this. And they lived their lives in that way. Nothing's changed in 2000 years. This is what God has called us to do, to understand that we are simply servants, employees of God with a purpose and we must be faithful. 14 (41m 55s): It's a life and death situation. Spiritual life and spiritual death. And so this is why we charge families to disciple their young people. That's why in our church we're focused on discipling every generation that comes through. Because we want people to understand who they are in Christ. They are servants of the living God given responsibility, purpose in the earth. And they must be faithful. Three very important ingredients. Things that we must get our hands on and our hearts around and must fill our minds. This reality that we, we have purpose, we work who directly for who, Right? 14 (42m 39s): What was the second one that I said? Faithful. Faithful Faithful's. Three. What was the second one? You've got responsibility. All right, so first one, we are servants, employees of God. Number two, we have responsibilities. And number three, we must be faithful. Right? It's life and death, right? So make that, you know, stick in your heart and in your mind. Let that really settle into your soul and, and shape the way that you live your lives and the way that you make decisions. I am a servants of God, an employee of God. I have responsibilities and it's my job to figure out what that responsibility is. 14 (43m 24s): And then I, I must be faithful. If you're a, if you've got kids, your primary responsibility are those kids is your job. We will partner with you in Sunday school and in youth programs and all kinds of stuff. But it is, it is your job. You will stand before the Lord and actually give an account for the way that you've parented your kids. And so it's your responsibility to make sure that you are discipling your kids. And then as your kids grow and then as you have grandkids, it's your responsibility to invest in those grandkids because you are in their life for a purpose. My kids are amazing in so many ways because of their grandparents, because of the way their grandparents have spoken into their lives and for the countless hours that their grandparents have prayed for them and spoken life into them. 14 (44m 18s): So we have this amazing responsibility. Colossians 3 23 says, Work willingly at whatever you do at whatever you do ministry, vocation, parenting, all responsibilities, work willingly at whatever you do as though you are working for the Lord rather than for people, right? We're working for the Lord and it's to the Lord that we will ultimately give an account for our lives. We are working for God as number one servants. Number two, people with responsibility. And number three, as people who must be faithful. This is, this is probably all I need to say today, but I got a few more pages of notes here. 14 (45m 3s): So let's continue to go through Colossians 3 24. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward and that the master you are serving is Christ. Over and over again in scripture, we see that the one that we serve is not man, but God. As we work for the Lord, it makes very little difference what others think about our work. As long as we are satisfying the Lord. As an aside, if you're not satisfying your boss, you're probably not satisfying your Lord in general terms. So everything that we do must be un is unto the Lord. 14 (45m 44s): And I, I can make this promise to you, If you are serving your earthly boss, as you are your heavenly boss, your earthly boss will be more than satisfied. Why? Because people who serve God faithfully are people of integrity. They don't lie, steal, cheat. They are people who are responsible and reliable and honorable. And so if you're living your life that way at work and in your home, you are pleasing your heavenly boss. And I promise you, everybody else in your life kinda like that triangle that Jeremy had, God at the top man and woman, as they get closer to God, they're getting closer to one another. 14 (46m 25s): As, as you in your life get closer to God, you're pleasing those in your life because you're, you're a better husband, you're a better father, you're a better wife, you're a better mother, you're a better employee. You're, you're a better everything. You, you fill in the blank. Everything is better. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else will be added onto you. So make God your priority and everything else will fall into place. But you gotta, you gotta get that done first. You gotta make God your priority in every area of your life. Paul continues in verse three s for me, it matters very little how I might be evaluated by you or by any human authority. 14 (47m 6s): I don't even trust my own judgment at this point. Why is Paul making this statement? Paul makes this statement about people's evaluation of his ministry because people are always changing their minds and their basis for evaluation and their basis for evaluation isn't always God's basis for evaluation. So Paul saying, Hey, I just gotta make sure that I'm honoring the Lord and as I honor the Lord, I'm trusting that he's going to do what he wants to do through me. So Paul's not worried about externals, he's not worried about what people are thinking. He's not a people pleaser, He's a God pleaser. Why? Because he's an employee of God with responsibilities and he must be found faithful. 14 (47m 50s): Paul understood his life. We need to understand our lives, what we're here for. We need to get a hold of our purpose in the earth where we're here for a kingdom purpose and we got jobs and we've got, you know, hobbies and things like that. But those all take, those are all secondary and tertiary. They're all like way down the list compared to, compared to the reality that we are slaves of God, servants of God, employees of God, and we have responsibility and we must be found faithful. So Paul's not worried too much about what people think about his ministry. And that's really the best way to go about ministry. My ministry may be great for some, but it may put others to sleep. 14 (48m 34s): It really doesn't matter. I need to be about my father's business. And I, I tell you, it might put others to sleep because I watch people sleep during my sermons sometimes. And the craziest thing is sometimes they're right on the front row. I'm like, Holy cow, are you kidding me? You're asleep right now. Maybe preaching one of my best messages and you're asleep. Or I'm speaking to a chair cause there's nobody there. But I'm like, wake up. We had a guy years ago when I was an associate pastor and I was preaching and this guy was snoring right in the middle of my sermon. He was like 34 rows back and he's just sacked out completely. All right, listen, you can't sleep through sermons and expect to get anything from the Lord, right? 14 (49m 18s): So get some sleep at night and then come ready to go. Most of you know what I'm talking about. What does God think about your ministry? What does God think about my ministry? That's the most important thing. Now we can learn from other people's, from people's critiques, people's encouragement. Some of in my life, some of the hardest lessons that I've had to learn have been through super uber critical people. And the temptation is to say, Oh, they're just jerk star mean. And even if 95 or 99% of what they're saying is mean spirited and inaccurate, there just might be a nugget of something in there that I need to hear. 14 (50m 2s): There just might be something in there. Get a get through all the flesh and all the ugliness of how it was communicated. There might be something there. And so the Holy Spirit will use all kinds of things. Mostly his word and his spirit will speak to us. But also through people. We will get a chance to kind of evaluate our lives. But we can't live our lives for people. We can't, we we can't minister to please people. Proverbs 29 25 says, Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. So what are you called to do? And don't do it to please people. Don't fall into a, a, a role of responsibility because you think others think you should be in that role or responsibility. 14 (50m 47s): When I wanted to be a senior pastor years ago, somebody said, Well, you're just a kid. You probably should just be a youth pastor. I said, Well, maybe you're right. But I'm called to be a senior pastor and that's what I feel like I'm supposed to do. Right? The world wants to shape who we are, right? When we planted a church, well, you've never planted a church before. You shouldn't plant a church, right? What is it that the world is telling you you shouldn't do? Because you shouldn't do it in their perspective. Amen. Right? Like you, you shouldn't do what? Because you've never had what? The experience, the training, the education. What is it that you feel cold in your soul to do? 14 (51m 27s): But others are telling you you can't do? Maybe what? God, I'm back. Not maybe at all. For sure. What God has called you to do is fulfilling his kingdom purpose in your life. And so you as a servant of God, a lowly servant of God, get to settle in. Amen. And do finding out your purpose and maybe you're not finding out your purpose because you're trying to please everybody around you. Listen, you'll never be able to figure that out. You'll never please everybody cuz soon as you please one somebody else is mad at you because you're not doing it the way they thought you should do it or thinking the way they think you should be thinking. So figure out what you're in the world to do. You're first and foremost a servant, an employee of God. 14 (52m 10s): So let's get that settled. I'm just a, a lowly under rower, right? No prestige, no honor, really. It's just an under rower, right? And then I've got responsibility and that I must be found faithful. Paul tells us in verse four, My conscience is clear, but that doesn't prove I'm right. It's the Lord himself who examine me and decide Paul's conscience is clear, but he understands that he might be missing something. Paul's saying, Hey, we can't even really trust our conscience now we need to work toward clearing our conscience of known discrepancies in our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. 14 (52m 50s): But even then, only God can judge us and come to an accurate conclusion. And so we need to be constantly checking in with the Lord. Lord, what am I doing? Is, is what I'm doing in line with you and you, you can't accurately hear from the Lord on the fly. You gotta like settle in and just take some time. You, you gotta spend time with the Lord and it can't be, Hey Lord, you know, speak to me throughout the day. I mean God will do that for sure, but you, you just probably just need to get with the Lord and spend some uninterrupted time. Turn off your phone, do whatever you gotta do. Get alone. Do whatever you gotta do to hear from the Lord and then do that on a regular basis. 14 (53m 31s): Otherwise you'll get way off track. It's easy to get off track. You gotta do what you gotta do to hear from the Lord. And you gotta do it on a regular basis. Lord, how's the ministry going? This ministry that you've called me to, Am I doing okay as I read the war, Lord? Is what I'm doing properly reflected in your word? Lord? Does it look like what you've called me to do? Does it look like what you've called the church to do? And Lord, am I being faithful? Am I being faithful? Last night, about six o'clock, I told my wife, I said, I gotta go for a walk. And I, cuz I, I go walk in and I pray. And that's just how I spend time. 14 (54m 12s): I, I'm just out there by myself and I can, I'm a probably a little bit so I can't sit cuz I'll get distracted by a thousand other things. So I just walk and I pray and, and I came back and I told only, I said, you know, I, I feel like I've been praying to an iron dome lately. I, I can't break through. Like, I, I, like, I I don't, I feel like when I'm praying I can't get through. And, and I realize, you know, we're, we're called to walk by faith and not by sight and emotions sometimes rob us of the joy of just doing what we know that we're called to do. And so don't, don't rely on emotions, cuz some days you're gonna have a great day, other days you're gonna have a bad day. Some days you feel like, Oh, I, I got a direct line to the Lord. And other days you're feeling like I can't even, I can't even touch heaven, right? 14 (54m 54s): So just keep doing what God has called you to do. Get up, figure out that you're a servant of God, that you've got responsibility and that you must be found faithful. Just trust the Lord. One Corinthians chapter four, so many judgements about anyone ahead of time before the Lord returns for he will bring our darkest secret secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due. The new Bible commentary states, it is Christ, it will expose attempts to cover up misdeeds and will judge not merely actions but motivations. So Paul's saying, Hey, don't look on the outside and elevate one person over another. 14 (55m 37s): I'm of Paul, I'm of Apollo, I'm of Peter, I'm of Christ. You know, we, we look on the outside and we, we misjudge just do worry about yourself, right? Amen. Where are you? Right? Don't worry about what I'm doing or what your friends doing. What, what are you doing? Verse six, Dear brothers and sisters, I have used Apollo of myself to illustrate what I've been saying. If you pay attention to what I've quoted from the scriptures, you won't be proud of one of your leaders at the expense of another. So here, Paul reiterates what he's already said, and he challenges the factions in divisions within the church. 14 (56m 20s): One Corinthians one 12 says, Some of you are saying, I am a follower of Paul. Others are saying, I follow Apollos, or I follow Peter, or I follow only Christ. Paul's talking about the distractions that are happening within the church. Well, I'm a part of this faction, or I'm part of that faction, I'm part of that group or that that person or that whatever. What has God called you to do? Or called the team up together as a church and be part of the kingdom work that God's called us to in the earth. But what, what is God calling you to do? Right? So often we're focused on what others are doing or are not doing in their lives and in their ministry and how we are disappointed by that. But what is called you, what is God called you to do? 14 (57m 4s): So Paul, in a sense, is challenging at superstar mentality, right? Where we're elevating people and it's just so unhealthy, right? So if, if we're elevating somebody on the platform to at the expense of our own ministry that God has called us to, if, if we're missing the point of what God has placed us on the earth to do, then we're missing it all together. We are of Christ, period. We are of the Lord. I was at a church years ago and the one of the leaders in the church was introducing their pastor as the star. 14 (57m 46s): He said, Hey, there's our star. And there's no stars in the kingdom except Jesus. I mean, only God is He's he, He reigns in rules. Supreme. We need to live our lives for God and not men. Not trying to please men, not trying to become men who people are impressed with, or women that people are impressed with. It's none of that stuff matters. Our goal shouldn't be, I want to be impressive. My goal should be, our goal should be, I want to be invisible, man. I just wanna be a servant of God, an under rower. 14 (58m 27s): Like I don't care. I I I need to do what I'm called to do and be faithful. And that's what all is gonna matter in the, at the end of, at the end of the day. So impacting our community and our world with life changing message of Jesus Christ. Number one requires that you live your life for God and and not for man. And then number two, remember that your life and all that you have is a gift from God. In our culture where we've got plenty, we forget that all we have is a gift from God. Verse seven, For what gives you the right, Paul goes on First Corinthians chapter four, for what gives you the right to make such a judgment. What do you, what do you have that God hasn't given you? And if everything you have is a, is from God, why boast as though they were not a gift? 14 (59m 9s): You think you already have everything you need. He's challenging the carnality within the church. People who have resources or political power, he's challenging them because they feel like they've already arrived. We, we have to be careful when we've attained a, a level of success to remember that it doesn't matter how much we have or how much we've succeeded in this life. We are only and always still a bond servant and a servant, an employee of God in Jesus' name. That is our call. And that will keep us humble and that will keep us grateful. Every everything that we have is a gift from God. And so God has gifted some and it allows those people to become prominent and, and were to use those prominent gifts and talents to impact the kingdom that we might make a difference in the world. 14 (59m 57s): You think you already have everything you need. Paul said, You think you're already rich. You have begun to reign in God's kingdom without us. I wish you really were reigning, but then we'd be reigning with you. It's like, hey, you've, you're not even realizing that we're in a battle. You're celebrating well prematurely, but you're also celebrating the wrong stuff. We're not here in the earth to build a kingdom ourselves, a place of sanctuary for ourselves. We're in a battle for the kingdom. We are under rowers servants, period with responsibility, Period. 14 (1h 0m 39s): And we must be faithful. Period. Verse nine, He says, instead, I, I sometimes thank God has put us as apostles on display like prisoners of war at the end of a victor's parade condemned to die. We have become a spectacle to the entire world, to people and angels alike. Our dedication to Christ makes us look like fools. But you claim to be so wise in Christ, we are weak. But you are so powerful. You are honored. But we are ridiculed even now. We go hungry and thirsty and we don't even have enough clothes to keep us warm. We are often beaten and have no home. 14 (1h 1m 20s): We work weirdly with our own hands to earn our living. We bless those who curse us. We are patient with those who abuse us. We appeal gently when evil things are said about us. Yet we are treated like the world's garbage. Like everybody's trash right up to the present moment. And we can turn on TV and watch health and wealth messages all day long until cows come home and everybody's telling you, you should be healthy, wealthy, and wise. That's not what Paul's experience was. 14 (1h 2m 1s): The church is delusional if that's what we think we're here to experience into a accomplish. Now. God is good and he blesses and he takes care of his church. But most of the church around the world is not healthy, wealthy. And why They're in the early church experiences. Paul experienced this. We go hungry and thirsty. You turn on some television preachers, teachers, and they're telling you that this should never happen. Well, it happened to Paul, it happened to the early church. 14 (1h 2m 43s): We gotta change our mind about the kingdom. It's not about us. It's about the king. We will never impact our community in our world with a life changing message of Jesus Christ. If it's always about us. Just amen. I'm not writing these things to shame you, Paul said, But to warn you as my beloved children, verse 14, verse 15, For even if you had 10,000 others to teach you about Christ, you only have one spiritual father before I became your father in Christ. When I preach the good news to you. So I urge you to imitate me. Paul said, so I urge you to imitate me, right? 14 (1h 3m 23s): So Paul say, Hey, follow me as I follow Christ. Right? That's a bold statement. It's a statement that we should be able to make to our friends, families, and neighbors. Hey, follow me. I'll show you what it means to be a follower of Christ. Right? Paul's not arrogant, but he is certainly confident in who he is as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we need to have that same confidence. Why? Because we understand that we are servants of God, slaves of God. We are here with purpose and we are laser-like focused on that purpose because we will be held accountable and we must be faithful. And so with that clarity and with that confidence and with that conviction, we move forward as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. 14 (1h 4m 13s): And we do what God has called us to do. We live in the power of the resurrected Jesus Christ, and we impact our community and our world with life changing message of Jesus Christ. It happens really one person at a time. You impacting another person, you impacting someone else, One person impacting another one at a time, at a time, at a time. Paul wasn't confused about his life. We will be confused about our lives. If we deviate from the scripture, we will be confused about who we are, about how we should spend our time, our talent, and our treasure about everything alike. 14 (1h 4m 58s): We will be confused walking around in a cloud, confused about what success looks like, confused about what our purpose in life is, confused and never knowing whether we've actually made a difference in the earth. But if we figure out that we are servants with a purpose and we must be faithful, then we will no longer be confused. Paul wasn't confused about his life. He knew that his life and all that he had was a gift from God to be used for God. And that God could give him a gift to him or take from him whatever. And whenever, and Paul was ready for it. Philippians four 12 and 13 I, I know Paul's rights. 14 (1h 5m 38s): I know what it is to be in need. I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I I can do everything through him who gives me the strength, right? I can do everything right. So don't get discouraged if you're in a hard spot in life. Welcome to humanity, right? Financial stressors, physical stressors, relational stressors. Don't get down on God because you think he's not living up to his end of the bargain. His end of the bargain is I say to you, you serve me. 14 (1h 6m 18s): That's it. Right? I redeem you by my grace and through my blood, and you serve me all the days of your life because I've give you, I've given you purpose. I've adopted you into my family, given you purpose. You get to serve within the kingdom to impact your community and your world with life changing message of Jesus Christ. That's what it's about. If we think it's something different, we've missed the gospel completely. If we somehow think that we're important within the kingdom, you're important as much, as much as you've been given responsibility. And if you don't do it, if you don't find yourself faithful, God doesn't find you faithful, then you've blown it. It's a bit, Did you hear me? You have blown it because you got your whole life to figure this out. 14 (1h 7m 3s): And God is so faithful and gentle and good. He continues to remind us and teach us. And maybe that's what he's doing today. He's reminding us, He's teaching us, He's instructing us. He's trying to get our attention in a world that's filled with distraction, filled with priorities that have nothing to do with kingdom filled with hindrances to what God has called us to. Paul said, Hey, imitate me. Do what I'm doing. Follow me as I follow Christ. Paul is discipling these believers in genuine Christianity. 14 (1h 7m 44s): Genuine Christianity. Genuine Christianity is what we see in the pages of scripture. Genuine Christianity. The definition of discipleship goes beyond just being a good student of a teacher. Discipleship requires that we imitate our teacher. Follow me as I follow Christ. Paul is urging these followers of Jesus Christ to follow him as he follows Christ. Verse 17. That's why I sent Timothy my beloved and faithful child in the Lord. He will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus. 14 (1h 8m 24s): Just as I teach in all the churches, wherever I go. Some of you have become arrogant thinking, I'm I, I will not visit you again, but I will come and soon if the Lord lets me. And then I'll find out whether these arrogant people just give pretentious speeches or whether they really have God's power. Because there's people within the church who are rising up and they're influential and they're speaking a godless, biblically void message. And there it's all about people exalting themselves. And Paul is there to challenge it. 14 (1h 9m 4s): He said, I'll come. I'll come. Listen. I'd rather have a dude come and shake me by the, by the neck and get my attention than standing before God. So I'm the dude today, and I don't make light of that. I, I am calling us. I am pleading that we would understand who we are, that we would get it at the core, that we would live it in Jesus Christ impacting our community and our world with life-changing message of Jesus Christ requires that all believers remember that your life and all that you have is they get from God. 14 (1h 9m 60s): And that we need to live our lives for God. There's a British rock band called Queen, great song that still played today great in the eyes of the world. What's her song? I want it all. I want it all, and I want it now. Freddie Mercury just belts it out, right? He wanted it all. They wanted it. That's the theme of the world. And if we're not careful, it's the theme of Carl Christians like we want it here and now. 14 (1h 10m 42s): We want our rewards. We want to live life. We want it all. Now, the fact that Freddy Mercury died of complications with AIDS at AIDS 45 isn't lost on me. This world doesn't offer what we're longing to experience as created beings in Christ, where we're called to serve the Lord, to give our lives to God. He said, Freddie, Mercury people, do you hear me? 14 (1h 11m 24s): Just give me the sign. It ain't much. I'm asking if you want the truth. Here's to the future for the dreams of youth. I want it all. Give it all. I want it all. I want it now. I want it all. Yes, I want it all. I want it all. Hey, I want it all and I want it now. I mean, it's just over and over and over again. This could be the theme of your life, like I'm working to get it all. Cuz we, we think somehow that that's what it's gonna scratch the itch or fill the void. He said, I'm a man with a one track mind so much to do in one lifetime. 14 (1h 12m 9s): Do you hear me? People not a man for compromise and wears and wise and living lies. So I'm living it all. Yes, I'm living it all and I'm giving it all. And I'm giving it all. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. This is the theme of the world. Freddie Mercury died in 1987, but his songs are still going, impacting our community and our world with life changing message. Jesus Christ. Number three, remember that the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk. 14 (1h 12m 53s): It is living by the power of God. By God's power. Where did I get that? Where did I get that? There's 20. The Bible. Okay, If I'm up here preaching something that's not in the Bible, don't listen to me. But if I'm up here preaching what is in the Bible, listen, the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk, but it's living in God's power. Verse 20, first Corinthians chapter four, For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk, it's living by God's power. God spoke it. 14 (1h 13m 33s): This is what we believe as believers. This is what we live for as people who are living for Jesus. It's not just talking about it, but it's living in the power of God. I say it all the time. Everything that God calls us to requires that we live in that power, that we're empowered to do what God has called us to do. We cannot see what God is asking us to do. We cannot hear, we cannot do unless we're living in the power of God filled with the spirit of God. Which do you choose? Paul Road, Verse 21. Which do you choose? Everything comes down to choice, right? 14 (1h 14m 15s): Which, which do you choose? Should I come with a rod to punish you? Paul says he understood his authority within the church and his job to bring correction. But it wasn't his hard to be people up. It was his hard to disciple people to raise them up, but to encourage them to do what God had called them to do. But he's willing to bring a rod of correction if that's what will awaken the church, which you choose. Should I come with a rod to punish you or should I come with love and a gentle spirit? What do we need? What are we choosing? I mean, do we, do we want to stand before the Lord after reading passages like this and hearing sermons like this and say, Ah, I didn't take it serious. 14 (1h 15m 7s): You say, Well, I'm old and I haven't been living my life like this. We'll start now. Say I'm young and my life is just getting started. Get going. Now. Think about it now. Say, Well, I haven't raised my kids the way this, that you're been talking about. We'll start now. Repent and apologize and start now. Say, Hey, I've tell your kids, Hey, I didn't raise you the way I should've raised you. Forgive me. I'm going to, by God's grace, begin again in your marriage. Maybe you've not been honoring your spouse the way you should begin again. Say, Hey, I haven't been the best spouse. 14 (1h 15m 49s): Forgive me. I, I'd like to begin again and begin again. Don't be discouraged by a message like this, but let it light a fire in your soul. We were had a campfire. We had our grandkids over Friday night and couldn't wait for grandpa to get home because I was gonna build a bill campfire, you know, they wanted to help me build a fire. You know, we got this little fire area in the back of our property and like, Grandpa, we wanna, we wanna gather sticks so we can help you build the fire. Like, okay, go grab up the sticks. And we start building this fire. 14 (1h 16m 29s): And it's just really small. At first, I said, just wait. It's going to, it's gonna get bigger. So I, I had built this TP of a structure around this, and it was just a matter of time before that fire just grew and grew and grew and then caught. And before you knew it was just tall and we're just, we're roast of marshmallows and having to be careful cuz we're getting too close to the fire. But it was exciting when there's a, a fire burning, it's an exciting thing. Some of us are just barely embers ember. We're just barely, barely alive. There. Stoke it. I got real close to the fire and started blowing on it. 14 (1h 17m 9s): I said, Watch this, guys. Watch, watch. When I blow life into the air, into this fire just begins to get hot and big. Let God blow some life into you. Amen. Because what God can do in a moment is, is wonderful and supernatural to bring life and light to your, your walk as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, your purpose. And you'll, you'll never find greater joy, greater peace, greater fulfillment, and greater satisfaction than when you're doing what God has created you to do. 14 (1h 17m 52s): Everything else pales in comparison to that. Everything else pales in comparison to that. So forget about the big points. What are the three small points? Number one, 0 (1h 18m 7s): Servants, 14 (1h 18m 8s): What is it? 15 (1h 18m 9s): Servants, Employee of 14 (1h 18m 10s): God. Oh, servants, employees of God. What does that mean to you? 15 (1h 18m 19s): My life? I'm here to do what 14 (1h 18m 23s): He wants me to do. You're here to do what he wants you to do. Yeah. Employed by God, we've all been employed by somebody in life, right? Right. What do you, how do you know that you're doing a good job when your boss is saying, Hey, great, great job. When you know you've got a good clear job description and you're doing the job, be a servant. Figure out what you're called to do and then do it faithfully. Go ahead and stand up, Lord, as we wrap this sermon up, Lord, we thank you for who you are and for your grace. And we love you Lord. And we know that you love us and that you've given us purpose and we will be held accountable for that purpose. 14 (1h 19m 8s): So, Lord, I pray, I pray that that's what happens here at Harvest Church and everywhere where we have influence God, that we would, we would model this and live it and we stumble. We'd be quick to repent and get back to it. In Jesus' name for all the days of our lives. In Jesus' name. Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you Lord God. As we get ready to worship again, I pray that we'd be worshiping with a clear conscience, knowing that we are settled from this moment. 14 (1h 19m 58s): We are settled and we are committed from this moment to march forward in Jesus' name, to build your kingdom, to impact our community and our world with life changing message of Jesus Christ. One person at a time. We are your servants. We have responsibility and we will be faithful. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name. It's worship 0 (1h 20m 29s): Jesus. You're doing on, you're doing ah, A you're doing a Never gave up. You never gave up, you never up on you never give up. 0 (1h 21m 11s): You never gave up. You never gave up on me. You gonna give up. Never gave up. Never gave up. I know Jesus. Not done. You're doing, you're doing a new, you're a new thing on your life. 0 (1h 22m 1s): You never gonna give up. You gave up. You never gave up. You never gonna give up. Never give up. You never give. Gonna give up, never give, never up, done with me. You're new. You're doing a new Hoo. 0 (1h 22m 51s): You're doing a new, You're doing a new. So come do a 1 (1h 23m 11s): God. That is our prayer this morning, that you would do something new within us, that we wanna be complacent, but that we would live to our eyes toward heaven. We would ask what our assignment is for the day. And God, we would just walk moment by moment, day by day with you. We thank you for your presence. We thank you for your truth. We love you. It's in your precious name we pray. Amen.
