0 (0s): Let's all stand. So getting everybody to stand up with me, please. All right, Lord. We are so thankful. So thankful for what you did for us. Some 2000 years ago, Lord, you provided the means for our salvation. We can only say we thank you. And we receive what you provided for us through the cross and through the empty tomb. We honor you today and worship you today. We just want to lift you up so that each one of us, every heart, every person would be touched profoundly touched by the living. God, we are so blessed. We are so thankful. 0 (40s): Thank you for the community of believers that we are today here. Not only at harvest church, but throughout the central coast, we bless you. We love you in Jesus name. And God's people said 2 (2m 58s): then came the morning. 2 (3m 50s): Hey man. 2 (10m 27s): And you're so worthy of our praise and our time. You're worthy of a heart. Thank you so much for this beautiful day to gather, to remember what you've done for us, how you set us free. I pray for every heart here this morning that they would know the love of Jesus. Today. We know that they're not alone. Now that you walk with us all the days of our lives. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your presence here with us. We thank you for your great love for us. We worship you for who you are. 2 (11m 2s): Jesus, Jesus. 2 (11m 39s): . 2 (17m 47s): I had this reoccurring fear that we're going to hold a service like this, 3 (17m 50s): And nobody's going to show up. So thanks her not making that fear a reality. So a quick joke, we go, before you sit down quick drug, before you sit down, sorry, Jewish rabbi confesses to his wife. He said, I sold the family burial too. He said, how could you sell the family burial to I plan to be buried there with you in the family. What are you doing? What are we going to do? He said, she said, how did, who did you sell that to him too? He said, well, this guy named Jesus, the good news. He only needs it for a few days. 3 (18m 27s): we prayed for good weather. And here it is. We're so grateful. Thanks Perry. We titled the whole events today without fear where we just believe that God would call us and would challenge us to live our lives. Without fear. You guys are proving that that is your goal as well as you are here today. God wants us to live. He wants the people to live without fear. So welcome. God bless you. It was early on Sunday morning as the new day was dawning Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb and the women had encountered, had an encounter with an angel and then shortly thereafter, the enemy encounter with the living God with Jesus, the Lord, both the angel of the Lord, both of them said the angel of the Lord and Jesus, the Lord. 3 (19m 30s): I said, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid is handled. Jesus has it under control. He's risen from the dead. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, the resurrection. It means that Jesus is who he said he is who he said he was. He is God. He is the Messiah. He is the savior of the world. He's the only way to have it with that. Let's take a moment and we'll pray and we'll continue with the message. Lord Jesus. We are so grateful for your presence here. I pray. 3 (20m 10s): We pray together. God, that you would remind us of the reason that we're gathered, that we would be so built up encouraged with the truth of the resurrection. God that we would leave today with a better under it standing greater clarity around the resurrection. God, we invite you to speak to us personally and corporately to God that she would do what all you can do, minister to every soul that gathers not only here, but all over the central coast, wherever people are gathered. We prayed that she'd be ministering speaking and moving. So Lord, we thank you for your presence. We love you. 3 (20m 51s): Thank you that you're alive in Jesus name. Amen. Jesus is who he said he is who he said he was, he is faithful. He was dead. And now he is alive. So we celebrate the whole world celebrates. I remember after a baseball, when, when I was a little guy, we went down after baseball. When we'd all jump into the back of the truck. Remember those days, when you get pilots in the back of the coach's truck and head to foster freeze and get ice cream, that was the deal. We would celebrate the win by piling in going down the freeway. And everybody's just kind of blowing in the wind, but we would celebrate with some ice cream, right at the end of a good season in any sport, we would gather for food at a pizza place and we'd celebrate with awards and all kinds of fun to celebrate the end of a season. 