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Identity Series: Called to Love All People - Steve Henry
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
1 (1s): Good morning Harvest Church. Let's stand and praise and worship the Lord Jesus this morning together. Amen. I have been saved by the grace of God. Amen. I been raised to a loyal sing. 1 (42s): Jesus, Jesus, 0 (52s): Love you. 1 (1m 1s): She's i a in the, you won't. 1 (2m 28s): That's who that is. The 0 (3m 14s): You She. 1 (4m 24s): There's, that's the power name. Just giant strongholds. And there is, that's the, 0 (5m 24s): There's 1 (5m 25s): A hope. There's a hope that courage, the c expectation giants fall. 1 (6m 6s): That's, 0 (6m 10s): It's, 1 (6m 40s): I see you taking ground. I see you press hand. Your power is dangerous. The enemies can. Yeah. You still do miracle. You'll do what you, you've always sing it. Your kingdom, 0 (7m 19s): You still do 1 (7m 21s): Miracles. 0 (7m 22s): You'll do what you, 1 (8m 49s): How could I 2 (8m 57s): Sing this out? Sing. And you never with your hands, don't you get lift soul, You lie inside. 2 (11m 34s): Praise the sing it 0 (11m 41s): On. 2 (11m 43s): Don't you get, 0 (11m 48s): You 2 (11m 48s): Gotta 1 (12m 31s): Raise you again and again. All that I have is and knows I'm set for singing. 2 (15m 30s): You 0 (15m 31s): Are my. 2 (16m 54s): Yeah. Let's declare that together. 0 (18m 50s): I 3 (19m 20s): Amen. Amen. Let's pray. Lord, we thank you that perfect love, cast at all fear, Lord. And because your presence is here this morning, Lord, we pray in the name of Jesus, you'd cast at all fear. Fear does not belong in this place. Lord. Lord, your perfect love would just envelop us, Lord God, 0 (19m 42s): That 3 (19m 42s): We be, we just feel a tangible presence of your love this morning, and that we would then after this service to be able to go out and share your love with the world. Lord, we invite you here. In Jesus name you pray. Amen. You can take a seat. Well, good morning, Church is so good to see you. My name's Jeremy. I'm the youth and family pastor. And on Sundays I also double as a parking lot attendant. So I'm sorry if I'm the first face that you see in the morning, you know, chasing away from parking spots. Be gracious with us and with our neighbors, they've, they've kind of requested a few of their, their spots on a Sunday morning. So if you're looking for different places to park and that parking lot's full, we have a bunch of spots over here, right behind Clawdy Parts Pizza. 3 (20m 30s): And you just get a free voucher that'll let you outta the gate for free. There's some across the street, if you have family, the great spot to park is over by the kids minutes back there. So there's a lot of spots. Park right behind our church on the freshly re paved spot. And then in, in, right in front of Anderson Burs. Those are all available to you, but they get filled up fast, especially if, if you're a little on the later side. So just, just putting that out there. And a few announcements for you this morning is next week is a really exciting week in the life of our church. We're having child dedication. It's, it's a way that our church is growing. And so next week so far, we have five children being dedicated. 3 (21m 10s): And what that is, is it's not, we're not baptizing them. We're not sprinkling them. We don't believe in infant baptism here at Harvest Church, but we do want to dedicate these children. And it's, it's less to do with the child as, as it is with the parents and the, the family and the community. So we pray over these children, over the, over the families that the families will just raise these children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. So that's gonna be next week. If you haven't yet sent me an email to have your child dedicated that day, then just do that and join the, the, the fun. And then another way that we can love our community is next week for Halloween, we're gonna be opening up. We're gonna take all the cheers out of the sanctuary and we're gonna be opening up and having a number of game booths. 3 (21m 54s): And we're gonna be inviting the community into the, into the sanctuary and have them have some fun at some different booths. Now, some of the children that are gonna come will have never stepped foot in a church. And some of the parents will maybe never have set foot in the church. So it's a way of opening up our sanctuary, letting them see that it's not strange in here. It's a really cool building and inviting them in to to, to have a little love and to be loved on, and maybe hopefully invite them back to church and join our community. So it's gonna be a great, great time to serve. We do need people to help out with volunteers. So it's, it's an afternoon Halloween. It's, it's a Monday, I believe. So sign up back at Info Center. 3 (22m 36s): It's a great place to do that. And then thirdly, I don't know if many of you remember, but Dust and Chelsea, they served here at, at Harvest Church for a long time. And I think I might have a picture there We are, Dustin and Chelsea. And they were just great volunteers around here. They, they, Chelsea helped out with the kids' ministry. They both helped out with the youth. And earlier in this year, back in May and May 1st they felt the calling to move to Florida we're like, Okay, you go. So we prayed them out for our youth group. I know we, we, we, we just prayed for them as they went for our staff team as well. They went out to Florida, they got hooked up with a church there and started volunteering right away. 3 (23m 18s): And they happened to move to Fort Myers, Florida. And so that was May 1st. They, they were there for not very long, got really involved with their church. And then September 1st they felt like, Man, Fort Myers not, may not be our place. They were right on the coast. So September 1st, they got a new place in Naples. And so the end of the month, as many of you remember, and, and some of it's, this is kind kind of in the rear view mirror, but Hurricane Ian came through and, and, and wiped out Fort Myers, Florida where they were living now, Dustin and Chelsea won, say they're doing great. God protect 'em. God put them in this little bubble right there in Naples. 3 (23m 60s): They're a little bit inland. And so they said the only damage they had on their, the house that they're renting is tornado damage. Like who would've thought, you know, a hurricane of flight comes to and they had a little hurricane or a little tornado, They never lost power, They didn't lose water. But they're, they know a lot of friends and a lot of people in their community that are hurting. And so we want to partner with Hope City Church and that's the church that they're volunteering at that they're involved in. Hope City Church has a video about how we can help partner and help love on our brothers sisters in Christ in Florida. So can we roll that video? 3 (26m 15s): So a number of years ago with my old church, we, a year after Hurricane Katrina, we got to go and help out rebuild homes and, and, and get involved in the life of people that had been just demolished by that hurricane back then. So I, speaking with people being in their homes even a year after the fact, the the damage is lasting. So this joining with Hope City Church is just a great way to partner with our brothers and sisters in Christ that are hurting there. You can go back to the info center to find out more about how you can donate or you can give to help that church and their, as they're going out to reach people for the gospel in a tangible way. So just a great way to get involved in that way. So right now we're gonna have a time of meet and greet. 3 (26m 55s): So say hi to someone that's around you and yeah, God bless you guys 5 (27m 5s): Life and in your love and kindness raise me up with Christ and made me righteous. 0 (27m 16s): You have of remain love, 5 (27m 26s): Love 0 (27m 33s): Save, love 5 (27m 37s): You that broke the you soul. When I am ho if ever I forget my true identity, show me who I am in. Help me believe you 0 (28m 6s): Have grand chance of your amazing and love 5 (28m 16s): Made. Love 0 (28m 46s): My 5 (28m 46s): Sadness being 0 (28m 47s): Raised. 5 (28m 51s): I'll never be 0 (28m 52s): The same You 5 (28m 58s): Back. Love made love with love by your Grace House. Save 0 (29m 13s): You have love 5 (29m 23s): Made. Love with. 6 (29m 58s): Morning. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome. I love that video. The opportunity for us to partner with my microphone is on fire. It is. Okay, good. So I wonder, in the spirit of generosity, I wonder if in just a way to love people who've been impacted by Ian, the hurricane there, I wonder if there's a way for us to set a goal. 6 (30m 49s): I wonder if we should set a goal, you guys game for a, like a financial goal that we can bless that part of the world with. I mean I think we need goals, right? I think it's important for us to, to love our community and our world with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. And, and so what do you think? Do you think we could raise $25,000 to send off? Is that possible? Do you think? Okay, if if I just occurred to me, I we didn't have, I haven't had any conversation with anybody about this until now. So is it unrealistic to do $50,000? 6 (31m 31s): No. No. Who said no? Who said 50,000? Everybody 7 (31m 39s): Gave a hundred. 6 (31m 41s): Oh, okay. So if everybody gave hundred bucks. So I think we, we put a ton of money into this building and renovations and we are always putting in money into our facilities and our community and that sort of thing. But how cool would it be to, I mean, can we do, I mean if we all pitched in a hundred bucks, both, you know, all the people in our church, every family. I mean, I think, I think we could do that. How many families do we have at Harvest Church? You think so? Yeah. Per family. 6 (32m 22s): Per family. Okay. So let's try to do that 50 grand, right? I mean it's, I think it's, I think it's doable. I'll pitch in a couple hundred bucks and you'd, so, I mean I'm just, this is just kind of coming right now. Thanks. I'm not gonna put you on the spot cuz I don't want you to feel like you gotta raise your hand. But who's got real faith for this kind of thing? Josh, You got some faith for it? Josh, come on up and pray for us. Can we get a microphone and I think, yeah, come on up. 6 (33m 3s): And this is Josh Erman. He's gonna pray that the Lord would just open up the windows with heaven through us so that we could send them off a blessing. And I don't know what $50,000 will do in the scheme of things, but I think more important than the $50,000 I think is just the, the, the church coming together. Amen. And us you know, us thinking outside of our own 8 (33m 26s): Little, just realizing one, that the fact that we can gather together here free, we can gather together with warm water and, and Lord and sends money through tough times. Their faith is challenged. We at work, Thank you so much. Our church can be there in present giving hugs and encouragement. And may we as a church just brighten their light of faith, funnel money over to that church and seeing your kingdom grow. Lord God, I pray that each person here, their face would be, their faith would be increased with the opportunity to serve. 8 (34m 12s): Maybe not everyone here has the, the ability or time to, to fly over and be there and be directly your hands and feet, but through just modern technology and the, the ability to send our finances over Lord may, may that be multiplied. Yes. May the the the money that we we send have so much more of an impact than it would be with what we were to do in our own neighborhoods. Lord, I pray for encouragement. I pray that there would be excitement and that this would be an opportunity for us as a body here locally to, to grow and to, to get that fellowship where all of us can contribute and serve together in a unique way outside of the, the traditional ways of helping Lord Godda, may you be glorified in our time together in Steve's message. 8 (35m 2s): And I just am encouraged in his spontaneity and challenging us. I mean we all rise to that and make you proud. Your name I pray. Amen. 6 (35m 13s): Amen. Thank you brother. Appreciate it very much. Yeah, the back. So I, I just, I don't know about you guys, but are you about looking at Shelly because we were ask the Lord what would do and then the 9 (35m 54s): Pray 6 (35m 59s): Again. And so then their faith was, I think sometimes we make commitment. We've heard from Lord about this 50,000. But I just think that, that God's honored when we're generous with the resources that he's blessed us with, helping those who will never pay us back, they'll will never even know who they are, this side of heaven. But imagine the other side. When we are in the presence of the saints and the presence of the living God, and we meet people who've we've helped, we didn't even realize we, we, they're gonna come up to us somehow we're gonna know and there's gonna be a connection there. 6 (36m 45s): So think there's something eternally minded, connected to a drive like this. A a desire to help people. So do whatever you feel like you want to do. Just make out your check or do whatever and just put in what, what should we put Ian? Or hurricane or hurricane? Hurricane Relief. How's that sound? Good? Okay. Sounds good. Sounds good. Thanks for that. How many, you're gonna jump in a little bit. I gotta get you a little bit of a commitment, right? I'm not asking you to jump in with how much, but if you've got money or even if you don't have, I think sacrificially giving, I think it's just the way we're talking about love today. So this is a great example. We're really, I mean this is like the rubber meets the road kind of way to love people who will never be able to love us back. 6 (37m 30s): This side effect, we'll never get, like, you know, it's not like you're helping your neighbor across the street who will someday maybe help you back, right? Like, hey, here's, you know, some help. We'll never get it back. Never, ever. I think that's the most beautiful way to give to sacrificially. Give unselfishly. So anyway, we'll be receiving those gifts over these next couple weeks. It'd be great if we could get it done in a week. You think we can get it done in a week? You think we can get it done in a week? It'd be really good. This has nothing to do with church except for we get to help. So I'm not, you know, we're just gonna see what we can do. See what the Lord will do. 6 (38m 12s): Yes. If you need to borrow 200, yes, that's fine. I don't know who's gonna give it to you, but yeah, somebody will loan it to you. Who's got 200 bucks for Keith over there? Hey, thank you so much for honoring us. The pastors last week at Pastor Appreciation week. We, Jeremy and I are the only two pastors right now. Well up to that, up to last week. And now Curtis is on the team. So yeah, we wanna, we're so thankful. Just want to, if you weren't here last week, we, where did he go? He disappeared. He, he went out anyway, so we ordained my son Curtis, who has been serving in the church initially as a volunteer, then slightly paid staff and then just kind of grew in his role and his graduate. 6 (38m 58s): So we've, you know, besides the graduate studies, besides all of the most important stuff is what we've just seen in Curtis's life. The way in which he's grown. His character, his love for people, his love for the ministry. So we're just so grateful. And so, hey, so Jeremy talked about if you get here late park across the street, I got here late this morning, so I was, I parked across the street and so the way you get a free way out of there is you go back to the info center and get a parking pass. What's it called? Validation. There we go. So there's lots of parking around here actually. There's lots and lots of parking around here. So it's just literally like right across the street. 6 (39m 39s): So at the Century 21 parking lot there. All right, so we're, I, I got 17, so how can I be down to 17 minutes? Alright, I gotta be 17 cause I spent a lot of time doing other stuff here, but I'm gonna try to wrap this up here in 17 minutes. Our core values we're committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Confident in the word of God. Created. Oh, good, good. And called to love all people. There we go. There we go. We'll be in First John four, seven through 21 today. So these core values that we've been talking about, these are kind of the wheels that we roll forward on. And if one of those wheels is slightly flat, I got a flat tire recently. I don't believe in karma. 6 (40m 19s): You know why? Okay, thanks for asking. Because everywhere I go, like when I'm walking or running, if I see a nail, I will pick it up. In fact, I intentionally look for nails because I, it's a bummer to pick up a nail in your tire. So karma would say that because I pick up nails, I will never get a nail in my tire. I get nails in my tires all the time. Karma doesn't work. But I still, anyway, so I, I'm noticing my tire is, is low. And then the next morning I wake up and my tire is just dead, just dead flat. And so it, like, I aired it up and it, it goes flat within like 30 minutes. 6 (40m 59s): And so, so the idea is that you gotta keep some air on those tires and those are the tires that you roll forward on and you get better traction, you get better, all kind. You just, you're able to do what you're meant to do. So we're gonna be talk, we're, this is the last study this week or the last sermon on the core values called to love all people. And so we're talking about the love of God. I love, I love talking about the love of God because I know, we know, we know if you've been a Christian for any amount of time, you know that it's the love of God that keeps us, that draws us, that calls us in Jesus name. A friend of ours who's passed now, Cheryl Hancock was a missionary in Israel for decade couple, I don't know, 20 years or so. And I would, I, Ron d and I went over there to visit her a couple times and, and just did some ministry with her. 6 (41m 46s): And I asked her, what makes your ministry so effective? I mean, why, why are Muslims and, and Jews, why are they giving their lives to ge? I mean, why, why are they converting to Christianity? Says, she said, it's because of the love of God. It's foreign to them. And when they experience the love of Christ through Christians, they're just, they're excited about that. They, they get excited about that. So I I love talking about the love of God. It's important, it's crucial. It's, it's the identifier for us as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are known the world will, will know that we're disciples of God because of our love, one for another. 6 (42m 28s): So I first wrote this, we first as a staff leadership team and elders, we got together, I think back in 2014 and wrote out these core values. And we, we said, Hey, what identifies us? Not what do we hope to be? What do we or what what we're striving to be, but who, what who are we really today, right now? And, and so we identify these core values and we just know that we're, we're called to these things and that God has given us purpose as we live out these core values and we're hopefully gonna be impactful as we live out. These core values we're called, literally called. So it's, it's not just like something we should do, but it's actually a calling upon our lives as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. 6 (43m 12s): If you are in Christ, then you are called to love all people. When Jesus walked the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he called his disciples one by one, just like he called you. When you came into the faith as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, he called them, He calls us to a new life, a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being. It's like we're born again. And that's what the Bible says to we're actually like born again. John three, three we're born again. It's your new way of living and thinking and being. We're called. We're called. And the core values don't say we, we should love all people while we, while we should love all people, but we are actually called, It's, it's, it's not just a, a should an assignment, but it's actually part of our DNA as believers. 6 (43m 60s): It's actually part of our spiritual makeup. So it's not something that we do outwardly necessarily. It is outwardly, but it's, it's birthed out of the core of who God has called his people to be. As believers we're called, we are called to love all people. Why? Because we're new believers in Jesus Christ. So, so God has called us to do wonderful and supernatural. He's put it within our DNA to do this. A visitor to one of Henry Ford's auto plants met Ford after a tour of the factory. The visitor was in awe of what he had seen. 6 (44m 42s): And he said, it seems impossible. The visitor told Ford, it seems impossible that a man who started with nothing could accomplish all of this. You say that I started with nothing. Ford replied, But you are wrong. I started with all that I needed. He Ford had an understanding about who he was. He had a God given ability to envision and then accomplish something most don't even consider. So because of our new birth in Christ, we have everything that we need to do what God has called us to do because the spirit of God has filled us, taken up resident in our lives. 6 (45m 27s): We actually have, by the grace of God and the power of God, the spirit of God, we have the ability, the strength, and the grace to do what he's called us to do. And so we have within us, by God's grace, because of his filling, because of our adoption, because of our new life in Jesus, we have the capacity to love all people. Do you? Is that, do you, do you believe that? Yes. Okay, good, good, good. We talked about this first last week in Jesus, two 10. For we are God's handy work created in Christ Jesus to do good works. And so if we're doing all kinds of works, but it's not out of the love of God, we're just a noisy going and a clingy symbol. 6 (46m 14s): But if we're doing all kinds of busy things, but we're not actually loving, we're created to do great works with the heart of love, with the, and part of those great works is obviously love for we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. So let's jump into our main sex this morning. First John four, seven versus seven through 21 says to your friends, Let us continue to love one another. So John the apostle is writing to the church, He's writing to believers and he's challenging them. And he is challenging us, challenging us to continue to love because it's hard to love. 6 (46m 56s): And sometimes we don't wanna love and sometimes we give up on people because we just, they're just too hard to love. But John is saying, Hey, brothers, sisters, family of God, dear friends, let us continue to love one another. For love comes from God. And anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God for love comes from God. Anyone who loves God as a child of God. So he's telling us, reminding us of our responsibility and really the privilege, it's a privilege to love people. It's a, it's a privilege because what we get to do in loving the unlovely people in our lives, it's easy to love people who love us back is really hard to love people who don't like us at all. 6 (47m 47s): Right? But the privilege is we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We get to be Jesus with skin on. And that we get to love people who don't love us back. And we get to confound them by God's grace and his love and do what the world doesn't do and choose to love in the face of hatred. And when, when somebody hates you and despises you, we, we get a chance to, I say this all the time, everything that God requires of us requires his power, his supernatural grace at work in our lives. And so there's people in your life that you're like, I can't love that person. You don't have to like everybody, right? 6 (48m 28s): You don't have to agree with everybody, but you gotta, you gotta love them. And and that maybe just means that, Hey, I'm not gonna hold a bitterness darkness in my heart toward this person. I don't agree with them, I don't like them, but I'm gonna pray that God, you know, God would bless them and help them and speak to them. Doesn't mean we have to hang out with everybody cuz we're not gonna do that. There's just some people who great on us, right? Anybody else have people and we all do. Right? Okay, good. And so, but the important thing is that we would express the love of God to them and that we're gracious by God's grace. 6 (49m 10s): I, a couple weeks ago I was in the back here and it was Sunday morning and this couple had come through the parking lot. And this person, one person in the in particular was just really harsh a number of years ago. And I was surprised at my reaction to them. I was like, Hey, are you guys coming to church? I was like, where's this coming from? You know, like afterward? And they said, Oh no, we've already been to church. We're just coming for lunch. I said, Hey, I, I love you. And they were like, Oh, thanks. And afterwards I thought, where did that come from? It wasn't like contrived. I, I didn't like think about it. 6 (49m 51s): It just came out. I just decided to love them. It doesn't matter what they've done. And I probably might have to decide that again. If something else happens or if I see them in I'm in a bad mood or something, I might have to decide I gotta love them, right? Right. We got to love. So the John is right. He's telling us, reminding us of our responsibility and privilege to love others. John reminds the church that love actually originates with God and we demonstrate that we belong to God. When we love like God, when we love like God, we actually demonstrate that we belong to him. 6 (50m 32s): So the result or the result of a true confession of faith is the indepth dwelling spirit of God that enables us to love. So this verse is saying that the ability to love the way God calls us to love can only happen when his abi, when his abiding presence is with us. So everything that God asks us to do, that when you serve, give, do whatever. It's all a result of the grace, the abiding presence of the living God within us versus anyone who loves as God calls us to love. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. So we can't love like the world loves cuz the world's love is very conditional. 6 (51m 14s): Like if you do A, B, and C, I will love you. If you do 1, 2, 3, I will love you. That's not the kind of love that God has called us to love each other with. And it's not the kind of love that God loves us with. He actually loves us with this unconditional love God. I got called Agape. It's this unconditional love and it's a love that we actually can't earn and a love that we can't keep by our own actions. We, we never, we can never earn the kind of love, the unconditional love that God gives to us. And it's interesting that he gives us that love so that we can experience it so that we can choose by God's grace to love others. 6 (51m 57s): Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God, but anyone who does not love does not know God. For God is love. Wow. Interesting. Anyone who does not love anyone who does not love does not know God for God is love. So maybe your challenge this morning about how to love, who to love, why to love if there's a certain person in your life that you need to forgive, maybe that person is already passed and you're struggling to forgive what happened, You're struggling and it's just wearing you out, right? 6 (52m 38s): I mean, it's just like thrashing you internally because you're going over the pain, you're rehearsing the incident, you're going over in your life, what has happened and it's just wearing you out. Say, you might have to say, God, I, I wanna forgive that person. I want to, Well I can't express love in the, in the sense, but I can, I can release this person and allow the true, We can't have love and unforgiveness and bitterness in our heart. They, they, they cannot share the same space. And so we will not be able to love until we let go of bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment. We will not be able to do that. So maybe you're struggling. How do I love? Begin with just letting go of things that are taking up space in your heart. 6 (53m 22s): Let let that stuff go. Then you'll find that there's of room and plenty of capacity to love the way that God has called you to love. What does love look like? Jesus said in Matthew 5 43 through 48, You have heard the love that says, love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. Love your enemies. Love your enemies. Did did Jesus have any experience in this? Maybe, right? I mean of course he did. Right? 6 (54m 3s): So he's not just speak, it's not just hypothetical, right? In Jesus' life. It's not just, oh, this is a good idea. I think I'll share it with my followers. This is who he is. Verse 45. In that way, you will be acting as true children of your father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good. And he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupts tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect. 6 (54m 43s): And that word means mature even as your father in heaven is perfect. So we need to allow our lives to mature in this area, to be, to grow in perfection in this area. We're called to love. We're called to love. Number one, as God's people, we cannot get away from this call, this call to love. And there's nobody outside of, outside of that call. We, we, we have to love all people. Again, the the action of love is distinctive to us as believers. 6 (55m 25s): It distinguishes us from all other people in the world. Our ability to love it distinguishes us. And if we don't have that distinguishing characteristic in our lives, it's probably a demonstration that God needs to do some, He needs to do some heart surgery on us. Love is part of the evidence that a person is actually born. Again, the ESV footnote remarks, the person who lacks love shows himself to be unchanged at the core of his being by the gospel message. 6 (56m 10s): John is not saying that God is only love, he has numerous other attributes, nor that love is God a statement for which there is no scriptural support. God is love means that God continually gives of himself to others and seeks their benefit. Whew, that's a strong statement. Let me read it again. God is love. Quotes means that God continually gives of himself to others and seeks their benefit. So this type of agape love that the scriptures are talking about is, is a selfless, supernatural love that can never be generated out of our natural flesh, but can only be generated out of the spirit of God. 6 (56m 57s): I'm gonna just skip down to the last part of my message because we got 40 seconds left here. But I wanna talk about the different types of love because it helps us in contrast to contrast the kind of love that we're talking about compared to worldly love. There are great different types of love in the Greek language. Here are a few. A aeros is one of the words for love. It describes all emotional love, the feeling, the feelings of love. It's where we get our word erotic. So aros love is that insatiable desire to be near the target of this love. 6 (57m 37s): The exciting, passionate, nervous feelings that sweep over people in the appropriate circumstances. This is the love that says, I love how you make me feel. Interesting, huh? I love how you make me feel. Then there's fee loss, fee loss, love or brotherly love. Friendship, love is the next kind. We'll look at fee loss describes the love between two people who have common interests and experiences or fondness. For felo steadily grows like a building, being constructed stoned by stone. For this reason, when close friends are separated for a while and united, they will often say it's like we picked up exactly where we left off. 6 (58m 25s): Felo is half about the circumstances and half about the commitment of two people to one another. It says, I love who we are together. Or in a case of a non-person, I am fond of this food feel loss love generally grows over time, except in the case of some kind of betrayal. And there's storey love. Dogie is the love one house for a dependent. It's an emotionally, it's a commonly called motherly love. So there's different types of love. So we say in our English language, I love hot dogs, I love my wife, I love God, right? 6 (59m 11s): So there's a great hot dog place in the poem. You gotta go. It's like a, I dunno if it's like, anyway, it's, it's on the east side, you get off test street, turn left. It's, it's a Chicago hot dog place. Anybody know what I'm talking about? What's it called? Peppers stuff on. Oh, there it is. Yeah. So it's So you go there, yeah, you go there and you get this hot dog, it's all beef and it's got pickles and onions and peppers and you can build that thing, right? So this is, this is a type of love, right? I love, like I went yesterday cuz I was really wanting a hot dog and they were closed. I didn't love that at all. 6 (59m 52s): Right? We're not talking about hot dog kind of love. We're talking we're, we're not. That's not the kind of love that got, I mean it's like, you know what I'm saying? Let's jump into Agape kinda love. Agape love is entirely about the one who loves and it's nothing whatsoever to do with the one being loved. Wow. So sometimes we're like, Ah, I'm not sure I let my wife today, she didn't make my eggs just right, Right? We're like, Ah, I'm kind of put off right? As got love says, it doesn't matter if she burns my eggs, which she never does. 6 (1h 0m 32s): But if just hypothetically, if she burned every meal that she ever could, I'd still love her, right? Because my love for her has nothing to do with anything. Just a decision. It's a decision on the person who is loving has little to do with the one being loved. It got beloved in its purest form, requires no payment or favor in response. So when we're sending off this money to the Hurricane Ian victims, we're, this isn't agape kind of love. We're expecting. No repayment requires no payment or favor in response. The most common word for God's love for us is a go babe. And it gives lists. 6 (1h 1m 13s): The love we are commanded to have for one another is this type of love. It's the kind of love that First Corinthians 13 talks about. It's kind of love that John's talk first John, for talking about, it's like every time God calls us to love, it's this type of love. It's this type of love. And so when we talk about we are called to love all people, we're, we're called to love people who disagree with us theologically. Yeah. We're called to love people who differ with us politically. You're like, Oh really? Yep. We're called to love people who disagree with us, philosophically, socially, just in every way we're called to love people, right? 6 (1h 1m 56s): We don't have to agree with everybody, but we gotta love. We've actually got to love everybody. It's commanded to us in the scripture that we'd love God and love others. And so with that, I'm gonna invite the worship team up and we're gonna worship some more. And I gotta learn to write shorter sermons. That's I gotta learn to do. Let's go ahead and stand up. Ah, thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Let's just in the quietness of our own hearts and minds, ask the Lord. 6 (1h 2m 36s): And I'm not gonna call anybody out on anything today. I'm just, let's just ask the Lord. Lord, who do I need to love? And Lord. So that's the first question. Who do I need to love? That's probably someone that we're having a hard time loving. And then Lord, we're asking this next question. Lord, how do I love better? Show me how to love better within a agape kind of unselfish kind of love. Lord, I pray that as a church, that we'd be unselfish in our love. That we would, God, that we would love unconditionally seems really hard, Lord God, that we would love the way that you love us, which is unconditionally, Lord. 6 (1h 3m 30s): So help us to realize that, that we have the power by your grace and strength within us to do these things. And so help us to do it, Lord God. So day to day, throughout the course of this week, we pray that you remind us to love. Remind us to love. We ask in Jesus name. Amen. Let's worship 0 (1h 4m 34s): You. Hi 2 (1h 6m 39s): To to 10 (1h 6m 49s): You. 2 (1h 6m 58s): To 0 (1h 7m 16s): You 2 (1h 7m 16s): Are, 10 (1h 7m 22s): Thank you, Father, that you are our God, Thank you that we can exalt you, Lord, we choose to exalt you even when we don't feel like it. But I pray that you would give us the courage and the strength to love and to love. Well this week, Lord, would we hide scripture in our hearts? Would we call on you in our times of need? Would we exalt you and lift you high? Thank you for being our present help. Thank you for being our comforter and our healer and our provider. We love you and we praise you. It's in your preciously we pray. 10 (1h 8m 3s): Amen.
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Identity Series: Created to Serve God and Others - Steve Henry
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
1 (3s): Good morning, 2 (6s): Let's all stand together in worship. 1 (37s): He has to see what a savior has. See how his love overcomes. He you conquer the be every and break every, Oh God, you have to great. We, you in. 1 (1m 18s): Oh, you have done, you'll, you, you conquer the A. 0 (3m 8s): You've 1 (3m 9s): Great 0 (3m 12s): Hero. 1 (3m 13s): Heaven. You conquer the you every captive, and oh, the faith can. 1 (4m 27s): The s lets we with expectations. Waiting here for you, waiting the Lord. And still, everything you promised, your faithfulness is 3 (9m 13s): You just to come into the presence of a creative God and know that you love us, that you busy yourself without every step. You care about the ups and downs of our lives, and you carry us through. Father, we just honor you this morning. Jesus name. 5 (9m 41s): The Lord looks upon you and he is pleased. He loves you with an everlasting love before the foundations of the world. He sings over you. Lord, you are a pleasing sound to his ears. He is near you, near than you think. And he delights in being near you. Call out to you and peace and grace and truth to yours 4 (10m 18s): And the Spirit. Spirit and the bride. Say, Come and let him who hears say, come and let him who first come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life free. Or I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of his book. If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the flags that are written in this book. If anyone takes away the words of the book of this prophe, God shall take away his part from the of life, from the holy city. And the testifies to things says surely. Amen. 1 (11m 17s): Praise God from praise him creatures. Praise Father. Son. 1 (11m 59s): Praise the praise. Praise the spirit. Every mom praise 0 (13m 17s): Us. 1 (13m 19s): Praise the Spirit every moment. Praise God. Praise, praise. 0 (13m 37s): Praise us. Praise 1 (13m 41s): Us Spirit. Praise God who died, Who? 0 (14m 38s): Praise. 1 (14m 39s): Now, praise the spirit. 0 (14m 55s): Now, 1 (14m 58s): Every moment, all our praise, praise, praise. We praise you, 0 (15m 12s): Son. 1 (15m 13s): We praise you spirit. 0 (15m 16s): Now, 1 (15m 19s): Moment, all our God, praying, God praise, God, praise God. Praise, praise. 1 (17m 44s): Every dark is your name. Is the, your name is shouts. 1 (20m 2s): Jesus, the holy name Jesus. Shout Jesus. Darkness is healing. 1 (21m 46s): The Jesus I, 6 (22m 9s): Yeah. Look, we praise your name, Lord. We come here today in, in response to what you've done, Jesus, what you've sacrificed for us. You paid the ultimate price so that we can walk in freedom and joy and peace, and so that we can approach your throne without hesitation. Jesus, you give yourself to us over and over and over again, Lord. And so I just pray that each heart would be encouraged this morning, that each heart would be challenged this morning where we need to be challenged. And Lord, I just pray that we would as a church, glorify your name this morning, God, because that's the greatest act that we can do in response to what you've done, Lord. 6 (22m 51s): So we bring our hearts, we bring our minds, we bring our attention to you this morning, and we're so grateful for you. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. All right, You can take your seats if you'd like The beautiful time of worship. My name is Curtis. I just wanna welcome you all here today. If you have not been here before, if this is your first time, we've got coffee and tea out on the patio and restrooms down these hallways here, so you can find your way there if you need it. And also, if you're new here, we have communication cards in the seat backs in front of you. So they, they're double-sided. There's notes and communication cards. So if you'll take that communication card and fill it out with your information, we'd love to reach out to you, get to know you and connect with you in that way. 6 (23m 37s): So please do that. If you're new or if we have outdated information, you can do that as well. Also, we had a Bonko for Babies event this last week, and it was incredible. It was an awesome time. The ladies showed up and they were super generous. We have a gift, or we have a photo of all the gifts. They brought all these to donate to Lifeline Pregnancy Center. And so hopefully that'll be a huge blessing to the community and those who have unplanned pregnancies. And then also, we have a child dedication Sunday coming up. So if you're a parent and you want to dedicate yourself to raising your child in the faith, then you can do that October 23rd. But let us know. 6 (24m 18s): Go sign up at the info center, and we'd love to get you signed up for that. The last thing is that we've got Halloween outreach happening here at the church. If you haven't heard about it, basically thousands of kids are gonna be coming down this, this street right in front of our building, and we wanna be able to bless them and load them up with candy and just love on them. So we're gonna be opening our doors. We're gonna have a carnival in here, free carnival for the kids. It's gonna be really sweet. So if you'd like, you can get involved in two ways. You can bring candy, donate candy for us to give out, and then you can also sign up to serve at this event. It's gonna be really great. So we encourage you to do that. 6 (24m 59s): And then after, so after this, right at the minute, mingle, the youth are gonna be dismissed. But first we're gonna bring up Jeremy, Pastor Jeremy, Pastor Steve, and the elders, and we're gonna, we got a little something for you. So, Yeah. 8 (25m 32s): Yeah. Good morning. So as you know, this is Pastor Appreciation Sunday, and so we're here to pray for our pastors. But first I want to give a little bit of introduction, little bit of, not introduction, but their background, background background. So I'm Steve, probably already know Steve and Jeremy, so I don't need to introduce them. But Steve started serving in church when he was a teenager. And then by 17, God told him that he wanted him to be a pastor. So after he finished high school, he went to numerous bible colleges and, and has a master's in Pastor Pastoral leadership. 8 (26m 17s): And so that was his beginning into ministering. He's served as a youth pastor. He served as in street ministry in homeless ministry. He was a chaplain for the county jail. He's Sunday school teacher worship on the worship team and all that. And, and youth, youth pastor. I know worship, that's probably life was 9 (26m 46s): Off, I'm sure 8 (26m 48s): Youth pastor and then associate pastor. Oh yeah. And then God spoke to him again and said, You know, you need to go plant a church. Steven know how to plant a church. But he was following God's direction. And so out to Lopez, we went, this is when I got involved with Pastor Steve about 20 years ago. And what we've been doing as a church following Steve's leadership is we first moved from Lopez, then to the West campus, the sanctuary, which is now the chapel. And then we started acquiring more and more buildings. We were renting them all. And then finally it came up for purchase. 8 (27m 30s): And so we decided to purchase. Now the thing is, following Steve's leadership, it's, it's always do, can we do this? And, and the answer's no by ourselves. Yeah, yeah. But with God, we can do these things. And so our budget increased every year. Every year when we do the budget, do we wanna put this much extra in? And we go, Well, God's always been faithful to meet our budget, so maybe we oughta set it like, No. But Steve also is the pastor of the area. 8 (28m 11s): Pastors meet once a month for a, a praying and leadership and lunch. And, and Steve's involved in that. He actually runs that, heads that up. And so I just wanna say that it's been a blessing for Becky and me to serve along with Pastor Save. He's my friend. He's, I look up to him. He's my pastor, and I'm just so grateful, so thoughtful. And so we're looking for another 20 years. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Or more or more. As long as, until Jesus comes back. 10 (28m 53s): Until Jesus, every, 8 (28m 55s): So Pastor Jeremy, Pastor Jeremy, a little known fact. He was born in China. I lived there for all of one year. One year. One year. So he is not fluent in Mandarin? Nope. So after Jeremy and his family, he, he was born in China because his parents were missionaries. They were serving there. And after a year, they came back to the States and Jeremy did the high school thing, and he, and he went to U csb straight to high school. Yeah. Graduated U C S B. He's a brilliant man. He didn't have to mess around with grade school. 8 (29m 37s): And yeah, he was straight, just high school. But then about four years ago, Jeremy was working in construction, and him and his family started attending Harvest. And a little bit later than that, we were in the need for a youth pastor. And so Jeremy came to mind. So we, we interviewed Jeremy and I got to know his heart and his passion for, for the youth. And I thought, Okay, we need to hire this guy. There was no doubt in my mind that, that we needed him. So we offered him a job and, and accepted, thankfully. 8 (30m 18s): And so now Jeremy's, he's doing the youth Wednesday night meetings and teaching youth on Sunday mornings high junior high and high school. And that's why there's so many not empty seats now because of the, Jeremy hasn't taken all the youth away. And so those of you that are sitting, are sitting and waiting for a seat, you'll, you'll find a seat pretty soon. So he's, he's been thank serving graciously, humbly, thankfully, and is such a tremendous influence on our youth. And it's, it's good for me. 8 (31m 4s): And I, and I love seeing this. I'm also, many of, you know, I'm a teacher. I teach at high school level. And so we kind of have the same goal in mind because the youth is our, it's the next generation that we're raising up. And if, if we don't raise up the, the youth, then things are going to go downhill. And we don't want that. So we're, we're grateful for Jeremy. I'm glad that he came on board. He's a team player and of asset to harvest, and we love you so much. 8 (31m 45s): Right? 13 (31m 49s): Why do you have a sticker on? Why do you have a stick? Neil and Jim, if you could go grab your whatever it is a way of honoring our pastors, throwing our appreciation from the children's ministry, the kids' ministry grades first, second, third, and fourth have created something that I would like to narrate, which will be their way of honoring this one over here is, is honoring Pastor Steve. That's why I have the stick, if anyone gets out of line, I have a stick. And this will be honoring Jeremy. And so I'm gonna start right over here. All right. I'm just gonna read it to you. 13 (32m 29s): Hopefully you can see what we got going on here. So again, Pastor Steve, this is for you. Heartfelt from the children. Our pastor is a rock star and a sweet tart for everything he does. We wanted to take five to thank you. He is always there to pick up the pieces. He makes us snicker and chuckle at his jokes, which he happens to buy from the children. By the way, he deserves a hundred grand every payday. 13 (33m 15s): Jim, we gotta raise a budget. You are m and ms, which means mighty manager of our church. The higher please. Neil, thank you. You have made mounds of difference in our lives as we journey down the rocky road of life and a lifesaver for many. You will be in our hearts now and now and later. Now and later. Thank you, Neil. All right. Tell you what, let me stand right over here for this one. 13 (33m 56s): Okay. Pastor Jeremy, Heartfelt from the children. You ready? Yeah. Ready. Okay. You are truly Mr. Goodbar. You are such a, a sweet tart and go the extra mile for our youth. You bring so much. It says Almond joy, Joy to so many. You are m and ms, which means mega mellow man. You give us airheads, you give us airheads advice and guidance and a lifesaver when it comes to helping our youth over the rocky road of life. 13 (34m 38s): You always make sure we have donuts. You are a rockstar with youth. Little higher dare Jim. Thank you. You are a rockstar youth minister and a, a outrageous baptizer, Okay? No big kisses to you for all you do for our church. We love you two pieces. 13 (35m 22s): So what we'd like to do now for, for Steve and Jeremy, is we just like to pray for them. And so we would ask you to, you know, pray along with us, agree with us, Neil, we're gonna start with you, 10 (35m 34s): Right? Good morning. 13 (35m 36s): Just so, 14 (35m 37s): So glad I said at first service, and I'll say it again, that these men said yes to serving and also just wanna share a little story. Got to church early this morning to prepare for this, and Jeremy was out in the parking lot with a little broom sweeping up cigarette butts that were out in the parking lot. So I just, I just, it just illustrates the preparation that goes into this morning. You know, that last song we sang, you know, I just wanna speak the name of Jesus. You just, you just need to know that, that that happened in prayer before we all met this morning that happened with the worship team back in the green room this morning before we all gathered that you really are prayed in every day. 14 (36m 24s): You really are looked after in a special way. And these two men lead the way. And it's just an honor to serve with you guys. Father God, we ask your blessing, Lord, on their sacrifice of service, Lord, on their family sacrifices. Service Father would pray Your wisdom and grace and your Holy Spirit would fall in a powerful way, Lord God, all the days of their lives, Lord, instructing and motivating for them to reach and teach all of us, Lord God, to bring the word, Father God, to bring their wisdom and their insight, Lord God, and their willingness, Lord, just to say yes to you. I thank you and praise you, Father. And we ask in Jesus' name. 15 (37m 6s): You know, the Bible says, Jesus says that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the servant of all. He was a servant. He came to die. He came to lay down his life. And he said, And I will give you shepherds after my own heart. And truly, these men are shepherds after God's own heart. They care about you, they pray for you. They're there when you need them. If you want to some counseling or prayer. And they study. They give hours in studying the word of God so that they don't miss giving you the whole council of God from cover to cover. 15 (37m 49s): These are mighty men in God's kingdom. He looks at them as his soldiers, as his servants, as his fellow heirs. And we honor them today. We bless them in Jesus name. And we're so thankful that we don't have to worry when they open the word of God, cuz we know they're gonna teach it and not just talk about it. So let's just pray and, and again, give thanks for them. Father, we thank you for these men of God and Ron too, Lord, even though he's retired. And Lord, we thank you for all that they've done in this fellowship, all that they continue to do. 15 (38m 33s): We pray, God, that you would continue to feed your flock through them. Raise up others who will be able to go out and do likewise. We commit this church into your hands, and we thank you for their faithfulness. In Jesus' name. Amen. 7 (38m 53s): Okay, 8 (38m 59s): So, Lord, thank you so much for these, Ben. I know I've said a lot about 'em and talked about their background, but what's most important is they follow you. They desire to be your servant, Lord. And we, we thank you that they have a servant attitude, and it's easy for us to follow them the way they follow you. It's easy for us to follow Jesus just the same, because they set a good example for us to follow. Thank you Lord for these two men. And Ron, who just recently retired, was our pastor here for a number of years. 8 (39m 40s): And we just honor honor them today. We, we, we just thank you and praise you and give you, give you all our love and devotion, Lord. And for these men, it's in your precious name. Amen. 7 (39m 57s): Amen. Amen. 13 (39m 59s): And Lord, we trust that you're gonna fill both Steve and Jeremy fresh with the power of your spirit. Lord, without you, they can do, they can't do anything, but it's through you. They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. Lord, we know we're all in a battle, but especially our leaders are in a battle, a spiritual battle. And we, we know we have an adversary. We'd love to take them down and take them out. Lord, we pray for them. We lift them up to you to lift up their arms in the battle, to give them strength in the battle, encouragement, confidence, knowing Lord, that all they are able to do really comes directly from you. So let bless these two guys, bless these men. I pray for their families, for their marriage, that their, their marriages would continue to grow stronger and stronger, and their children would be blessed. 13 (40m 44s): Pour out your spirit upon their families. We pray we commit these to godly men, to you, and we thank you for your faithfulness. In Jesus name we pray, and all God's people said, amen. Amen. All right, Yeah, there's one more thing we wanna do before we let Steve preach. And what it is, is actually one of the most wonderful things that we get to do as a church body. And that is we're going to set apart, pray for and orain another pastor for Harvest Church. And so Curtis, I'd like to invite you to go ahead and come on up here. 13 (41m 30s): Hi, Clark. Yeah, go ahead and stand right in the middle there. So we're, we're gonna talk about, about you just a little bit. So personally, I've known Curtis since, I think he was about five years old. He went to school with one, one of our kids as well. And, and most everybody on the stage here has known Curtis for a long, long time. This is Clark Curtis's wife. We haven't known you quite as long, but she, she hails from Alabama. Got that right. Go tide. Go Crimson Tide. Yeah. Yeah. So we've been meeting with Curtis for, for a number of years and we've been trying to determine a few things. 13 (42m 10s): But one is, a pastor's role is not like any other courier pursuit. It's a calling. And so what we did in our meetings with Curtis is we wanna affirm the calling that's upon his life. And part of that come, comes with, you know, really difficult questions and really giving him, you know, a run through to make sure that you know that he's prepared and equipped. There's no perfect pastor, you guys know that, right? But God calls a man and equips the man to do the work of a shepherd. And we have multiple pastors because we, we want to shepherd the body of Christchurch Harvest Church really well. So wanna read a scripture to you, Curtis, that you know very well. 13 (42m 52s): It's from Ephesian chapter four, verse 11 and 12. Now, these are the gifts Christ gave to the church, Apostles, prophets, evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. So again, by definition, the role of a pastor, the job of a pastor is to be a shepherd. You know, the Bible talks about us being sheep, right? And, and that's not really a compliment. I don't think that we're called sheep by God, but sheep need shepherds. Now, Jesus is the chief shepherd. We, we know that, we understand that, but he's appointed shepherds that we can relate to. 13 (43m 37s): And again, as I said, you know, none of these men up here, perfect men, we all deal with the same things that, that hu humans deal with. But God has still chosen to, to use men to, to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. So being a pastor is, as I said earlier, it's not a career path that you would choose. It is simply a calling that is upon your life. And as, as we've seen Curtis on this journey, again, we, we wanna affirm you, Curtis, that God's call is upon your life. And by him being up here, for all of us that know Curtis, this shouldn't be a surprise. This should be like, Well, of course Curtis is being set apart for the work in the ministry because he is been doing it all along and we see God's hand upon your life. 13 (44m 20s): And so we're just in agreement with what he's doing. Curtis simply said, yes. He said yes to God's calling upon his life. And so with that, some of Curtis's qualifications, in addition to, if you want to read through first Timothy chapter three, there's kind of a list of qualifications there for church leaders. But in addition to that, Curtis' qualifications are as follows. He attended Bible college in New Zealand for a year to study ministry. He completed a master's degree in pastoral leadership. He has served on the Harvest staff team in various areas for the past seven years. And he started out doing, these were his original jobs. 13 (44m 60s): He did landscaping, cleaning, and facility maintenance. So one of the ways that we determine if somebody actually has a shepherd's heart, a servant's heart, and they'll say, Hey, I wanna do ministry at Harvest Church. We say, Well, you know, we've got some bathrooms that need to get cleaned and we've got some, you know, stuff to do on the property. And it, and it shows a lot about a person in your heart in particular, Curtis, because you've been eager to do anything and everything that you've been asked to do unto the Lord. And so we wanna affirm that again. And also, Curtis is currently serving Harvest Church in these following areas. He leads our young professionals group, He's in charge of our facility maintenance team. So apparently you're never gonna get away from that one. 13 (45m 41s): Curtis. Yeah, Yeah. He also leads our welcome team, which is greeters and the info center here at church. Maybe most importantly, he leads our coffee team. Okay. Pretty, yes, he o he oversees our missions. And so these would be, he, he's our primary contact for our missions effort locally and throughout the world. He's over our marketing and branding. What does that mean? Well, he's over the website, the app, and all the kind of digital media stuff that goes out there every week. So in the future, Curtis will be taking on more responsibilities in the area, mainly of pastoral leadership. 13 (46m 21s): We're talking about teaching, counseling, shepherding, and basically, you know, caring for God's people. And so we're gonna lay hands on Curtis right now in, in the scripture. That's what we see is the model is as for example, the Apostle Paul, when he would plan a church in a new community and it would get established, he would raise up leaders for that local church and they would lay hands on the leaders and basically set 'em apart for the work that got us calling them to do. So we ask that you would agree with us as we pray for Curtis, and we ask that you would encourage him, that you would support him in the work that God is calling him to do. So we're gonna pray for Curtis right now, and Neil, I'm gonna have you go, go ahead and start 14 (47m 8s): Heavenly Father, lift Curtis and Clark up to you or God, and thank you Father, that they've said yes Lord God. Father, we thank you for the sacrifice, Lord, that they know they're gonna make along the way, Father God. And your word says, Your grace is always sufficient, Father God, it underpins everything, Lord. Father, I'm just, I'm blessed to lead with this man and to be led by this man, Lord God. And we thank you and praise you, Father, and just pray your Holy Spirit would empower every day, Lord God, there would be grace every day, Lord abundantly applied Lord in his marriage with his kids, Lord God in his ministry here. Father, we thank you and praise you. 14 (47m 48s): We asking Jesus name. 15 (47m 55s): Father, I just thank you also that I have had the privilege of seeing Curtis grow up from a little boy to a man of God. He's following in his father's footsteps, Lord. And you've called him, you told him, I want you to be my servant. I want you to be a pastor. And Lord, we thank you for giving him Clark a godly woman Lord, as I've seen so far, and I know God, that she loves him dearly and she wants to walk beside him every step of the way. Whatever you call him to we pray, Father, that you would just continue to add to his ministry, enlarge his borders, just use him and both of them, Lord, in a mighty way, reaching the generation that they're from, as well as younger, younger kids, Lord. 15 (48m 47s): And we pray God, that you would continue to give them a hunger and a thirst for your word and power in their lives, Lord, as they watch you make them the man and woman you want them to be and use in your kingdom. We commit them into your hands, Lord, in Jesus name. Thank 8 (49m 4s): You Lord. Amen. 16 (49m 7s): Lord, thank you for the character that you've developed and built up in, in Curtis through the good times, through the struggles and the hard times, Lord, that character is, is how you laid upon your calling upon his life, Lord, that he responded and said yes to the colon of, of, of stepping into church ministry, Lord. And he said yes in a number of different ways. He said yes, by mowing lawns, by, by cleaning toilets, by doing all those things just under and and out of sight of everyone else. Lord, He did that because he was doing it unto you Lord. So thank you for the, for him saying yes, the calling Lord. And, and thank you Lord for the com, the chemistry that harvest Church staff has Lord, and how we work together as a team to, to, to carry forth your mission and your vision for harvest Church and our community as well as in around the world, Lord. 16 (49m 54s): So thank you. That's that. All those, those three things, there Lord are, are there in Curtis. Lord, thank you Jesus. Thank 8 (50m 1s): You Lord. Lord, what a blessing it is to lift up Curtis and Clark today. This is a special day for him. Lord witnessed Curtis grow physically, academically, and spiritually over this last 20 years or so. But what's most important is, is his maturity in act in spiritually where we see his desire to honor and follow you. We thank you for the, the servant's heart that he's given, Curtis, thank you for the His being ready and willing and able to do what you want him to do, Lord, because he's following your call. 8 (50m 46s): Lord, we see a humble spirit in Curtis pray that we continue to see that as they grow and mature in their marriage, in raising kids and everything that this life has to offer Curtis, but mostly keep his eyes focused on you. Lord, that's the most important and Jesus name we pray, 13 (51m 13s): Lord, we know that every passer feels inadequate in one way or another, but Lord thank you that you have said that whom you call you also equip. So Lord, in the areas where Curtis might feel inadequate or unqualified, Lord, I pray that you would build him up, that you would speak to him, that you would work through him, Holy Spirit, that you would not only enable him, but empower him to do things that are way beyond what he thinks his normal scope of ability is. And so, Lord, we, we just pray for the two of them in particular, they're one flesh. They're walking this journey together. So Lord, as these other men of God have prayed, I agree, Lord, that you would use these two specifically to strengthen the body of Christ here at Harvest Church. 13 (51m 57s): Encourage us, use him as your instrument to take us, you know, to the next level and that he would have certainly a key influence on the young people of our church. 17 (52m 11s): Thank 13 (52m 11s): You so Lord, we just, again, we just affirm and agree with the calling that is upon Curtis's life. Bless him and use Him for your glory. Glory we pray in Jesus' name. 17 (52m 20s): Thank you Lord, thank you for this amazing couple and so blessed to have, watch Curtis grow up as his dad and so grateful for the blessing of Clarky and his life and his sweet son, Emerson. Lord, we just bless them, his family, His calling, their calling upon their lives. Lord God, they would just trust you all the days of their lives, Lord God. God, they would just, they would just be a humility that marks their life, an integrity, godliness, faithfulness. So Lord, bless him, we pray, Lord we love him. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. 17 (52m 60s): Thank you guys. Alrighty. Over here. Yeah. Oops, sorry. Ah, thanks guys. Thank you very much. Thanks Gary. As these guys make their way off the platform, thank you so, so much for honoring us today. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you so much. It takes so many people to do what we do. And so I just wanted to talk about our elders just for a moment here. 17 (53m 41s): So Jim, as he said, he's been with us, Well, he came, he didn't come the very first day of the church plant. He said he wanted to see if it would make it. And so he made, he came the second week and he is been with us ever since, ever since. And so he is just been a faithful, faithful man, just a brother, a friend, just an incredible encourager and faith man, faith filled man. Gary Tucker was my youth pastor in junior high school. I talk about him a lot. He's just was in my life during my formative years. And he came to the church in the early, early, I think first year. And it's just been such a huge blessing. Neil, Neil has been an incredible addition to our team. 17 (54m 24s): I think it's been 5, 6, 7 years, it's been a while now. And he's just been incredible. Just a man of integrity, a man of great wisdom and wit and, and just, he's just been a great, great friend over the years as well. And then of course, Pastor Ron d who just retired this year, we honor him. He's, he came on the team and joined our staff team about 15 years ago in a time when I really, really needed an associate and someone to just partner with me and with us. And so Ron's been on and off the elder team over the years currently serving on. And so I just wanna say thank you to these guys. And apart from that, we've just got an incredible staff. So again, Jeremy, so Jeremy been here three years and has been a rock star. 17 (55m 9s): He, not just because he does what he does so well, but he's just a godly, humble, hardworking, faithful guy. Whatever you ask him to do, he's on it. You don't have to even think about whether it's the job is gonna get done, It just gets done. And so it's just an amazing, he's talked about just the, the, the synergy and just the closeness of our team. He's a big part of that. Who else do we have up there? We've got Curtis Henry again. So yeah, Curtis, Curtis asked me a number of years ago, he said, I feel called to the ministry, should I go to another church to walk out my call? He, he didn't want to presume or assume anything, he just wanted to do what was right. 17 (55m 56s): And I told him, absolutely not. You gotta stay here. And it's such an honor. A lot of the staff members are family members and it's just such an honor that I was thinking about the folk Rods up here leading worship, Jim Folk, Rod, I've known Jim since we were young and yeah, Violet and Levi and Jack all up here playing music. Those are all his kids that he taught how to do the, the work of the ministry. And so we're so grateful for that type of a heritage and dynamic that we get to experience within the church. And so we're getting to experience that here as well. Leslie, my youngest, she's 27 years old, she joined the kids ministry team 10 years ago as an assistant. 17 (56m 37s): She actually has been teaching since we planted the church for 20 years. She's been a teacher or a teacher's helper, and then she was the children's ministry assistant, the director's assistant for five, six years. And then she went off to college, finished a, a psychology degree up in northern California, came back and at that point Christie Swo, who was the director, said, Hey, I want to change positions within the team. And I said, Well, who do you think would be a good fit for your job? And she said, without hesitation, she said, Leslie. And you know, I just said, Hey, don't, don't just name Leslie because she's my daughter, but make sure she's the right person. And, and she's definitely the right person. 17 (57m 17s): She's amazing. Amanda Henry, my daughter-in-law, she wasn't my daughter in-law, she started coming to the church. But my son was wise, Steven was super wise in snatching her up. And so they've been married now for the last eight months or so. And so she's the creative director. She spent five years in Australia learning training to be a worship leader, a songwriter. And then she came back a number of years ago, continued the work of ministry just as a volunteer. She finished her psychology degree about year or two ago, and she's been on the team now for the last year and a half as our creative director. 17 (57m 58s): So, so thankful for Amanda. Who else do we have here? We have Tim Mo. Tim, I like that Stash. Dude, what happened? You shaved off the stash. Anyway, so Tim Modern feels like he's part of the family. He's been with us for a few years now, and Tim did training in New Zealand in the audio video world there at a large church and then came back and joined Harvest and began to volunteer and be a part of what we're doing and then finished his degree just in this last year or two. And so he'd been an amazing part of the team and we're so, so grateful. Abby's sitting next to him. I'll talk about Abby. Abby's actually an intern right now working on her degree in film. 17 (58m 41s): And so she's working behind the scenes and putting stuff together and making us look really, really good. So thanks Abby. Appreciate that very much. All right, who else we have up there? Carson, what can we say about Carson? Where is she? Is she in here? Yeah. Carson, what? Raise your hand, Carson. Is she hiding? Carson's amazing. So this is the story behind Carson. Carson was here during her high school years. Her family moved out from Nebraska and they were attending church here and, and she was super impacted by the youth ministry here at Harvest Church. And then she went off to Grand Canyon University and finished a degree in entrepreneurship. And then she came back and she's here at church serving everywhere. 17 (59m 23s): And the team came to me and said, Hey, we need to hire Carson. I said, Well, what is Carson gonna, Why do we need to hire Carson? What, what is he gonna do? And they just, everybody was like trying to convince me to hire Carson. So I said, do this, draw up her job description, draw up the number of hours that she'll work and what we'll pay her and submit that to me. And then if it looks like we've got a position for her, then we'll interview her and go, you know, go through the whole process. Well, Carson's been a rockstar. She's just amazing. She works with kids and youth as an assistant. She is the, the administrative genius behind all kids and youth stuff. And so we just love her. She's been a great part of the team. 17 (1h 0m 4s): Who else? Who is that beautiful lady? Jolene. So let's all sing that song to Jolene. No, you guys know what song I'm talking about? Okay, nevermind. We gonna do that. So Jolene's really does not like that. Her pictures up there, she really does not like to be up front at all. She'd rather serve behind the scenes. And so for 32 years we've been married and been doing ministry together. And when we planted this church, she said, Listen, I'll, I'll go along with this little plant here, but I don't want to do the typical pastor wife thing. You know, I play piano and lead women's ministry and that sort of thing. 17 (1h 0m 45s): And I said, You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do, just do what you're called to do. And so she's been doing that. She loves being behind the scenes, she's in the office administrating everything that happens there, working just hand in hand with us every day and just doing an amazing job. So thank, thank you, Jolene. It's such a sweet thing to see what God will do in bringing the right team members to the church. And you guys are all a part of that. It literally takes like hundreds of volunteers to minister to the people that come to Harvest Church. And so you guys are a part of that. And I want to just say thank you for all that you do to volunteer to make everything happen that happens every week. 17 (1h 1m 27s): There's a lot, a lot, a lot that happens. And if you'd like to be involved, we've got this flyer called Get Plugged in with Great Service Opportunities. So that's the front of the flyer, it's back on the info center and on the back there's just lots of opportunities listed. So if you'd like to be a part of what we do, there's entry level things all the way up to not so entry level things that, And so we encourage you to check out the list, figure out what you want to do, sign up and be a part of it, and we'll be happy that you did. All right with that, we're gonna take about a 32nd break and then I've got about 15 minutes, 15 minutes to do a sermon. So this will be my shortest sermon ever. So go ahead and stand up, greet somebody and then we'll reset for the sermon 18 (1h 2m 24s): And 0 (1h 3m 18s): It will be 17 (1h 3m 42s): All righty. Come on back, come on back. We're going over our core values, those core values that the Ministry of Harvest Church kind of rolls forward on. So the first one is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The second one is confident in the Word of God. The third one is created to serve God and others. And the fourth one is called to love all people. So we're jumping right into number three. And so really we've kind of demonstrated what it means to be created to serve God and others. We just talked about all of the amazing ways in which people here are serving and just giving of their lives. 17 (1h 4m 26s): And really it's what we are created to do, We're created to serve God another's. Another, another, another way to say it is we are created for good works. My microphone sound sounds really hot right now. Is it hot? Thanks Steve. We are created for good works. The Bible in the old in the New Testament declared this to be true. Abraham declared his faith, demonstrated his faith in the good works that he accomplished. Rayhab the prostitute demonstrated her faith by her works. Noah, we can go through and list all of the patriarchs, the, the leaders in the Old Testament who demonstrated their faith with their works. 17 (1h 5m 13s): They proved that their faith was real by the things that they did. And the New Testament is true. Mary, Martha, Peter, Paul, John, Ringo, all of these guys, not Ringo, sorry, take that out. All of these people demonstrated their fa, Ringo. Is anybody missed that joke? Beatles? Think the Beatles. Okay, nevermind. We'll just let that one go. People, The old people got it. Thanks Mike. All of these people demonstrated their faith by their good works. Good place to start. Your good works is at home. 17 (1h 5m 54s): You thought I was gonna say church, didn't you? It's actually better to get it figured out at home. And then out of that overflow of that ex, that joyful experience of serving you get a chance to do it with others. So this guy, this story about this guy who he just, he was fed up with his marriage, wanted to divorce his wife and wanted to cause her as much pain as possible on his way out. And so he talked to a psychologist and this, he told the psychologist what he wanted to do. And so the psychologist said, Okay, do this. Go home and listen really, really well to your wife. Take her on romantic getaways, feed her breakfast in bed, write her love notes, read books with her, spend just a lot of time just in quality, quality time with your wife. 17 (1h 6m 47s): Do that for about two months, the psychologist said. And then at the end of two months, just pack up and go. She'll be devastated because of the change. And so the guy's like, ah, this is, I'm gonna do it. It's exactly what I'm gonna do. So he, he did all of the things the psychologist told him to do. She treated, he treated his wife like a goddess and fed her breakfast in bed and brought her flowers and sent flowers for no particular reason. Took her on romantic weekends, read books with her, spent time with her, and just did all of these amazing things. Well, at the end of two months, the psychologist calls the guy and says, Hey, have you done it? Are you happily unmarried? 17 (1h 7m 28s): Are you a bachelor again? Did you break it off with your wife? And he said, What? Are you crazy? She's a goddess. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't imagine this is the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. This is a great story, right? Like if we're struggling at home, we need to, instead of doing the opposite, the thing that we kind of feel like doing and kind of pulling away, shrinking back, getting quiet, what would happen if we just started serving each other? Like looking for ways we're created in Christ Jesus for good works? Why, why shouldn't that start at home where we have the best opportunity to love on our spouse, to love on our, our families, to love on our kids. 17 (1h 8m 17s): And then through all of that experience, get to see the beauty and the blessing of it, and to begin to do that with others that we come into contact with it. It's a great recipe for just an amazing home life if we will decide, I'm going to serve, start with your spouse, serve them, love them, treat them like royalty and watch what God will do to turn things all around. Some of you are doubting, just try it, right? And you can even tell your spouse, Listen, we're gonna try this out. It's gonna seem a little pushed or unnatural, but let's just try it out. And so maybe you say, Hey, let's just find one way, one way to serve each other. 17 (1h 8m 59s): And then, and they just surprise each other with that service. I, I promise you, I I promise you it'd be, it's gonna be so good for your marriage. Everything's gonna get better. You were, your communication will get better. Are there kids in the room? Your sex life is gonna get better. I'm serious. Like everything is gonna get better if you just humble yourself and begin to serve the people in your life beginning with your spouse if you have one. Ephesians two 10 says this, For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in then. 17 (1h 9m 41s): So God has given us purpose in the earth that we would be people who demonstrate the good works that God has created us for. So if you're a married person, those good works need to start at home. So don't be nice to everybody else but not your spouse. Start there and out of the abundance of that experience, you'll be able to love others and serve others. Hebrews 10 24 and 25 says this, And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as the habit of some, but encouraging one another all the more. As you see the day drawing near, what is that day that the writer is talking about there? It's, he's talking about the day of the Lord, the day of the Lord's return. 17 (1h 10m 26s): It's the last day of this present church age. It's the beginning of the newness that will enjoy all throughout eternity. It's the, it's the return of Christ from heaven where he will raise the dead, where he will hold the final judgment and perfect his kingdom. So we know that we're all, if you're in Christ and well if you're, even if you're not in Christ, we're all headed to that day. And so if we keep that in mind and realize that we're actually created for purpose to do good works, and if we keep that end part in mind, we'll actually be more encouraged and motivated to do what God has called us to do because at one point we will give an account for our lives and an answer for the way that we've spent our time. 17 (1h 11m 11s): James two 14 through 17 says this, What, what good is it my brothers? If someone says he has faith but does not have works, can, can that faith save him? Can that kind of faith save him? In other words, the question is, is faith without works saving faith at all? Is faith apart from works? Is that saving faith at all? If, if a person states that he or she believes all of the right doctrines, but their life does not show obedience to Christ, what good is this type of faith? 17 (1h 11m 54s): The the answer which is implied? The question is, well, it's not good faith at all. It's not real genuine faith at all. Just like love without external work works is meaningless. It's like rain clouds that that give no rain. There's a proverb says Proverbs 25 14, like clouds and wind without rain is a, a man who boasts of a gift he does not give. It's like a promise without follow through. So, so his faith apart from works, it's actually worthless. So what a good works look like. 17 (1h 12m 34s): We can look in the old, in the New Testament and decide and figure out what good works look like. This is kind of what it looks like. It's what we are created to do. But back to James two 15, it says, If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them, go in peace, be warmed and filled without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. So it's a one point message today. Point number one, our faith is meant to be evident in our daily lives. 17 (1h 13m 15s): It it's meant to be obvious to onlookers people within our sphere of influence. Our faith is to be obvious to those who know us. Why? Because we are known for our good works. We're demonstrating our faith by our good works. I love Matthews chapter 25 because it helps us understand how everything's going to wrap up at the end of time. In my Bible, this is titled The Final Judgment. Let me just read it. It says this, But when the son of man Jesus, when he comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit upon his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered in his presence and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 17 (1h 14m 2s): He will place the sheep on his right and the goats at his left. Then the king Jesus will say to those on his right, Come, come you who are blessed by my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you, you invited me into your home. I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you cared for me. I was in prison and you visited me. Then these righteous ones will reply, Lord, when? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you something to drink or a stranger and show you hospitality or naked and give you clothing? 17 (1h 14m 52s): When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you in the king Jesus? This will be his response. And the king will say, I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you are doing it to me. And so we've got this amazing opportunity and responsibility to serve others. And in our serving others, we're actually serving God. We're doing what God has created us to do. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. This is what you are here for. You are here for good works, to build up the kingdom, to let people know about Jesus and to serve in the kingdom work that God has called you to serve in. 17 (1h 15m 37s): This is exactly why you're here in the earth. When God is done using you in this way in the earth, he will take you home. So if you're warming a seat and have a pulse, you've got purpose. So what is your purpose? What is your purpose? What has God called you to do? The verse goes on, the chapter goes on verse 41, then the king will turn to those on the left and say, away with you, you cursed ones into the eternal fire prepared for the devil. And as demons, for I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty, and you didn't give me a drink, I was a stranger, and you didn't invite me into your home. 17 (1h 16m 23s): I was naked and you, you didn't give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn't visit me. Then they will reply, Lord, when in when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or stranger or naked or sick or in prison and not help you? And he will answer. I tell you the truth, when you refused, when you refused to help the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me. And they will go away into eternal punishment. But the righteous will go into eternal life. 17 (1h 17m 6s): And the only difference between the sheep and the goats is what they did and didn't do. So we're saved by grace through faith. We prove that we've actually been saved by grace through faith in the way that we live our lives. We've got three orange trees on our property and they're all three planted. And they're all three these, There's amazing three different types of oranges, one's like little cuties and a couple different types of oranges. And they're just so good. 17 (1h 17m 46s): So you go around and pick 'em up and eat 'em and just eating all kinds of beautiful stuff in the garden. You know, I've never actually seen those trees stressed out. Like I've never seen 'em like doing this, trying to push out the fruit. It's like they're never like, we've planted a tree recently. What's it called? Acher Moya. I'll never get that. I'll never remember what that tree is called. It's acher Moya tree. And we're, we've planted it in another part of the garden and we've got it on drip system in good soil, it's planted where it needs to be with a little bit of shade, little bit of sun. And that tree, because of where it's been planted, we'll just naturally produce fruit in, in time. 17 (1h 18m 32s): It will naturally produce fruit. So when you and I are abiding in Christ, when we're planted in Christ, when we're connected to the vine, we will naturally produce fruit. And so the, the natural part of it is that a part of abi abiding in Christ is just listening to him throughout the day, opening up the word of God and allowing it to speak to you. Just being filled with the Holy Spirit. And then the natural overflow of that kind of life will be fruitful. Fruit, The spirit of his love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And then in the scripture, we see all kinds of ways that we've been gifted to use our talents within the kingdom so that we can be fruitful, so that we can demonstrate what we believe by the way that we live. 17 (1h 19m 23s): If we don't demonstrate what we believe by the way that we live, chances are we actually aren't saved in the kingdom. If there's been no transformation, no sanctification, no real life change and fruitfulness, then we just need to ask ourselves what has happened. A good tree can't actually produce bad fruit in a bad tree can actually produce good fruit. So a good tree will produce good fruit. A bad tree will produce bad fruit or no fruit. So where are we today as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ? 17 (1h 20m 5s): Some of us been like brand new in the faith. Others have been doing this for decades and decades and decades. And we're always called to be fruitful as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your your life will change and your fruit will look different. But you are always called to be fruitful. I was talking with this gal, Granny Frida Moroni Fria, when we planted the church, we'd do these potlucks and she would make spam cobbler. Bear had spam cobbler. No, you haven't missed anything. So Fria grew up and was super poor during the depression and she, she loved her spam cobbler. 17 (1h 20m 45s): So if for every potluck she'd bring spam cobbler, and so poor Fria got, she just kept getting older and older and older. And she's like, Why isn't the Lord taking me home? And so she got put into a home and I'd go visit Fria. And she would ask me that question, Why is the Lord not letting me go home? And I say, It's because you still have work to do. God has given you life so that you can pray for people so that you can love people in this home that you are in. But so don't waste. Don't miss out on what you are here to do, but pray for your family. Pray for your loved ones, and pray for the nursing staff here at this hospital. 17 (1h 21m 29s): And when the Lord's ready, he will come take you home. And then after years, I, I can't remember how old she was, but she was like in her nineties and just she was. And then finally she passed and we were able to celebrate her life. So part of the beauty of being a believer in Christ is that we die and then we get to celebrate what God has done in that person's life. And we Bible says we don't grieve like those without hope, but we have a sense of appreciation for this life and for what is waiting for us. On the other side, you are created in Christ Jesus for good works. 17 (1h 22m 10s): You're created to serve God and others. What does that mean to you guys? I just kinda open it up a little bit here. What does it mean that you're created to serve God and others? And then with the refreshing of this information, maybe the first time you're hearing it, what is it gonna do to change your life? Who wants to go first? I can't call you. I can. Who should I call on? You guys are scared to death right now. Aren't you all in the back? Speak loud so we can hear you. You. 17 (1h 22m 52s): That's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Someone said in first service that if you can get through your day and not only think about yourself, but think about others and how you might serve and bless others, that that's just an amazing way to be fruitful. Just be mindful of others' needs and be thoughtful of others' needs and be prayerful about others' needs and watch what God will do. Mikey, 20 (1h 23m 18s): I think serving is another way to die to 17 (1h 23m 20s): Yourself. Ah. Serving is another way of dying to yourself. 20 (1h 23m 24s): So the more we do that, the more we build with this joy. Especially if you're not feeling joyful. 17 (1h 23m 29s): Yeah. 20 (1h 23m 30s): And it's just a good way to just serve, but also that prayer is not an undervalued way to serve people 17 (1h 23m 37s): As well. Yeah. Prayer is not an undervalued way to serve people. Yeah. So I 20 (1h 23m 42s): Think a lot harder on, it's harder for me to serve people and loving people face to face right now, but it's a lot easier for me to do. So I think that I was feeling adequate in that part. That you confirm that it's not 17 (1h 23m 54s): Inadequate. Yeah, it's not. It's not. It's powerful when we can pray for people. I'm driving down the road sometimes and I'll feel like the Lord put it on my heart to pray for someone. And I just pray. I pray for their whole clan. I pray for everybody they touch. We get saying, I just, I just believe for great things because I feel like if Lord called me to pray for them, and then I'm gonna pray for big stuff. Richard Harrison, what do you think? You wanna talk or should I talk to Kathy? You can talk to, All right. Kathy, what do you think? What does that message mean to you 21 (1h 24m 22s): About serving others? 17 (1h 24m 24s): Yeah. 21 (1h 24m 25s): Well, I think that you have to be close with the Lord to know which direction he's gonna 17 (1h 24m 29s): Take you. Okay. So you have to be close to the Lord to know what direction he's gonna take you. I love, I love it. True. 21 (1h 24m 34s): And I think that once he leads you, that he opens the door, like with us in counseling, you know, we, we've been doing this for over 20 years. Yeah. He just said, Lord, you could stop us at any time. We don't advertise. God just keeps bringing, hurting people to us. So it's being available, it's caring, and it's giving them the Lord when you counsel them. Just not advice. 17 (1h 24m 59s): Ah, good, good, good, good. So these guys did pastoral ministry for years and then God moved them into marriage ministry. And so now they're ministering to couples who are in trouble and, and others, but they're just doing a wonderful job giving people hope through Jesus Christ. So it can look in a thousand different ways. What is God calling you to do with that? Let's go ahead and stand up, and we're gonna invite the worship team forward, and the next week we'll get to our last core value. Thank you Lord for who you are. Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to worship you and to honor you with our words, our thoughts, and our deeds. And so, Lord, awaken us to areas that we're maybe not even thinking of, ways that we might be able to serve you, encourage, and serve and love people. 17 (1h 25m 45s): So, Lord, you've called us to good work. Show us what that looks like in our personal lives. We love you. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Let's worship 0 (1h 26m 4s): The So Made, made, made the, and there is 1 (1h 29m 22s): So, Make me a vessel, Make me an offering. Make me whatever you want me with all you. New wine, 22 (1h 30m 2s): Lord. Daughters, our prayer this morning that you'd fill us and then you'd use us even in a new way. Thank you for your word this morning. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading us, being here with us. We praise you in Jesus name. Amen.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Identity Series: Confident in the Word of God - Steve Henry
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
0 (0s): Morning. Good morning. Please 1 (2s): Come find a seat and, And please stand as we get ready to worship the Lord this morning. Before we get going, I'd like to share a scripture in a moment. Thank you. Revelation one, eight says, I am the alpha in the omega, says the Lord God. Who is and who was and who is to come The Almighty. It just speaks to the magnitude of God. He was before He is now and he will forever be. And that's what we're gonna sing about this morning. So let's just prepare our hearts to worship the Lord this morning. 1 (43s): He is so amazing and worthy of our praise. 0 (60s): We worship the God who was we worship the God who is we worship the God who evermore will be. He opened the prison doors. He parted the raging sea. My God, He holds the big story. Join the house of the Lord. Join the house of the Lord today and we won't we shout your praise. Join the house of the Lord our God is in and we won't be crying. 0 (1m 43s): We shout out your praise. We sing to the God who heals. We sing to the God who saves. We sing to the God who always makes away cause he hung up on that cross and he rose up from that grave. My God, still rolling stones away of the there's house of the Lord. 0 (2m 24s): And we won't. We shout your praise. There's the Lord. We shout and we were the backers and now we're royalty. And we were the prisoners. And now we're running free. We are forgiven. Accepted redeem by his grace. Let the house of the Lord sing. 0 (3m 4s): Praise. We were the now we're royalty. We were the praise. Now we are forgive reads in by his grace. Let the house of the Lord sing praise, Sing next joy. There's joy in the house of the Lord. There's joy in the house of the Lord today. And we will be quiet. We shout out your praise. There's of Lord our godly in this place. 0 (3m 47s): We won't. We shout praise. There's joy, the of Lord. We won. Be we shout face. 0 (4m 38s): Let's sing a 1 (4m 39s): Jesus. If you're excited about Jesus this morning, can you just shout his name? 0 (4m 44s): Jesus. We're not 1 (4m 46s): Ashamed in this place tonight, this morning. We're not ashamed to praise Jesus this morning. 0 (4m 54s): He is our Lord. 1 (4m 55s): He's our Savior. 0 (4m 57s): And 1 (4m 58s): We worship him. We worship you Jesus. Thank you Lord. 0 (5m 21s): When Christ is my foundation, rock, which I stand with everything around then I booed my faith in Jesus. He's never let me down his faithful. So I would he fail now He, He. 0 (6m 9s): I've still got. I've got peace that makes no sense. So I'm not held by own 2 (6m 27s): Feel. 0 (6m 29s): Jesus. He 2 (6m 36s): Faithful 0 (6m 37s): Every season. So when Blue, my house was built on you, I'm safe with you. 0 (8m 51s): I'm gonna make it through. Ray came blew, my house was built on you. I'm with you. I'm going make it through. Hey win. My house was built on. 0 (9m 37s): Was built on. Cade stand is strong on with everything around me is I've never been more black. 0 (10m 24s): I put faith Jesus, he won't. Won't, he won't. 0 (11m 17s): No he won't. 1 (11m 44s): Church, we're just gonna rest for a moment. 0 (11m 48s): We're 1 (11m 48s): Gonna rest in that church. I mean in that, in that truth, 0 (11m 51s): That 1 (11m 52s): He's not gonna fail us. Doesn't matter what we can do. Doesn't matter how far we go. He's the rock on which we stand. I wanna invite those. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to bring a word or speak out something encouraging that God has put on your heart as you feel led. Let's do that right now as we continue to worship. 3 (12m 33s): When our eyes are set upon the Lord, peace just comes overflowing beyond our understanding and praise. This world is such a chaos, a spiral downhill faith. The to us down Christ, Jesus, God, peace, the rock I stand all otherness sinking sand. 2 (13m 14s): Jesus 3 (13m 14s): Name. Amen. 4 (13m 24s): Father, we thank you that this is your universe and you will do what you're gonna do. And you've written it all down for us, Lord. And we have no need to be afraid or fear be seen, our country even falling apart from the top And the things going on in the world. Wicked or wickedness. And yet you are in control. And Father, you said in the last days will be a great falling away. And we don't want to be those people, Lord. We need to just remain focused and stand whatever currently said in 1924, fear not. These things must be. 4 (14m 5s): And so Father, that's my friend today, that we as your body here, Lord, we will stand, we will be focused, we will trust you. Whatever the wave bring. Lord, we stand upon the rock. We thank you that foundation you always have been and you always, Jesus 5 (14m 31s): One night, brains do not be terrified. You 6 (15m 42s): Sing that again. Let's all to you, Hi all to you my hiding please the place, the king and this thing because vehicle, deal 2 (17m 36s): With me, 6 (17m 41s): Car deal 2 (17m 43s): With me, 6 (17m 48s): Car deal with 2 (17m 50s): Me. 6 (17m 54s): How will 2 (17m 55s): Not 6 (18m 8s): Hoo 2 (18m 29s): My 6 (19m 21s): I will to you? I think, 7 (19m 55s): Lord, we praise you Jesus. You are so good Lord. We know that you're here in our midst, Jesus, where two or three are gathered, you are there in their midst, Lord. So you're here right now. Lord, we thank you that you're the friend that sticks closer than a brother. We thank you Jesus for all the things that you are. Lord. You are so great and so amazing. Lord, I just pray that every heart would, would come to you in humility today. Lord, you give you, you give grace to the humble Lord. 7 (20m 40s): You resist the proud, but you give grace to the humble Lord. So Jesus, I just pray that each heart would come to you in humility today. Lord, we're all coming on common ground. We're all sinners in need of a savior Jesus. And so we are so grateful for that savior that you are, Lord, we come to you with hearts of contrition, with with humility, Lord. And we just ask for you to move in our midst. Lord, we ask for you to do your will today. Lord, we just worship you for who you are and for nothing else. Lord, we lift up your name in this place, Lord. And and and it's in your name we pray. Amen. Amen. All right, you can take your seats if you'd like. Thank you worship team. Thank you Jesus for being here. 7 (21m 21s): Can't do it without em. Wouldn't want to. Alright, so just wanna welcome you here today. My name's Curtis. If you're new here, there is coffee out on the patio there and there are restrooms down these hallways. You can follow the signs also. We've got an info center at the back. And if you need to sign up for anything, want to get further connected to the church, just want to meet a friendly face, you can head back to the info center. We'd be glad to welcome you there. Also, we've got a couple of great things coming up. One of those is a worship and prayer morning that we're starting. It's gonna be at 8:00 AM on Tuesday. And this hopefully will turn into a monthly thing. 7 (22m 1s): We're, we're trying it out once and seeing how it goes. But the goal of having a 8:00 AM is the hope that you can come before work or before you drop the kids off at the school and just come and worship the Lord in prayer and just start your week off in that way. It's gonna be really beautiful, an amazing time. It's gonna be right here, 8:00 AM on Tuesday. The next thing is, if you have a child that hasn't been dedicated to the Lord, we're doing baby dedications on October 23rd. So if you wanna sign up, you can head back to the info center. Just a great way to dedicate your child and just say, Hey, I wanna raise this child in the house of the Lord. We want to raise this child as a Jesus follower. 7 (22m 43s): And it's also, it's kind of more for the parents to like commit their lives. Like, Okay, I'm gonna raise this child for the Lord. And, and so kind of doing that in public saying, Hey, you guys can all keep me accountable. So it's really good. So we encourage you to do that. Also, pastor appreciation is next Sunday. It's just gonna be a great way to honor our leaders and our pastors. So if you would like to bring a little gift for them or a card or something, you can do that and drop it off at the info center. Some people already did that this week and they get extra credit. So yeah, they did great. But yeah, if you wanna bring a gift next week, you're welcome to. 7 (23m 22s): And then the last thing is that we've got another outreach coming up and it's for Halloween in the village. And we don't love the, the event of Halloween or the holiday of Halloween, but, but we do want to take advantage of all the kids coming by. It's a great, great way for us to reach out to people, have a positive impact in their lives. And so we're gonna be clearing out all the, the chairs in here and making like a mini carnival in here. And then just be welcoming kids to come in, have a great time. We're gonna give 'em, load 'em up with candy. It's gonna be super fun. So it's, yeah, it's gonna be great. So kids are gonna be walking by and we're gonna be, you know, just loving on 'em. 7 (24m 2s): And so if you want to be involved with that, it's gonna take a lot of manpower to do that. So please sign up at the info center if you wanna serve at that event. So with that, we're gonna have a minute mingle time where you can hang out and talk to people and we'll be back in about a minute. So thanks so much. 8 (24m 23s): I need to, I've been taking almost a z pressing the boundaries, fighting off these feelings that pressing the drown. I get what I want, but I don't be what I need. 2 (25m 1s): Oh, 8 (25m 2s): My friends are changing. Maybe I was lost, but maybe I'm bound to be, all my friends are changing from maybe count the cost or maybe don't learn from me. Life is what happens in the between. I just want be waking dream. I don't need to just means, I just want, I just want be awake. Dream. Dream. 8 (25m 45s): Always lose the you. Maybe the, the maybe time. The maybe start the 10 (27m 23s): This down guy up here. I'm moving my lips but nothing's coming out and he's freaking out back there. It's probably not a good idea to mess with the sound people, but it is fun. Oh, come on. I knew I had a feeling that was coming. Kudos. Touche. Good job. I would've been bummed if you didn't catch that opportunity there. Good morning. How was everyone? Hey, we're in our identity series. How many do you remember what our identity series is all about? So last week we talked about our core values. Core values, right? No cheating. 10 (28m 3s): Close up your notes from your memory. What was the first core value that we talked about last week? 9 (28m 13s): Lordship. 10 (28m 14s): But what? The whole thing. 9 (28m 17s): The 10 (28m 17s): Lordship. Jesus. What is it? Did you, what is it? Confident 9 (28m 21s): In the 10 (28m 21s): Lordship of Jesus. Confident in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. What's the second one this week? 9 (28m 26s): Committed 10 (28m 27s): Or confident? Yeah, you're throwing me off. You're committed. Yeah. That was a test, right? We got 'em. What is it committed to? The lordship of Jesus Christ. I knew it didn't sound right. Committed. What's number two? 9 (28m 37s): Confident in the word. 10 (28m 39s): Confident. Confident in the word of God. What's number three? Sheila, You should know these. Come on. We've been talking about 'em for weeks here. What is it? All right, what's the other one? Got another good, good, good. And what, what's our mission statement or purpose statement? What is, it's a focus here. Okay. It's all right on the screen out or it's right on the, the sign out there. So it says Jesus 9 (29m 8s): To the 10 (29m 9s): Community, right? What Taking 9 (29m 11s): Jesus 10 (29m 12s): Out to the community. That's, that's it a nutshell. What I do in a nutshell. Oh, it's okay. Good, good, good. Impacting our community. So it's a big word. Impacting intentional, right? Impacting our community and our world with life changing message of Jesus Christ. That's what we're all about. So we're talking about core values and purpose statement. Mission statement. Because the core values are kind of what we kind of roll forward on. And as we understand our core values, we decide on ministries direction. We remember our purpose through those things. And so that's what we're gonna be talking about for the next few weeks. The rest of our core values, and then our mission statement. Then we'll kind of unpack a little bit what we believe kind of. 10 (29m 55s): We don't have time to talk about everything that we believe, but we talk about that every week. So with that, Lord, we just invite your presence. We thank you, God, that you are here and that, and when we gather, we gather in your name and you promise that we're, we gather two or three, gather in your name that you are there, Lord God. So we love you. We thank you Jesus for who you are and for what you're doing. Speak to us. Teach us we pray. Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Confident in the word of God. We'll be in Psalm one 19. We'll be going through about the first 20 verses or so. First service. I didn't get through the last point, so probably will not get through it, this service either. So, but I'll, I'll share that last point with you. 10 (30m 34s): Psalm 1 19, 1 0 5 says, Your word is a lamp and to my feet and a light into my path. And so we can find confidence in God's word because it actually lights up our feet and our path so we can move forward in wisdom with clarity, with confidence, with joy, and with peace. We know how to move forward because God's word is there to instruct us, to direct us. And it says that it actually illuminates lights up our path. So we've got this garden in our, in our in front of our house. It's called the secret garden. And it's super dark at night. And so over the years we've put in more and more solar lights and there's sensor lights. 10 (31m 18s): And so when you walk through the garden just starts lighting up. And so, you know, like when a coyote's out there or a stray cat or straight dog or or a stray person out there, we know when somebody's in the garden cuz everything's beginning to light up. And so we're like, hey, somebody must be in the garden. And so the word of God is like that. It just kind of illuminates it's light. It's it's light for our path so that we can kind of get clarity about moving forward. So I dunno about you, but how, how many have been reading the Bible for a year? How many have been reading the Bible for five years? 10 years, 20 years, 30 years. 10 (32m 1s): Rich here. Just keep your hand up. 40 years, 50 years. Harrison, you're old. 60 years. 60 years. Holy cow. 60 years Harrison's. Anybody older than Harrison's. Oh what about 70 years? So, well, right around there. I wonder, as you guys have read the Bible for decades, do you always get stuff out of it? Yes. Always. Yeah. Okay, good. So like, like you've read the same thing over and over again. Do you ever get stuff out of it at this? Like in your, Richard, I'll keep it to you in this ancient stage of life that you're in, you're still getting, you're still getting, you're still gleaning stuff All the time. 10 (32m 44s): All the time. Yeah. That's great. No, that's cool. Cool. Hey, there's a, a gold mine in Australia and they've been mining gold out of this gold mine for close to 50 years. And about 45 years into this gold mining, they, the miners discovered the biggest rocks of gold that they've ever discovered. 45 years of mining. They're pulling gold outta this place all the time. 45 years later they're getting like hundred plus pound boulders of gold worth millions of dollars. I I love this story because it communicates the value of continuing to mind truth out of God's word. Cuz I bet, I bet the longer we're doing it, the more gold we're gonna be able to mine. 10 (33m 28s): Out of that, we've got greater understanding and who, who knows if we quit early, if we're gonna miss out on those major big boulders of gold that God has for us. And so the encouragement is to remain confident in God's word, to continue to open it up all the time. And then just see what God will do with questions that you might have, concerns that you might have, fears that you might have. God has a way of revealing truth to our lives. This is not on the screen, but in Psalm 12, 6, 12 6 it says, And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified and a crucible like gold refined seven times. 10 (34m 13s): So this, the word of God that we're talking about today, the Bible, what we're talking about today, has great, great value so that we think about the, the word of God, we need to understand well what is, what is the word of God? And and why do we have such confidence in the word well taken from an article titled, Why Do we Believe the Bible is Actually the Word of God by Dr. Jim Dennison, PhD. He said, Well, the Bible claims to be the word of God, but this fact does not settle the issue for us because the Quran claims to be the word of aah. 10 (34m 54s): The Book of Mormon claims to be the revelation of God. The writers of the Bible were convinced that what they wrote were inspired, they were spoken, breathed by the living God. The Apostle Paul was convinced that, well all scriptures God breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. Second to Timothy three 16, what scripture, What verse what? What part of the Bible was he talking about? Referring? Well, in the first entry, all they had was the Old Testament. So he's saying the Old Testament books of the Bible that scriptures God breath in is useful for teaching rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 10 (35m 39s): Jesus believed his words to be divinely inspired. In fact, he said, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. His words will never pass away because they're divinely inspired as the eternal wisdom and word of God. And so having an earthquake passed away, but the words of Jesus will never pass away. Speaking of the totality of biblical revelation, the writer to the Hebrews claims the word of God is living and active. Have you experienced that? Like not in a creepy way like it's alive, but but like it's alive. Like it's got the capacity to speak to us, right? 10 (36m 22s): In our season, right in this moment, right where we live, right where we struggle, God's word has a way of speaking to us because it's what's living in active sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and it attitudes of the heart. Hebrews for the word of God is powerful, right? J Packer said the Bible is God preaching. So like God speaking, communicating truth to us. That's what the Bible is. It's God preaching to us to bring us into new life with him. 10 (37m 3s): Augustine described it as love letters from home. So it's just this powerful revelation that we have in the 66 books of the Bible and the pages of scripture. We've got this powerful truth that God has given to us. So there's strong evidential reasons to believe the Bible's God's word, but the best test comes from, well from personal experience. So the challenge to us is, hey, try living the Bible. Try what does it mean to live the Bible? Like read it and do it. Read it and obey it. Read it and do what it tells you to do. Living the Bible will give you the best possible experience and opportunity to realize that it is alive and it's active and it's sharp and it's it, it brings about what we need in every season of life. 10 (37m 55s): Except it's savior as your savior. So don't just read about the savior of the world, but make Jesus your savior and just see what God will do in your life. Over and over again, throughout history, people have tried to disprove the scripture. And a lot of times when people are reading and studying and investigating the scripture, they become converted. They don't disprove it, but they become converted in their, in their lives. They, they accept the Lord Jesus Christ make its principles, it's guideposts the guiding direction for your life. So we're talking a lot about the Bible and Christianity, but what about, what about other beliefs? 10 (38m 41s): What about other religious systems? I mean, can't we all just like get along, aren't we after all of the same things, don't we believe basically the same thing? I see this bumper sticker all the time on people's cars and as I sit there, I'm studying the different religious symbols and I realize we're also different. So can we all get along? Absolutely, we can all get along, but we certainly do not agree. 10 (39m 26s): We certainly do not agree. Conventional wisdom these days debates or dictates that the various religions are just different roads up the same mountain, kind of like all roads lead to Rome. We're all on the same path. And so that's what conventional wisdom would tell us. They say it doesn't matter which God you trust because they are all the same. Different name, same God. People say things like this, Ala is Jehovah and Buddhist and Hindus seek the same God that we worship. People also say different holy books are simply religious. Well, they're simply religious diaries. And who's to say that your diary is right and mine is wrong? 10 (40m 11s): Such an approach to world religions and their writings feels, it feels tolerant and even hopeful on some level it feels like, boy, we can all gather around and sing kumbaya together and be one big happy family. So there's that warm kind of fuzzy as we think about possibly all getting along. But is it true? Is it possible? Is that a reality that we can all gather no matter what we choose to believe in, sing kumbaya together? Is it true? Do other religions agree? Do they agree with this characterization of their faith commitment? 10 (40m 55s): In a word? No. In a word they do not agree. Buddhist beliefs. Buddha taught that there is no God despite the fact that a lot of his followers worship him. He instructed his disciples to avoid all material desires that they might cease their suffering. Hindu beliefs. Hindus believe in thousands of territorial deities. But no, no Lord of the universe. Brahman is the divine force that sustains the universe not a personal God to be worshiped Muslim beliefs. 10 (41m 41s): Muslims believe that ala the Arabic word for God is the one supreme ruler of the universe. That Jesus was a prophet but not the divine son of God. And that salvation comes through obedience to theran. This book is all as self revelation through his prophet Mohamed. They believe all other, they believe all other. They believe all other holy books are inferior to it for its pages, Its pages alone contained the very word of God. Can't we all just get along? No one thinks we could all just kind of get along Jewish beliefs. 10 (42m 21s): Jews believe that Yahweh revealed himself through the laws and the prophets of their scriptures. And I would agree, but they also believe that Jesus was was not the Messiah. That the New Testament is not the word of God. They base their hope of heaven on the mercy of God in response to their lives of obedience and morality. Mormon beliefs, Mormons believe that God revealed himself in the Bible, but also in their book of Mormon, a history of the early peoples of the Western hemisphere. Joseph Smith translated the book from Golden Plates that he claimed to have received from the angel. 10 (43m 1s): Morona doctrine in covenants contains further revelation received by Joseph Smith from God. The pearl of great price contains more writings of Smith. They picture God as an eternal being, a flesh and bone who had physical relations with Mary to produce Jesus. So just barely scratching the surface of what they believe. We know that it's contrary to scripture, contrary to what we believe is the truth from the word of God. Salvation and heavily rewards come through obedience to these revelations they go on and teach. 10 (43m 44s): So, so if any one of these religions is right, the others by definition are wrong. We can't all be right if any of these other religions are right, then by definition all others are wrong. If we believe what the Mormons believe, then we cannot believe what born again Christians believe in so forth. And in fact, none, None believe that other religions are equally correct or divinely inspired. 10 (44m 26s): None of no real believer in any of these religious ex experiences or whatever these other religions believe that other religions are equally correct or divinely inspired. I at my house, I get people knocking on the door. Joe's witnesses, Hey, I'm a Christian pastor, but what do they want to do? Well, if we're all Christians, why do they want to convert me? Because they know that I'm not one of them. Right Mormon, right? Same deal, right? So we can all say, hey, let's kumbaya thing and get along and do it, but we just believe differently. 10 (45m 7s): And so it makes a huge difference in the way that we live our lives. The, the scriptures at the various world religions trust do not describe different paths of the same mountain, but very different mountains. So choose, choose wisely. I wanna say thank you to Dr. Dennison for his article. A lot of what I've been talking about here in the last 10 minutes has been information from his article. It's just helpful to, for us to get our heads around truth. At Harvest Church. At Harvest Church here at Harvest Church, we are confident in the word of God, the Bible, that that's all we have. 10 (45m 54s): People show up and they say, Well, you, you teach outta the Bible. I'm like, What else in the world? What do we teach? Even if I knew something else, I wouldn't wanna teach it because anything else's gonna take us up the wrong mountain, down the wrong path. Jesus said, I'm the way that's truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through, through me. Pretty clear Jesus is declaring that he is the only way that Christianity is the only way. So we have confidence in the word of God because of what we glean from the word of God, but beyond the fact that we just know that as it is, God breathed that he spoke it. 10 (46m 40s): But, but my experience and the scriptures declare that when we read the word of God, there's incredible joy. That is the experience. There's an incredible joy that we experienced as readers and doers of the word of God. So at Harvest Church, we, we are confident in the Word of God, the Bible. Why? Because God's word brings joy to those who follow it. Is that, has that been your experience? It's been, it's been my experience. Now, I reading about God and his work with humanity on the earth always fills me with hope and with joy. 10 (47m 25s): Because if God can work through the people and the pages of scripture, I have hope. And that he can work through me. And that gives me great joy. And it should give you great joy as well. This almost understood this. Psalm 1 19, 1 says this, Joyful are people of integrity who follow the instructions of the Lord, joyful, blessed, happier people of integrity who follow the instructions of Lord, how do we get to that place of integrity? We follow the instruction of the Lord. Integrity flows out of our obedience. And so we become people, man, women, young people, old people of integrity. 10 (48m 6s): When we do what God has asked us to do, Ne Maya got it. He said, The joy of the Lord is our strength. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Where do we get that joy from just doing the will of God? It fills us with just this great deal of joy and confidence because we're doing what God has called us to do. And accompanied the fruit of that obedience is joy. What's the opposite of that? Disobedience brings what? Turmoil. Turmoil. Right? It it just kind of causes angst in our souls. Like I see, Lord, I see, but I, I'm not interested, right? So, so there's this inward internal battle as believers and I, we re we really experience it every day because, I dunno, most people I know get up in the morning and that's when they have their devotional time. 10 (48m 53s): Others do it at night and that's great. But this is the reality. We wake up in the morning, everything's got our attention, right? Like I gotta get my first cup of coffee, right? Because Lord, I'm not gonna be able to really pay attention to what you're saying until I get my first cup of coffee. Well, Lord, I I really need to gotta wake up. So I need to see what's going on in the world. So I click on the internet and I see what's going on on my, you know, homepage. Oh, interesting, interesting. Another cup of coffee that would be helpful, right? Lord. So I'm gonna get another cup of coffee and get my second cup of coffee and oh, I got some emails or, or text messages that are, I mean, they've been waiting all night. 10 (49m 35s): I gotta, I gotta get to 'em eventually, right? So I jump onto that, right? So I probably use a third cup of coffee. I, I have, I mean, after all, I do have three cups of coffee every single morning, right? So it's important that I get my third cup of coffee. And so right within, something pops up, I'm on social media, I'm like, well this is pretty interesting, right? So before long it's been hour and a half and I'm just trying to wake up. Well, so now I'm ready to work. I got like very little time to get ready to go. So, hey, let's pick it up at lunchtime, Lord. Lunchtime rolls around. Oh, I'm so hungry. Let's go in and out. Let's get ourselves a, that's what a hamburger's all about, right? 10 (50m 16s): I mean, you gotta, you gotta eat, right? We're watching this show called Alone. If you guys seen it, it's a great show, right? Custom language. So forgive me for that. But it's a great show, right? So these people are alone on an island and they're trying to survive off the land and they're like, they're 30 days and 40 days and 50 days and, and they're like getting, they're losing. Wait, one guy went on the show and he, he put on like a hundred extra pounds so that on the show he could lose a hundred pounds and still be okay. Like, he's like, I'm gonna chunk it up or I'm gonna, I'm gonna put on some weight. So he's there for, I was watching, I think it was last night, and he's lost like 68 pounds, but he still got some, some love on him. 10 (50m 58s): Like he still can lose some weight. And so, and so he's prepared, he's like going into the, this competition with some chunk on him so that he can survive, right? I'm thinking this is what we need to be doing as believers, like going into the competition, which is the battle, which is life. Like we need to get fated up for the battle, right? Spiritually get a little fat on you, right? Get a little, like, don't just get enough for the moment. Like get enough for the day and, and then get up the next morning and just gorge yourself on some food. Cuz you might get out there in the day. And then you're having to do what these other poor people do and they're eating these mushrooms and these roots and, and snails and mice and right? 10 (51m 54s): So we kind of do the same thing. We resort to things that are just kind of, it's not, it's, but it's not a sign of beef, right? I mean, like God's word is, I mean, I'm thinking of poorer house. Sorry. If you're, if you're a vegetarian, I'm sorry, but I'm not. I never will be. So just like a big old fat poor us. But we gotta we gotta make it intentional. We gotta be intentional. So the joy that the scripture talks about, the joy of the Godly is the reward for godliness. Those, those people on the show, they're all cranky. 10 (52m 34s): Why? Because they're hungry. So they're hangry, right? So when you're not filled up with the word of God and the truth of God, you can get the same way, get spiritually kind of hangry, right? You'll, but when you've feasted well on the word of God, you've got the capacity to have the joy of God. If you don't feast on the word of God, your capacity to have the joy of God is greatly hindered. That's just the way it is. That's why we've talked about this in the wilderness, the people of Israel, they were given man a daily, right? And if they took extra for the next day, fearful that God wasn't going to provide for them, it turned stinky and filled with maggots, right? 10 (53m 19s): And so God said, Hey, trust me, get enough for the day and eat. So get it in, fill it up, and then do it again tomorrow. It's the design every day we're meant to get the word of God, the manner of God. Joyful. First two, joyful are those who obey his loss and search for him with all their hearts. So what we're talking about actually takes effort. Joyful are those who obey that obedience always takes effort, right? We gotta make a decision. I'm going to obey, I'm going to do what God has asked me to do and search for him with all their hearts. And so it requires effort to do what God has called us to do. We, we, it would be so much easier if it was just, well, if it was easier, right? 10 (54m 3s): I texted somebody years ago and we're having coffees and they're like, Man, this Christian life is so hard. I just want it to be easy. I'm like, were you reading the same book that I'm reading? Like I'm not sure that you're reading the same, It's not gonna be easy. We have moments where it's less hard and there's plenty of joy along the way. But we are in a, a spiritual battle in the chapel up the road, we used to have this gray door that, you know, the big four foot wide door if you've been in that building. And we put that door in there and it came in gray. I'm like, that's perfect. It doesn't match the decor, but it's like battleship gray. 10 (54m 44s): Like it reminds us that we're on a battleship but not a cruise ship. Like if we're here, it's because we've got positions of responsibility. We realize that we're in a battle. And so we kept it battleship great until somebody pinned it off white. Didn't that just perfect? Like it went from battleship great like call to action and then to off white. I don't know what happened there, but we lost our vision there for a moment. And, but this is the reality is that we're called to action. It's not always gonna be easy. In fact, most of the times it's gonna be hard work. But the joy of the Lord is our strength. 10 (55m 24s): First three, they do not compromise with evil. This is so back to verse two, Joy floor, those who obey the laws and search for him with all their hearts. So this takes effort, the result, the results of the effort, the fruit of the effort. Verse three, they do not compromise with evil and they walk only in his paths. This is the result of just heartfelt dedication to Jesus, to follow him and to do what he's called us to do. They do not compromise with evil. Maybe you're struggling today with compromise, with some form of evil. You fell in the blank. The world is full of all kinds of evil things that were can be tempted to be running toward. 10 (56m 7s): If you're tempted, you need to stop and get into the word and open up the word of God and just inform your spirit and make a decision in your heart and mind that I am going to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and not compromise with evil, but only walk in his paths. You have charged us, verse four, to keep your commandments carefully. So if you pull that word apart, command mince. It's not suggest mince doesn't even sound very good to say. Let me give you some adjustments, right? 10 (56m 48s): Like it's silly, right? These are words of instruction that God has given to his people. Commandments are commands keeping the commandments or the precepts. Teaching guidelines and principles of God are not optional, actually they're commanded by God. And the whole Bible is a book of instruction and it's kind of pointless to read it and not do what it says. And this almost agreed, he said, Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees that interesting. 10 (57m 29s): All my actions would consistently reflect your decree. So the writer of Psalms in Psalm one 19 uses eight different words to describe God's word. God's law. He uses eight different words and we don't have time to unpack them today, but each of the words help with a little bit more information, a little more. They give us a little more clarity about what the writer is talking about. So we see law words and then laws. It's actually a different Greek word in the text with a diff slightly different meaning that gives it more better nuance. And again, we don't have time to unpack it, but I would encourage you as homeward to go unpack it and see what you learn. 10 (58m 14s): Laws word, laws, statute, command, decreed, precepts, word or promise. Although my actions would consistently reflect your decree, this was the desire of the writer of the Psalms. He, he probably had an experience where he wasn't doing what he's writing about. And the result was, well, it's everything that we know because we're all guilty of falling short. We know the result. It's, we get lethargic spiritually. We get kind of luke warm spiritually. We get a little less convicted about sin spiritually, where we kind of allow ourselves to be drawn into things that are unhealthy forest spiritually. And so there's a whole host of things that will happen and God knows what will strengthen us. 10 (58m 58s): And the enemy knows what will trip us up. God knows that his word will strengthen us so that my actions would consistently reflect your decrease then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands and ashamed. That's a word that we can identify with, right? Because we've all felt some shame when we've not aligned our lives with this precepts. We've all felt the cringe of shame. The Lord doesn't want us to feel shameful. So he gives us the antidote here, the remedies that just do what I've called you to do. So the word of God, like a mirror, we talk about this a lot. So we hold up to our lives so that we can kind of see how we're doing. 10 (59m 41s): Lord, how's my life? In light of the word, we hold it up and we say, Yeah, I, I'm not doing that very well, but I, I'm grown here. And so we can kind of discern how we are doing then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands as I, as I learn your righteous regulations. I will thank you by living as I should. I will obey your decre. Please don't give up on me. This Thomas is so real, right? Because he's like most of us, we're like wanting to honor the Lord with our lives. We're wanting to see God with our whole lives, but we stumble and fall short. 10 (1h 0m 22s): And so the writers saying, Hey, don't, don't give up on me. I wanna make you promise that God will not give up on you. He, he loves you if you stumble, get back up. Anybody have ever, have you ever had to do that before? Many times. Once or twice, right? Like all the time. Like you stumble, right? So you, you don't just stay there in the gut, you get back up, you get back up. And God promises never to give up on you when you say, Lord, I'm, I'm wanting to live my life. I'm doing it imperfectly altogether, but I want to honor you. So this is a humble and accurate prayer for all of us. Lord, my heart and my desire are to honor and obey you. 10 (1h 1m 4s): But please don't give up on me when I stumble. Number one, God's word brings joy to those who follow it. Number two, God's word brings purity to those who obey it. So joy and purity are the results of people who will press in honor and obey God's words. Al 1 19 9 says, How can a young person keep, stay pure? How can a young person stay pure by obeying your word? Good for young, good for old, right? Young and old. How can a person stay pure by just doing what God's word says by obeying your word. 10 (1h 1m 48s): A pure life is the result of obedience. If you're struggling with your personal purity, it's because you're struggling with obedience to the word. And the simple answer is open up the word every day and say, I am going to be obedient by your grace and in your strength. And just begin to walk that out. The internet's the worst place in the world to try to live in personal purity, right? Because things pop up. I was doing an internet search, I shared it with Neil, one of my elders here. And I said, Hey, I was doing this internet search and this all these sites came up. I'm like, Holy walk ole. And I was sitting right there in the sound booth on a Friday, last Friday. I'm like, goodness gracious, I didn't think this search would bring those opportunities, you know? 10 (1h 2m 29s): So they didn't populate the screen, but they certainly populated my options to click on. And I told Neil, I said, I'm so grateful that I've got covenant eyes on my computer so that my wife sees everything on my iPad, my laptop, my phone, So that even if I'm tempted, didn't want to click, I'm afraid to death to do it right? So there's some really good practical things we can put into place to help us not to stumble, right? 10 (1h 3m 10s): So we heard a couple weeks ago that Jeremy talked about the age, I think it's age, right around age 6, 7, 8 years old is the time when little boys and girls have their first, first exposure to hardcore pornography. Hardcore stuff. So what are you gonna do about it? Like you gotta put safeguards and parameters on your devices, right? Dudes. It's not like going to your uncle's house and finding a playboy in his shop. You're carrying the junk with you all the time. 10 (1h 3m 51s): So you're not gonna just possibly stumble onto it. You're going to stumble upon it. So you gotta personal purity is, it's in your hands to figure it out. Pure life as a result of obedience. I've tried hard to find you. If the writer says, Don't let me wander from your commands, Obedience requires effort. Purity requires effort. You gotta decide. I'm not looking at that, I'm not doing that. I'm not participating in that. I'm not doing it. 10 (1h 4m 32s): And then don't do it. Hm? I've hidden your word of my heart that I might not sin against you. We are out of time. The last point is about the wisdom that is available to us. God's word brings wisdom to those who desire it. So part of joy and personal purity and the wisdom is, is engaging your heart, your life, your mind and the word of God. And it's true for people who are brand new in the faith. And it's true for people who've been walking with Jesus for decades, forever because the battle is never over this side of heaven. 10 (1h 5m 18s): It's a battle. We need to get some, Oh, we kinda have some battleship gray on these chairs. But anyway, you get the point. What have you learned and what will you do with what you've learned? What will you, what's your takeaway? What are you gonna do? Spend time with the word, Spend time with the word. How's that different from what you're doing now? Okay, good. What else? Some of you need to get covenant eyes on your computer, All of your devices, all of them. What else? Walk in the spirit. Walk in the spirit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's too obey. 10 (1h 5m 58s): Hmm. Choose to obey Jews. Yeah. What do you, when you stumble though, what? What do you do when you stumble? Pass, Forgive forgiveness. Ask God for forgiveness. Keep going, right? Yeah. Gary. Trust in obey. Trust in obey Jesus. So practically speaking, Gary, so you've been walking with Jesus for, I don't know, hundred years probably. Gary is my youth pastor in junior high school. And so we go back a couple years. And so Gary, in all of your years as a leader, as a believer, as a follower of the Lord, Jesus Christ, all of these things sound good, right? 10 (1h 6m 40s): In principle, we, we want the joy. We we, we want the purity, we want the wisdom. But it kept, come up here, Gary, for a moment, come up here for a moment. I never do this. And I started last week and I might just keep going. We'll see. So Gary, let's invite the worship team up as well. Cuz we're gonna worship and we're gonna take communion. And so I'm putting you on the spot cuz I know that I can, Hey Gary, you want me say, I don't know. So I mean these are, you know these are good. Theoretically they're good and and truth, they're solid. But what happens when you're having a bad day and you say something, do something regret a decision. 10 (1h 7m 29s): What? I mean how do you get back? I mean what do you do to, can you, can you alt? Can you overcome that altogether? 11 (1h 7m 37s): I don't think you can over, excuse me, I don't think you can overcome it all together, this side of heaven. But when we fall we have to rise. We have to keep running. The Christian walk is not a sprint or a hundred yard dash. That's what I've learned. It's a long distance race, a marathon. And Jesus promised to always be with us. 10 (1h 8m 2s): But your wife left you. 11 (1h 8m 4s): Yeah. 10 (1h 8m 5s): What does that, I mean, how does that settle? 11 (1h 8m 9s): That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to face in my life. But it wasn't my doing, it wasn't my fault. It was like a, a boat drifting away from the dock. I could see it. And before long she didn't wanna walk with Jesus anymore. And I was one of the elders in the church. She didn't wanna be with me anymore. I have some good friends that I stayed with for a little while cuz I was kicked outta the house and every morning I would get up and I would read my Bible and my friend's wife said to me, Carrie, how can you do that with what you're going through? 11 (1h 8m 50s): You just continue to read the Bible. And I said, Because it's the only thing I have. The word of God is truth. There is no other truth. And it kept me going because I kept listening to what God said, Put one foot in front of the other, Love your children, be there for them and continue on. After seven years, God gave me a wonderful new wife, my Nelly, and she loves the Lord with all of her heart. 11 (1h 9m 31s): Sometimes I think she loves him more than I do. She knows how to reprove me in a way that I receive it. When I mess up, I ask her forgiveness and she forgives me. When she messes up, she asks my forgiveness and I forgive her. It takes two forgiving people to make a marriage work. All I can say is the word of God has been my rock, my strength, my daily necessary food. That's what David said. I have esteemed your word more than my daily food. Yeah, it's like Steve was saying, do you get up and eat breakfast first? 11 (1h 10m 13s): No. Sit down and read the word of God. Even if it's just five minutes, meditate on a verse. The art of meditation is a lost art. And what David meant was to let it roll around in your mind until you're muttering it. That's what the ancients used to do. The Earl Amen of God, Tozer Spurgeon, you could go on and on. There were so many, they relied on the word of God every day and they didn't take a step without it. And that's all I can say. 11 (1h 10m 53s): That's what helped me for 50 years now I've been walking with the Lord. September 20th was 50 years and he's never thank you. 3 (1h 11m 20s): Psalm 2 (1h 11m 22s): Says 3 (1h 11m 23s): That says that the Lord magnifies its word. Even 2 (1h 11m 28s): That's, that's 10 (1h 11m 30s): Very powerful. We're gonna take communion and so it's a good time to examine your hearts and maybe it's time to re rededicate, recommit. Maybe you've been through a hard path like Gary and like some so many of us and you've been angry with God. You've been harboring bitterness, resentment. Well at this time of worship and remembrance, be a time where you get set free. Paul wrote in first Corinthians 1123, For I receive from the Lord what I also delivered to you. 10 (1h 12m 13s): That the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed, he took bread and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, This is my body which is given for you. Do this to remember me. Let's take the bread. 10 (1h 12m 56s): In the same way, He also, he took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me. For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you, you proclaimed the Lord's death until he returns. Let's go ahead and take the cup. Thank you Lord. Thank you for your word. Lord, thank you for Giving us joy. 10 (1h 13m 40s): Joy is so available to us. It's promise to us. Thank you for purity. It's available to us and promise to us. 2 (1h 13m 55s): Thank 10 (1h 13m 56s): You for wisdom, Lord. It's available and promise to us, we love you. We need you. Thank you for your grace Jesus name. Let's go ahead and stand up and worship 6 (1h 14m 29s): To you, my friend and all to you. 6 (1h 16m 18s): Sing it out and declare this truth. I all to you, I all to you are my God. One more time I to you are my Father. 6 (1h 17m 8s): We could just 12 (1h 17m 9s): Stay in your presence all day. Thank you for the honor that it is to exalt your name. Thank you for your scriptures. Thank you for your word that never returns void. Lord, maybe we wake up in the morning with a desire to open our Bibles. May we wake up with a desire to get your word in our spirits and on our minds. Thank you that you are faithful. Thank you for your love. Would you go before us this week? 12 (1h 17m 51s): It's in your precious name we pray. Amen.
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Identity Series: Committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ - Steve Henry
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
1 (2s): Good morning 2 (3s): Everyone. We're so happy to see you here this morning and seeing the kids in here is Family Sunday. What a joy it's gonna be to worship together as a whole body of Christ. Just invite you to stand with us as we sing. 1 (24s): Who am I that the highest? Oh 0 (2m 4s): You. 0 (3m 2s): Yes. 1 (3m 10s): There's a 0 (3m 11s): Place for 1 (3m 18s): God. 1 (3m 60s): All these pieces broken and scattered in mercy. Gathered I've, I can see yourself. 0 (5m 20s): Oh, 1 (5m 42s): You said your, So take this Lord, I'll be oh. 1 (6m 35s): Oh. I can see the love your eyes laying yourself. 0 (7m 25s): Amazing. 1 (8m 25s): I The 3 (8m 51s): We praise you, Jesus, We praise you in this place this morning. 0 (9m 8s): Come 1 (9m 9s): On. We sing together. If faith can s lets move. We come with the expectation waiting here. You're the Lord of our creation. Still know my found from, We're waiting here. 1 (10m 42s): You everything promised your, 0 (11m 3s): We're 1 (11m 4s): Waiting 0 (11m 4s): Here. 0 (12m 32s): We're 4 (13m 15s): Lord, we love you so much. We can't do anything without you, Jesus. And we don't want to. We love you. And we just want to glorify your name this morning. We're waiting here for you. Holy Spirit. You are the one that we are waiting for because we can't do anything without you. Jesus, we just want to honor you this morning. We just ask that each heart and each mind would be open to you this morning, that we would be sensitive to your spirit this morning. That, that we would have soft hearts to hear the message that you have for us this morning. Jesus. 4 (13m 55s): It's a challenging one. It's, but it's one that we want to absorb. It's one that we want to live up to Jesus. And so we're, we're here for you. We're waiting here for you. Jesus, we love you so much. Jesus name. Amen. Amen. All right, you can go ahead and take your seats. My name is Curtis and we've got 5 (14m 16s): My name's Greger Wade 4 (14m 17s): Greger, we're glad to be here with you this morning. If you're new here, we just wanna welcome you and let you know that we've got coffee and donuts out on the patio. So check those out. We've also got bathrooms behind the stage. While you can head down these hallways here and find those. Yeah, I think 5 (14m 38s): One second before we get into the announcements, if we have a seat next to us, could we squeeze in a little bit? We're all part of the body of Christ. We should all be comfortable next to each other, right? 4 (14m 48s): Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Jump squeeze in, you know, move to the middle if you need. Is anybody at the back looking for a spot? 5 (14m 56s): We got a few seats in the middle up here. 4 (14m 59s): Yeah, we got some 5 (14m 60s): On 4 (15m 0s): That row. Yeah, yeah. Come on, come on up. Got a couple people coming down if you wanna raise your hand, if you've got an open seat by, Yeah. Cool. 5 (15m 14s): Well welcome. Today is Family Sunday. Everyone first grade and up will be in the sanctuary here today with our family. This happens one every four Sunday, four Sunday of every month actually. So it's really special to just have the youth come in and be able to hear a message from Steve and just learn with their parents what their parents are learning. It's really nice and it's just a great way to grow in the faith. So, 4 (15m 44s): Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And learn from your parents and they can set an example for your kids and it's just an amazing thing. We really value that around here. If you need anything, if you're new here, we've got an info center at the back and two lovely people there who would love to help you. So yeah, Jo, head back there if you need anything at all. And then also we've got a worship and prayer night coming up. So that's not this, or not night, it's a morning. I did the same thing Jeremy did. Usually worship and prayer happens in the evenings, right? Am I just is it just comes out as a night. It's a morning. Okay. 8:00 AM is not the nighttime. That's the morning. So worship and prayer next Tuesday, not this coming Tuesday, but it's October 4th. 4 (16m 29s): Come check that out. It's gonna be really sweet. Just a great way to, you know, kick off the week, the second day of the week and it'll be really good. Yeah. 5 (16m 37s): And then on October 9th we have Pastor Appreciation Day. I messed this up. Last service. So glad I got it right this time. So we are going to be celebrating our pastors here and everything they've done for us, we thank you for Steve and Jeremy. So just give them some love in a few weeks on the ninth. Just appreciate them. Yeah, 4 (16m 59s): It's gonna be good. Yeah, bring a gift, you know, if you feel so led or a card or something, they're great. They've, they've been amazing. So also, the last thing is that we're gonna have Darren from Child Evangelism Fellowship come up and he's gonna share a little bit about what they're doing in their ministry and it's gonna be great. So let's, let's give Darren a warm welcome here. 7 (17m 26s): Hey, thank you so much. I just wanted to start out by just thanking you for all your, your support and partnership and reaching the children of the central coast for Jesus Christ. And that's what we're all about and helping people do that. I wanted just to share a little story with you this morning, and it really just starts with a couple who loved the Lord very much. They had a son and they tried to point him to Jesus. They tried to raise him up the way they thought God wanted him to do, but he made some decisions in his own life to, to not let God be a part of it. And that was just a heartbroken thing, you know, as a parent, that's the, the hardest thing you can have happen is to have your child reject the one that you love so much. 7 (18m 9s): And so he grew up, he got married, he had two wonderful girls of his own. And those parents, now, grandparents' hearts went out again because they're seeing these two precious girls be raised up, not even necessarily being pointed to the Lord at all. And so they started having some conversations with their son just asking, Is there any way we can bring the girls to church with us? And every time they brought it up, it was a point of contention and every time they brought it up, he said, No, but more time passed. The girls got a little bit older and they brought it up again. They said, You know, there's this, this program that's going on, it's called Good News Club. 7 (18m 52s): And would it be okay if the kids went to that? They will learn about the Bible and they will learn about God, but would it be okay if we picked him up each week, took him to that program and brought him home and they gave the green light. They said, Yep, you know what? We're okay with that. You can take him to the Good News Club. And those girls came, an older one in particular was just super eager to learn. Every week in Good News Club we're sharing a Bible story, something right out of God's word, that the stories turn into lessons. And because God's word is meant to instruct us, and there's a little memory verse that they'd learn every single week where they actually hide God's word in their heart. And there's, there's songs that, that are based in biblical truth that the kids get to learn. 7 (19m 34s): And so why I'm sharing you with this this morning is I got a little snippet into something I wouldn't normally get to see, but it's so exciting and encouraging to know that God's working in ways that we can't plan or make happen on our own. And the, the grandparents were invited over to dinner one night and they're there at the, the dinner table with their son, his wife, and two daughters. And they've been coming to Good News Club for a little while. And the interesting thing was, this wasn't even a song that I normally even teach in Good News Club. So I know God was doing something, I, I don't think I was just feeling nostalgic. I think God just said, Hey, let's do this. This week. 7 (20m 15s): And out of nowhere this little girl turns to her dad and looks at him and she sings, Oh friend, you love Jesus. This is his little girl. He loves her. He cares about her. He doesn't want her to feel rejected and he knows the song cuz he was raised learning it. And he got kind of red according to the grandparents. And then he kind of muffled out, Oh yes, I love Jesus. And his daughter jumped right on it. She says, Are you sure you love Jesus? 7 (20m 55s): And, and there's dad and it's a awkward, but he is like, Unfer, I love Jesus. And then the song goes on and she didn't miss a beat. Why do you love Jesus? And here he goes, because he first love me, right? And then there's a whole chorus and they sing it all together as a family at this table. Half of them believing what was sung and half of them not. But that was still God at work in a way that I could never plan for or make happen. But the Holy Spirit could do mighty and incredible things. And so that girl put her trust in Jesus Christ in Good News Club. 7 (21m 36s): And a couple years later, her younger sister did the same thing. And we kept in contact for years and they came back and would visit the club even as teenagers and came back and asked for tools and resources on how to share their faith with their peers when they got older too. And so there was just a a really cool ongoing thing. I got to see them grow up and and embrace God with their whole hearts and lives. And so that's why we do this. That's why we were out there because you know, those two girls and so many others don't get to decide whether or not they're brought to a wonderful place like this on Sunday morning. They don't get to make the choice on whether they go to Sunday school or sit out in a congregation with their parents. 7 (22m 18s): Like so many kids are here today, they're, they're stuck at home, not because they want to be there because they're not allowed to come. And so that's why we're taking the good news to them. That's why we're trying to take Sunday school to the public school and have a little Bible class right there where they are because so many parents are willing to let their kids go to that club, but they're not willing to bring them here on Sunday morning. But the good news is God's not finished when they receive Christ. They go home and they start bugging them to come to a place like this on Sunday morning. And we've seen that happen. Our whole families end up in church because of one child receiving Christ and God working through that child's life and the lives of their families and the lives of their parents. 7 (23m 0s): But on those school grounds, we, we want take the gospel to kids, but we also want to give the kids that are there that know Jesus an opportunity to share their faith with their unsafe friends and invite him to a club that they'll be more likely to attend. And so we appreciate your prayers and support. If that's something you'd like to actively get involved with, I'll be back there at the table in the back. If you feel God's calling you to help make that happen and move that forward, let us know. You don't have to be like this incredibly skilled Bible teacher. We need people that can walk kids to the bathroom and serve snacks and hand out prizes. So we come alongside you, we equip you, we give you everything you need because God's given all of us, everything we need. 7 (23m 41s): He's given us himself. So we thank you for helping us to share him with others and for being a part of it in whatever way God has called to. 8 (23m 49s): Thank you. 4 (23m 51s): Thank you Darren. Appreciate it. Appreciate you. All right. Yeah, if you wanna get more information from Darren, yeah, he'll be at the table at the back like you said. And now we're gonna be dismissed to get up and mingle with people around you. And we'll be back in just a minute. Thanks. 0 (25m 9s): The in Jesus the you 9 (28m 7s): Come on back. Come on back. Hey, welcome. It is Family Sunday. You know what that means, don't you? That means young people share with me their jokes and I have the privilege of sharing with you the jokes. And so this is from Olivia Harvey and she says, What has nobody and no knows, nobody knows. Nobody knows. So I owe Olivia five, but I actually gave, where is she here? 9 (28m 47s): Somewhere I gave, there she is. I gave $10 away already today. Cuz the deal is I pay for jokes for little guys, you know, little kids. I gave 'em five bucks per joke. So I, I owe Olivia. So come see me next week. And there might even be interest involved. There might be, I don't know, I can't make any promises, but I got another joke that I actually paid 10 bucks for cuz now he owes me a joke. I only had a $10 bill. He said, why was the diver embarrassed? Because he saw the oceans bottom. That'd be embarrassing. There's just no question. It's be embarrassing. 9 (29m 27s): It'd be embarrassing. Hey, I just wanna say thank you to a few people. I wanna say thank you to Jeremy who's just been doing a great job last couple Sundays. I don't know where he is, but yeah, you provide you some great messages. Wanna say thank you, say thank you to so many Harvest Church people who, like dozens of people volunteered for the Lifeline Bank. We had filled up three tables and then dozens of volunteers helping to serve and kinda make that night possible. And I'm so just in a humble way, so proud of you all and so thankful that Harvest Church. You're just people that just want to serve and take care of business and I'm so just so thankful and so grateful to be a part of who we are and what we're doing. 9 (30m 7s): Yeah, Paul 10 (30m 8s): Set the banquet. 9 (30m 9s): Yeah. 10 (30m 10s): Not only did Leslie and Carson set it all up for all the volunteers, it was on volunteer-wise it was probably 80% Harbor's church. Wow. And 20% the rest. Yeah. So big, big thank you to all of 9 (30m 27s): Them. Wow. Yeah. Thank you. 80% of the people. Yeah. Kathy, go ahead. I guess we're sharing. Go ahead. Kathy. What's this for? This for? For Olivia? Yes. What about the interest? I did very interested. No, no, no. I said that I would give her interest. Who else has got a $5 bill? Olivia, come on up here. Your 10 (30m 48s): Mother. 9 (30m 49s): Who else has got a five? This I promised interest. Anybody else got fives? Nobody's got five bucks. There it is, Olivia. Thanks Amanda. Best for you. Thanks for the joke. You're amazing. Thank you Olivia. I love giving kids money. It just makes their whole day, they're so happy about it. They can go to in and out and buy a hamburger. They can go buy whatever they want. It's just so much fun. Hey, also, thanks to everyone who came out yesterday for the Harvest Festival. We haven't had the Harvest Parade, the festival for a couple years and so things are kind of back to normal. 9 (31m 32s): And I, as I walked around the parade route, talking with people, everybody was so happy. Everybody was like so grateful to be back outside and nobody was wearing masks, everybody was just enjoying each other. And so thanks to everyone, we had dozens of people coming out for that, gave out hundreds of bottles of water and hundreds of balloons and, and we were just, just engaging the community and just loving on people and so much fun. So thanks to everyone who is just a part of what we do around here, you're having an impact in wonderful and supernatural ways, ways that we won't even be fully understanding until we get to the other side and, and, and have experienced an encounter and conversation with people who've been touched by what you've done. 9 (32m 15s): So thank you very, very much. Hey, we're taking a little break from our study and first Peter today taking a break from that and it just makes sense. Jeremy took a break from it for the last couple weeks. And so we're in what is called the Identity series. Our identity series. And so in this identity series we're gonna be talking about our core values. We're gonna be talking about our mission statement, our purpose statement. We're gonna be unpacking a little bit, not all of it, but our statement of faith. And the idea is just to kind of remind us, the last time I talked about these things were back, it was back in 2014. So it's important that we kind of revisit these core values from time to time. We're actually working on getting the core values posted in here. 9 (32m 56s): We just haven't done it since we've opened this space. We've got our mission statement on the window out there that says, impacting our community and our world with life changing message of Jesus Christ. That's just what we're all about. And so as we talk about our core values over these next four weeks, the core values are kind of what they act as the wheels on which we move forward as a church. And so who knew, who remembers the first core value? Mike Ferris We're committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ, right? We, what's the next one? Confident in the word of God. This is gonna be like rote here pretty quick. 9 (33m 37s): Confident in the word of God. What was number three called? Love All people. And number four created to serve God and others. And so they're all sea words in the beginning. So it just kind of helps us to understand what got us called us to. And the, again, these are kind of the wheels that we move forward on. We've got an old trailer at the house and we've had this trailer for years and it's just a small trailer, but we used it for making dump runs and just moving stuff. And we realized just in the last, I don't know, couple month or so that the wheels are really getting bad, the tires are just pretty worn out. And so we're actually gonna be loaning it out to a guy who's gonna take it down to Southern California. 9 (34m 17s): And we're like, we gotta get new wheels on this thing. If we don't, if you don't put new wheels on the trailer's gonna become pretty worthless, right? And then what happens with the trailer kind gets put to the side of the property and it becomes kind of a catch, it becomes worthless. It's not really being used for what it has been created for. And so we have to be careful as the church that we're doing what God has created us to do, that we're, that we're completing the work that God has called us to complete. And so if we don't keep focused by moving forward on truth, that truth helps us to make wise choices about how to move forward in ministry. Because as you know, there's probably a thousand different things that we could be doing in the ministry, but these core values help us to decide is this the right thing? 9 (35m 3s): Does this align with our core values? Does this keep us moving forward with our purpose and our mission and what God has created us to do some 20 years ago, almost 20 years ago? And so we're gonna be talking about core values for the next four weeks, again taking a break from the series, and I think it's just gonna be really, really good. And so we're gonna be in Roman chapter 10. I plan first service to get through all of the message. I just could not, I got 28 minutes and I just will, I will get through one point if it's turned out to be like first service. So that's all right, then we'll make the point and God will have his way. So with that, let's take a moment, pray and then we'll jump in. Thank you Lord, thank you that you are faithful to speak truth to us. 9 (35m 43s): God, we want to be faithful, to have ears to hear and eyes to see God. We wanna listen, we want to hear, we want to see, we wanna respond in Jesus name. So Lord, teach us, Lord help us to honor you with our attitude, with our response, and with our lives. Lord, we love you. We bless you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen. Committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Romans chapter 10, genuine Christianity begins. It actually begins and ends with the simple and sincere acknowledgement of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives. This is where it all begins and ends. 9 (36m 25s): Where is Jesus in our lives? Does he hold the place of authority? The position of authority in our lives is Jesus the Lord of our lives. This seems like a small thing. This attitude though represents the greatest of all miracles. It's a supernatural thing for us to realize that we have a desperate need for the Lordship of Jesus Christ. While it cost, while it cost God nothing to become Lord of creation over creation, it cost him greatly to become your Lord. He died on the cross so that he might become your Lord. 9 (37m 7s): He sacrificed himself so that he might become your Lord. And so it cost him greatly to become your Lord. And he's challenging us today in the scriptures really of in the old and the New Testament. It's all the same message. It's all the message of Lordship and leadership as God in charge of our lives. And are we allowing him to be in charge of our lives? I was talking to a guy, young guy, 22, 23 years old after first service. And he said, You know, I've heard this message about Lordship a lot, but I don't, I don't understand it. What does it mean? 9 (37m 47s): You know? And that's a great question. I thought, Well, where in your life do you think that Jesus is not the Lord? And so he began to think and he's like, Oh yeah, I can think of some areas. I said, Well, so what are you gonna do about that? I, I said, You know, life is about deciding that Jesus is, you know, the Christian life is about deciding that Jesus is Lord and then getting up every day and doing something about it. So in your life where you are pretty sure that you're not following the Lord, you just make a course correction. 9 (38m 27s): You open up the scripture, the word of God, and you allow the spirit of God to direct you. And you say, Yeah, this is not actually, as I read the word, it's not properly reflecting my actions, my words, thoughts, deeds, I, there's actually some things in my life where I'm not following Lord. So I challenge this you man, I said, Well, so if there are things in your life, Lordship means that you're saying yes to the change. It's just that simple. It's not, yes, I said, You don't have to get up and pray about what socks you're going to wear. I said, You can do that. But that's not what we're talking about, right? We're not talking about that. We're just saying, Hey, in the arena of your life, does God get to direct you? 9 (39m 7s): Does he get to lead you? Is he the Lord of your life? And he said, Okay, I'm starting to get it. I said, Well, what are you gonna do about it? It's like, well, I guess I'm just gonna begin to let the Lord lead in every area of my life. And that's all we're talking about. We sometimes compartmentalize God and we say, Well, God can be Lord leader over this area, but not the other areas. Is is Jesus. Is Jesus the Lord of your life? Is Jesus the Lord of your life? Does Jesus have first place and first priority in your life? 9 (39m 51s): In a scene from CS Lewis's spiritual allegory, the Chronicles of Narnia, a young girl named Lucy is sent on a great mission by the Christ figure, Aslan the lion. As she travels by night, she notices this great beast sitting on a hill illuminated by a full moon excitedly Lucy runs to him and throws herself into his soft and silky Maine. Aslan rolls over and Lucy finds herself flying between his past looking up into his large face. 9 (40m 34s): Aslan, your bigger, bigger. Lucy says, In close proximity, you're really, really big. The me majestic creature answers that is, well that's because you're older. Little one Lucy confused by this remark asks, Not because you are not, because you aren't bigger. As Lynn assures her, I am, I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger. Isn't that interesting? 9 (41m 14s): And that is just a powerful reality. It so the part of the process in our lives as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ is this process of sanctification where we become more and more like God and less and less like our old selves. And so in that process of sanctification, we realized, recognize evaluating your lives that hey, God's not got Lordship in this area of my life. And so as we grow in faith, trusting Jesus over the course of our lives, believing God over the course of our lives, we have a greater capacity to see the bigness of God. And so in seeing the bigness of God, we have the capacity to trust him and allow him to be the Lord of our lives in a more significant way. 9 (42m 0s): And so every time we're made aware, an area of our lives where he's not the Lord, we're able to say, Hey, I think maybe in days or weeks or months past, you didn't have the grace or the faith for it. But now you see the bigness and the capacity and the strength and the power of God. And you're saying, You know what? I know that I can trust Jesus with this area of my life as well. And in that area of your life, you're able to grow in, in maturity. And the lordship of Jesus Christ becomes more obvious and more evident in your life. You may be struggling to believe that God is big enough to be Lord. 9 (42m 44s): Maybe in some areas he's big enough in your mind and understanding, but in other areas he's not big enough. You don't think highly, you don't have a great, a clear perspective on about who he is. I, I would just encourage us, and it's all part of the process for every single one of us that we would grow into a place of maturity whereby we're able year after year to trust him more and more too. Allow him to be Lord, maybe it's Lord of your marriage, finances, time, hobbies, relationships. 9 (43m 28s): You pick, there's probably thousands of things that we can kind of evaluate in our lives and ask this question Is, is Jesus Lord? Is he Lord of this area of my life? Is he Lord of that area of my life? Is he Lord of every area of my life? And so when Jesus is the Lord of your life, there's an amazing piece that follows that decision. You know, the world's trying to sell us all kinds of ways, you know, to find peace or joy, contentment, happiness, and it's all dead end roads. It's all a distraction to keep us from really trusting the lordship of Jesus Christ. 9 (44m 9s): The Bible says there's a way which seems right to a man, but the in there of is the way of death, right? So if we're not careful, we're following the wrong path, the wrong way. And it's gonna take us down a path of destruction. So when Jesus is Lord of our lives, we begin to experience all of the things that the world is trying to cram down our throats, convince us that will make us happy and satisfied and content. We have peace, we have direction, we have joy, joy, unspeakable, and full of glory. I've been talking with a few people this week who have lost a loved ones in their lives and yet they still have the joy of the Lord and the peace of God and the confidence in God. 9 (44m 57s): There's a sadness for sure. But the Bible says we don't weep as the world weeps without hope. We have, we have hope. And so there's problems that will come. There are circumstances that are gonna be unfavorable in our lives, but when Jesus is Lord, we can trust him because we're not in a bad place, because we made a bad choice. We're in a bad place just because it's life and bad things happen. If I'm in a bad place because I made a bad choice, then I'm just beating myself up. I'm like, ah, whatever. But if I'm in a bad place just trying to follow Jesus and I'm like, Lord, this is your deal. I'm gonna trust you. I believe you. You're the Lord of my life. And so what do you want to do with this? What do you want to do with this? 9 (45m 37s): There's just a great confidence that a company's not arrogance. There's no place in the kingdom for arrogance, but there's plenty of space in the kingdom for confidence. Confidence in who God is and what he's all about. When Jesus is the Lord of our lives, we can have a great deal of confidence. So without Lordship, we, we kind of act as a a maverick. We're kind of on our own. Last night, Joel and I were watching this Alaska. I love these outdoor shows. You know, these guys, all these people there, they're trying to create like a community in, you know, deep in Alaska, 200 miles from civilization. And it's all of these people trying to come together and they're all trying to work together for a common good to create a place where they can live. 9 (46m 23s): And so they've got a hundred days before the winter sets in. And when winter sets in in Alaska, you can't be like in a pub tent, right? You have to be like prepared. Like you don't want to be in a lightweight little bag and a pub tent because you will, you will freeze to death, right? And so they're trying to work together, but there's this one maverick guy who's just, just irresponsible and he's only working for his own gain and for his own purposes. And, and it's so frustrating to watch because you know, winter's coming. You got a hundred days to get ready for winter. And if you're a maverick separated from the Lordship of Jesus Christ separated from the body of Christ, when winter comes, you're gonna be all alone. 9 (47m 4s): So we were watching this, frustrated this guy, we're like, Dude, get a clue. Right? But we do the same thing in the church. We're like, act as mavericks independent spirits. We want to do our own thing. We don't want submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. We don't want, we don't wanna be a part of the body of Christ because we kind of gotta figure it out until we wanna do our own thing and we don't want somebody else to tell us what to do, right? That's just humanism. Human natures the root of all sin, right? Don't tell me what I gotta do. Jesus asked in Luke 6 46 appointed question, He said, Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I tell you to do? 9 (47m 54s): Right? Jesus can ask those hard questions, right? Why do you call me Lord if you're not gonna do what I tell you to do? It's the fundamental essentials of our faith. If we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God has raised him from the dead, if we shall be safe. So the the gateway to our faith, to our understanding is followers of the Lord Jesus Christ is lordship. We can't move forward as believers without lordship. We will stagnate and we will backslide and we will get Luke warm and we will follow away. If Jesus is not the Lord of our lives, this is the only way forward. Now we can look religious and do all kinds of things that look pious, but if Jesus is not the Lord of our lives, it's, it's, it's a pointless journey. 9 (48m 40s): It's an empty pursuit. Without lordship, we are left with a system with without salvation. And this is what Jesus was up against in the first centuries. We read Romans 10, we see that Jesus was immersed in a system where religious activity was happening all around him. But the salvation that came through Christ, the Lord was, was not being experienced by the religious people of his day. Paul Wrotten, Romans 10, one, Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to goddess for the people of Israel to be saved. 9 (49m 22s): I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it's misdirected zeal. So if you travel anywhere in the Middle East and go to Israel, it's just a very religious part of the world. And so you walk around, you see religious activity happening all over the place. People have religious hats and clothes and beards and sideburns and and decorations on their bodies there. There's religious activity happening all throughout the Middle East. Lots of praying, lots of religious activity, lots of is of enthusiasm and zeal. 9 (50m 3s): But as Jesus confronted the religious leaders of the day who were much like the people in the 21st entry in Israel in the Middle East, there was a lot of enthusiasm in ze. But enthusiasm and zeal don't lead to salvation. Enthusiasm is zeal it. It leads to dutiful religious activity due to full religious activity. Like I'm just wanting to kind of be looking religious, but I don't want my life changed because in order to get my life changed, I need to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. And that seems like a big leap. 9 (50m 44s): And so we fall into this trap of dutiful religious activity and we measure our spirituality by church attendance and by giving and serving. And those things are all okay as long as they're put in their proper order. So if we're going to church and giving and serving because our lives have been transformed because we've been born again because Jesus is changed us and saved us and redeemed us, then, then that's the right path. But if we're trying to put the cart before the horse and try to go to church and give and serve because we're trying to get the favor of God within, we've just got it all backwards. We've got a system of religion without salvation. 9 (51m 25s): None of these things apart from Christ lead to salvation. They may be good, but they can't save you. In fact, some of these religious things that we end up doing can actually keep us from a right relationship, the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives. Because we're looking at things backwards. We're like, Wow, I'm, look at all the good things I'm doing. Look at all the activity, look at all my busyness. We say, Well that's good enough. And so we miss like the first century Jews, we miss what Jesus was trying to communicate. The good news says, My grace is efficient. You can't actually earn your salvation. 9 (52m 7s): We'll see that here in just a moment. So the truth is, salvation comes to those who recognize their inability to impress God or gain his favor through their own works and then come to God through the finished work of Christ. And even as I think about that and communicate that any burden to perform is lifted, right? Because we're not here to perform. We're here to live in relationship with Jesus where he gets to lead and be Lord of our lives. 9 (52m 52s): So God has prescribed a way of welcoming people into his kingdom. And his name is Jesus. It's just Jesus. Jesus told Thomas and John 14, six, I am the way. I am the truth. I am the alive. No one comes to the Father except through me. Back to Romans 10, Verse three says, Were they the Jews? They don't understand God's way of making people right with themself, refusing to accept God's way. They clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law refusing to accept God's way. 9 (53m 37s): They come up with their own way trying to get right with God. There's only one way to be right with God. And that's through the person, the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. James two 10 reminds us, for whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble at one point is guilty of it. Also, if you keep one through nine but don't get 10, you're guilty of breaking the whole law. So the law was given so that we would recognize our desperate need for grace. Romans 10, four, For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God. So what's the purpose of the law? 9 (54m 17s): Romans three 19. Obviously the law applies to those to whom it was given. It's purpose is to keep people from having excuses and to show that the entire world, the entire world, the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God. By doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are. So take the 10 commandments off your wall and get it in your heart. The greatest commandment, love God and love others. It's all of the commandments, the law and the prophets. 9 (55m 1s): Hang on these love God and love others. So God first and out of your love for God, you will love others. Really, really so much, so much, so much better for the wages of sin is death. But the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So without Lordship, we are left with a system without salvation. So Jesus came that we might have the fullness of abundant life. A religious system apart from Lordship is a broken system. And brokenness always begets brokenness. 9 (55m 43s): So we can't rely on a broken system to bring healing and wholeness to our lives. A broken system will always spring brokenness into our lives. So where in your life is Jesus not Lord? Where is Jesus in your life? Not honored as first and priority king leader, The one who can declare to us the way forward. Where in our lives sometimes we compartmentalize God and say in this area, God, I trust you, but not in this area. So what are you gonna do about that revelation when you realize it's in this area that I haven't been trusting him to be? 9 (56m 25s): Lord. Well I'll tell you to do what this young man, I told this young man to do after first serve. I said, just, just get up in the morning. Open up the Bible, right? Like open up. I said, because you'll get the same message in the old, in the New Testament, 66 books of the Bible with one message. And that one message is pointing us to Jesus. Same God in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament, not two separate Gods, one God, eternally existing in three persons of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. His truth is immutable, God is immutable. 9 (57m 5s): He changes, not he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So what is the Old Testament telling us about Lordship? Well, we can look at Moses life and say, well, Moses was a stutterer. Yeah, God called him to go to Pharaoh and to deliver the people of God out of Egypt. That just doesn't make any sense, right? Moses was adopted into Pharaoh's household. He had the riches and the wealth and the power and esteem, prestige of, of royalty. And yet he chose to honor God and to be a, an instrument in the hands of God. 9 (57m 52s): So what do we, what can we glean from that? Well, God uses broken people. Huh? Good. All right. Is that today? Is that true? Today? You better be. I'm not up here because I got something going on. I'm broken all together. What else can we learn about that? He equips What else? Go ahead. I'll just let somebody else speak up. Go ahead Neil. He equips. He equips. So who equips? Oh God, He equips, right? So Moses is a stuttering guy and shepherd. So what happened? God equipped and released into the work of ministry. What about Joseph? When he is in prison falsely accused, right? 9 (58m 33s): Falsely ac accused of inappropriate behavior. And so he's in jail because he's been falsely accused. So where's the, how do we see Lordship in that scenario? What did Joseph do when he was falsely accused sitting in a jail sale for no fault of his own? What did he do? Well, we know that he honored the Lord and, and every responsibility that he was given, he like cream rises to the top. He did it with excellence. And he was given authority over the jail. Jail. And he just kept a tender heart, right? When things were unfair, he kept a tender heart could have gotten hardened up. So what can we learn in the Old Testament? 9 (59m 15s): Lordship tender heart keeps us usable. Applyable heart makes us capable of being used. My God, what about the fishermen? The on the sea, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, They're fishermen. These guys are blue collar fishermen. They're untrained, uneducated. And Jesus walked by and said, Come and follow me and I'll make you fishers of men. What do they do? Why did it make any sense? Often we're trying to make sense of what God's calling us to do. We're making our decisions out of here instead of out of here. We're deciding on what will do for God based on what we can calculate or understand or make sense of in our brains. 9 (1h 0m 2s): Instead of asking this question, Lord, is this what you're calling me to do? And out of that awareness and out of that clarity, Because when Jesus is Lord of our lives, we get clarity about things that we've never had clarity about. And so when we sense it calling and an urging in our soul, we, we can press in and say, Lord, is this what you're calling me to do? Is this what you're asking me to do? It makes no sense. He didn't make any sense for Jesus to call the 12 that he called. He just made no sense. Who did he call though? He called those that were willing and he equipped and he sent them out. 9 (1h 0m 43s): And we're still talking about them. 2000 years later. Some 6,000 years. We're still talking about 'em. Why? Because they didn't, they didn't decide to make a what about Abraham? Abram? God said, Hey, I'm gonna take you somewhere you've never been before and you're gonna become a great nation. FM said, Well, I don't have any kids. I'm getting old. I don't really want to leave because I'm pretty comfortable here how things would've been different here in the 21st century. 9 (1h 1m 24s): We gotta get out of what we can't do and our limitations about what we're capable of doing. And just in our soul and our guts do what God has asked us to do. It's called Lordship. It's called Lordship. There are plenty people who told me I couldn't plant the church cuz I didn't know how and I didn't. And they were absolutely right. But I said, Well, if God's doing something, we might just try it, right? We might just, why not just try it? Why not? What is call God calling you to, to right now that you're calculating in your head? 9 (1h 2m 6s): Get outta your head, right? Like get, get outta your head. It will trip you up and stumble you all the days of your life. Cuz you'll read the scripture and you're like, Yeah, I, I don't think I can do that. And you're right, you can do it. And that's the whole idea. Lordship declares that he will do it through you and in spite of you, that's lordship. That's, that's the gospel. That's, that's what we see in the old and the New Testament. God using regular people, some very smart, The Apostle Paul was brilliant but broken, Incredibly smart, but on the wrong path. 9 (1h 2m 48s): Knew more than anybody else in the room but knew nothing about God. So he takes smart people and he takes dumb people. So I'll be on the dumb end and Paul will be on the smart end. And then everybody in between God will take dumb people and make 'em pretty, pretty brilliant. Others, not me. He will take. But this is the reality of who God is. So what, what are you not doing with your time, talents and treasure that you know that God has called you to step out and to do? What are you, what are you not doing? 9 (1h 3m 28s): And then why not? So get up. I'll tell you what, I told that 22 year old and I'm outta time in 10 seconds. Get up tomorrow. Now don't start tomorrow cuz you might forget it. Like do it right now. You say, Well does it make sense? I've got a plan for my time. I've got a plan for my talent and I've got a plan for my treasure and I like my plan better than God's plan. If that's your perspective, then just acknowledge Jesus is not the Lord of my life. Right? But don't lie about lordship and betray yourself and betray the don't, don't say just be intellectually and spiritually honest. 9 (1h 4m 21s): Think God's got, you know, he's got something to work with. But don't say, I'm a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He's my Lord and savior. But there's no such thing as a butt except for in my joke where the diver was embarrassed because he saw the bottom ocean's bottom. Is that what it was? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jojo's the man. He got the 10 bucks today by the way. So what have, what have we learned? We're kind of wrapping up here. What have, what have we learned and what are we gonna do about it? So it's a twofold question and maybe you're like, I've heard this before, but I've like never done anything about it. So what are you gonna do about it? 9 (1h 5m 2s): How, how is this challenge your perspective? Who wants to go first? I can pick somebody. I mean, it's not hard. I actually don't mind putting somebody on the spot. 11 (1h 5m 15s): Just kind not 12 (1h 5m 18s): Fill my calendar with all these things I have to do and then make room. 9 (1h 5m 23s): Yeah. You 12 (1h 5m 23s): Know, to do what I should do. 9 (1h 5m 26s): Yeah, just let God fill your calendar. I mean, there's things we gotta do. You gotta buy groceries, you gotta do whatever. You gotta get your car serviced. And so you're not saying, Lord, should I get my car service? You're, you know, like I, maybe you're saying, Lord, is this a good day or whatever. But you know, there's just regular response. We're not, it's not mystical. It's like, you know, you gotta take a shower, you know, you gotta eat. You know, you gotta, you know, do all of those things. So, Lord, what, what is it that you want to do with my day? And so if you've got people in your calendar that you've gotta connect with, connect with them, but then say, Lord, I don't wanna just operate outta my own understanding or wisdom. Lord, if there's something that is life giving that you want me to speak to this person, would you just show me what to speak? 9 (1h 6m 7s): And then by faith I'm gonna step out and say that, or pray for that or whatever. But Lord I you're leading. So I just wanna follow, See you doing it. I want to do it. Hear you saying it. I wanna say it. So it's not mystical, it's not hard, it's just, but it does require that we submit that we submit. Who else? Jolene, what have you my beloved. Just putting her on the spot again. Second service. What have you learned and what will you do about it? 12 (1h 6m 40s): Yeah, well I think for me, like the default is always fear. You know? Cause I like to be how I know they're gonna be and be predictable and be prepared for what's coming. And so I think just laying down that, that fear the lie that that God's plan is something for, to be feared when all he's ever done is be faithful to me. When I step out. He always shows up. It's the most exciting and awesome and powerful, amazing place to be. And yet I think the enemy just turns it around. Oh no, it's scary, it's different. It's gonna be, you know, it's not the same as it was last time. And so, you know, I'm stepping out of this different way in faith. 12 (1h 7m 21s): And so I think just acknowledging, I don't want agree with the enemy. He's lying to me and saying, this is a scary thing when God has never been anything but someone I can trust someone who has the best plan. I'm gonna miss out if I don't step out and walk in with this plan has, 9 (1h 7m 40s): You know, who the most godly person in our household is, is Jolene. She's the reason, that's the reason I fell in love with her right there. The fear in our culture dominates our decision making and our process. We, we are fearful about everything. And so we allow that fear to dictate to us what we will and will not do. So remembering that God has always been good, he will always continue to be good. And when things are hard, because things always get hard in different seasons, He will be faithful. 9 (1h 8m 25s): He will be faithful. 13 (1h 8m 31s): Just being obedient to when the Lord is putting on your heart, just step out in faith is what I found the biggest. And I've seen opportunities when I felt the timing of my from the Lord and I missed out because of fear. And then I see how what came to pass a bit. And the Lord could have used me for that, but yet I didn't. So the biggest thing is when the Lord, and if you step out in faith and it doesn't, you don't see anything but you, you are obedient to the Lord. And that's just what he wants from you. The but wants. 9 (1h 8m 60s): Yeah. Yeah. We walk by faith and not by sight. Heather, 10 (1h 9m 7s): I can second what she's saying. Okay. I think you're called something and you do it. There's blessing Yeah. Out. 9 (1h 9m 17s): Hmm. Yeah. There's blessing in it, right? Yeah. So when you're called to do something and you step into it, there's blessing. Yeah. Jim Kessler, you Oh, 10 (1h 9m 31s): I was trying to hide behind 9 (1h 9m 33s): You got a bald guy hiding out of all guys. It's not good. 10 (1h 9m 40s): Oh gosh. You know what? I sitting next to my wife, but I, I gotta let the Lord be in control of my attitude towards my in-laws. 9 (1h 9m 54s): That's rubber meets the road reality, right? Yeah. Yeah. 10 (1h 9m 60s): I, I don't, I can't go in detail right now, but we don't 9 (1h 10m 5s): All like resonate, right? 10 (1h 10m 7s): I just daily. Yeah. So, 9 (1h 10m 11s): So lordship doesn't give you permission to harbor a bad attitude towards your in-laws, right? Yeah. Nailed it. Okay. Steven? 10 (1h 10m 37s): No, I think the first come 9 (1h 10m 39s): Up here does, Do we have a microphone? Yeah. Get get a microphone from your wife there. There we go. This is my MiniMe here, but he's actually bigger than me. You're a little whiter. I'm a little whiter. Yeah. Whiter. Yeah. Like w h I t Yeah, yeah, yeah. That one. Just call me fat in his own loving way. All right, go ahead. Tell us what you've learned and what you're gonna do about it. 14 (1h 11m 6s): I think it's weird being up here. I think, I think the first thing that you talked about when you talked about Aslan in, you know, the Narnia books and CS Lewis, I was thinking about how Lucy went up to Aslan and that, what I remember about Lucy in, in those books is that she was very, she was like the most committed to Aslan and the most believing in the strong, Her faith was the strongest in Aslan as that symbol of Christ in the books and the movies. And I think, you know, when ASN was like, Oh yes, I'm, I'm bigger because you're older, But she was older and and wiser and she had grown in her faith. 14 (1h 11m 46s): And so I think that that growth in her faith had allowed Aslan to grow in her life. So God was bigger in her life because her faith had increased. And, and so I think, and inverse of that would be, you know, like letting that fear take hold and not, and then I guess submitting to the fear rather than submitting to God. And, and, and then that, you know, as land within shrink and become smaller and, and so I think, and then it can be harder and harder to hear the Lord and to feel that conviction of, hey, this is what, this is what God's calling me to do. 14 (1h 12m 26s): And so I think just even those little things like you were saying over here about, you know, whether if you feel like God's calling you to do something, you'll be fearful of it and, and step out in faith because you could use it and you could see the, the rewards down the road and, and not doing it in, in seeking that blessing or seeking that reward, but doing it out of, out of that love for the Lord in that, you know, faith without actions. Is that 9 (1h 12m 52s): So, Yeah, that's, I'm enjoying this. What, what else in this season of your life, being married for the last seven, eight months, this wonderful lady over here and in transition a little bit with your, what, where's the Lord, Lord of your life and all of this decision making? 14 (1h 13m 11s): Yeah, It's been, as, as many of you who have been married and on an outside of marriage, we know the communication aspect has been very difficult. What's 9 (1h 13m 22s): Been, what's been difficult? Marriage, Sorry, go. I'm not, 14 (1h 13m 27s): Yeah, the communication aspect has been really tough cuz we're, we're very different people. We're like, we're pretty much exact opposites and so, and the way that we just communicate in daily life, so it can be like the simplest thing, but it's just, we, we see it in complete opposite ways. So getting to that conclusion of like, oh, this is how I see it. So then it's just like, Lord, we need your help. And, and just the simple day to day stuff, like how, like even what time to do the dishes, you know, it's like just all the little things like every, every, every little part of life. And so that's what, and then, you know, moving students, finding a new, new place to live. Just, just every little bit of our life, we're just having to continually over and over again be reminded. 14 (1h 14m 10s): It's like we need the Lord in this, this part of life is, all of life is difficult all of life. There's decisions to be made that affect the rest of your life every day. So have being able to submit those things to the Lord and, and, and say, hey, this is, you know, this may seem small, but it's going to affect us down the line. And so in that communication thing, being able to, you know, not let anything slide by or ignore things and, and just be on top. 15 (1h 14m 39s): Do it alone. Do it alone. Go ahead. 14 (1h 14m 40s): Yeah. Okay. So I'm gonna invite the worship team up. 15 (1h 14m 50s): Gonna 14 (1h 14m 50s): Go ahead and pray this out for the day, 15 (1h 14m 54s): Otherwise 14 (1h 14m 54s): My dad will just keep asking me questions. So thank you Lord, for this day, for this time, this awesome message that Pastor Steve has brought today. We're so grateful to be able to listen and learn and just take away all the little nuggets of wisdom and all the literal alliteration in the, in the, you know, circling back to the jokes about the ocean's bottom and just all, all the little things. They, they, they seem literal, but they, they keep our attention and they keep us focused on the message and focused on what, what we're learning through it. And so we just pray that throughout this week we just, our focus would remain on you, Lord, that that would be the first and foremost most important thing. 14 (1h 15m 40s): In that way we encounter those people that need to hear about you and you are telling us and urging us to communicate with them and to reach out to them. We pray that we would respond and be faithful and, And to, and just remember to love you. And then when we get that voice in our ear that's telling us, Hey, this is weird, or this is awkward, or this is, you know, this isn't what society does today. Like why, why would you do that? You're gonna be judged and they're not gonna appreciate it Cuz the reality is people love being loved and people need to be loved and we need to be love and light for the Lord, for Jesus cuz he sacrificed it all so that we could be that for him. 14 (1h 16m 27s): So I pray that we be that this week, Lord and Jesus, thank 0 (1h 16m 38s): You. Stand as we worship. 1 (1h 18m 34s): The song is. 3 (1h 19m 34s): Thank you Father, that this is just the beginning. This is just the beginning of saying your name, of praising you and lifting you high. Thank you for the authority we have in you. You never leave us and you never forsake us. 0 (1h 19m 55s): Would 3 (1h 19m 56s): You go before us this week? Would we remind ourselves to call on you at any moment, at any time? 0 (1h 20m 6s): It's 3 (1h 20m 7s): In your precious and holy name we pray. Amen.