3 (21m 42s): When my kids were growing up, we had some forged banquets that we gathered for hundreds of people gathered for spores, paved, wins, and celebrate the coaches and the teams. The players. There's always a celebration. And we remember all of the celebrations in our lives, but sometimes we forget the work and effort. It took to get to the celebration. There's a ton of work going into the celebration, the end result, which that allows us to celebrate. So today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but we will also reflect on a few other things. We will answer five questions today. Here are the questions. Number one. What did Jesus accomplish before the resurrection? 3 (22m 26s): Number two, why was Jesus put to death? Number three. Why was the resurrection necessary? Number four. Why is the resurrection celebrated? The number five? What do we do with this? Jesus? What do we do with Jesus? Number one, what did Jesus accomplished before the resurrection? Jesus offered himself as a sin offering for the whole world. Jesus was born. He lived and died to call people to God and to offer his life as a ransom. 3 (23m 8s): For many out of this happen, you might ask, well, there's a word that we use. It's called the incarnation. It literally incarnation means literally to put on flesh. And this is exactly what Jesus did. And the Lord Jesus who was fully God took on flesh and was born as a baby. We celebrate his birthday, Christmas. He was raised in a family with 4 (23m 31s): Parents and siblings and responsibilities and all of the normal challenges of life, except he was without sin. If you raise kids, you know that no kid is without fault without sin. Jesus was perfect. He never sinned. Maybe that word sinned is new to you, that word sin. What does that mean to you? Sin basically means to miss the Mark, to miss the Mark. So recently this last Thursday, I started well a couple of weeks ago, I started running again for the first time in probably the last year and a half. My knees were hurting. And so 5 (24m 9s): I stopped running for the last year and a half and 4 (24m 12s): Somebody prayed for my knees and I started running again. So there you have it that God is still a healer today. So I get running and my goal is to run a mile and a half. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but if you haven't been running for the last couple of years, it's a big deal. My lungs and legs and heart were screaming at me. And so I only made it about a mile out before I stopped. I'm going to build and I will get to the mile and a half Mark. But in this scenario on Thursday, I missed the Mark. I sinned as it were not in a spiritual sense, but to define the word sin, it means to miss the Mark. So my Mark was the mile and a half marker. 5 (24m 54s): I made it to a mile. 4 (24m 56s): So that is essentially what it means to miss the Mark to sin in that way, God has a Mark. Did you realize that God has a Mark? He has expectations for humanity. For instance, God said an exit is 2016. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. What does it mean to bear false witness? It means to lie, right? So God is essentially saying, thou shall not. You should never lie. So when we lie, even when it's a small white lie, when we lie, we have missed the Mark. And the Bible is full of expectations 5 (25m 32s): That God has for us. The 10 commandments, this is the ninth commandment, but there's nine others. And 4 (25m 39s): So a whole 66 books of the Bible where God has expectations for his people. So one of the marks is that we would be 5 (25m 48s): That we would never lie. Any anybody ever lie once in their life? Okay. I would say most of us are probably 4 (25m 55s): Fudge the truth. Just a little bit told a little white lie. So if that's you, then you have missed the Mark and you have sinned. As the Bible says, the wages of sin is death. The penalty, the payment for sin is death, but the free gift 5 (26m 8s): Of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Our Lord. 4 (26m 12s): So imagine Jesus through all of his life, 5 (26m 16s): Including his adolescent years imagined that he never sinned. He never broke the laws of God. He was perfect. 4 (26m 24s): Peter tells us in first, Peter, two 22, speaking of Jesus, he said he never sinned nor ever deceived anyone for the rest of us. Romans three 23 says for everyone has sinned. We all fall short of God's glorious 5 (26m 42s): Standard. Every single one 4 (26m 44s): Of us, Romans five six says when we were utterly helpless, lost in our sin, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. So what did Jesus accomplish before the resurrection? Jesus offered himself as a sin offering whole world. He was born. He lived, lived and died to call people to God, into offers life as a ransom for many Romans six 23. Again for the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus. Our Lord Jesus was born and his whole purpose in, in being born was to die, to die for the sins of man kind. 4 (27m 27s): Matthew 2028 says speaking of himself, Jesus said for even the son of man came not to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a writer. Awesome for Manny again, Jesus was, he lived and died to call people to God and to offer his life as a ransom for many number two, why was Jesus put to death? We've been touching on it. It's because of sin because of sin and the world. Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself. So that those who accept his sacrifice might be forgiven of their sins. The ancient prophet, Isaiah, yeah. Called the Shakespeare of Hebrew literature was a poet who understood the two sided nature of God's character. 4 (28m 15s): There is mercy, but then also judgments. There was grace, but also discipline justice, but also forgiveness, exile, and also salvation. Isaiah wrote prophetically 700 years before Christ was born. 700 years before Jesus was born, lived, died and resurrected from the dead. And he wrote 700 years in advance. What would happen to the Messiah? This is what Isaiah wrote about the savior of the world. Isaiah 53, speaking of Jesus, it says this who has believed our message to whom has the Lord revealed his powerful arm. 4 (28m 58s): My servant grew up in the Lord's presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance. Nothing to attract us to him. He was wised and rejected. A man of sorrows acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised and we did not care yet. It was our weaknesses. He cares. It was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God at punishment for his own sins. But he was pierced for our rebellion. He was crushed for our sins. 4 (29m 40s): He was beaten. We could be made whole, he was whipped so we could be healed. All of us like sheep have straight away. We have left God's path to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him, the sins of us, all, he was oppressed and treated harshly yet. He never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep, as silent before 5 (30m 7s): The year is he did not open his mouth. Unjustly condemned. He was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants that his life was cut short and midstream, but he was struck down for the, for the rebellion of my people. He had done no wrong. He had never deceived anyone, but he was buried like a criminal. He was put in a rich man's grave, but it was the Lord's good plan to crush him and cause him grief yet. 4 (30m 38s): When his life has made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life. And the Lord's good plan will prosper in his hands. 5 (30m 50s): When he sees all that as accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant 4 (30m 56s): Will make it possible for many to be counted righteous 5 (30m 60s): For. He will bear all their sins. Verse 12. I will give him the honors of the victorious soldier because he exposed himself to death. 4 (31m 10s): He was counted among the rebels. He bore the sins, 5 (31m 13s): Eddie and interceded for rebels. Why was Jesus put to death? Because the penalty for sin is death. Jesus took my sin. He took our sin upon himself. So that those who accept so that we might accept his sacrifice and be forgiven of our sins. Why was the resurrection necessary? Number three, why was the resurrection necessary? The resurrection demonstrates that 4 (31m 48s): Everything he said is true. He told his followers I will be killed. And then on the third day I will be resurrected. Jesus told his disciples that he would die, but on the third day he would rise again. The resurrection proves that Jesus is who he said he is and who he said he was Dr. Jamie David. Jeremiah wrote scripture tells us that we are 5 (32m 13s): Separated from God because he is Holy. He is Holy and we are not. 4 (32m 18s): We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. We read about that. Romans three 23, we cannot measure up to his standard and we cannot go to heaven in our own imperfection, but all mighty God devised a plan, a plan of redemption. He would send his only son, Jesus Christ to this world to live a perfect life. And he would ultimately go to the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. Some wonder, how could one man do that? And the answer is no mere man could, but this man was the son of God. He was God in the flesh. And only through him, can we come to God, 5 (32m 59s): Fully justified? 4 (33m 1s): Jesus Christ himself said, I am 5 (33m 3s): The way the truth and the life. 4 (33m 6s): And no man comes to the father except 5 (33m 8s): Through me. Dr. David David, Jeremiah continues only by placing our trust in him for the forgiveness of our sins. Can we go to 4 (33m 17s): Heaven? And because Jesus Christ came back from the grave, demonstrating the reality of his words and the truthfulness of his statements. 5 (33m 26s): No, that his words are true. Now we know why the resurrection of Jesus Christ was necessary. His whole reputation was, 4 (33m 39s): Was counting on this resurrection. If he did not resurrect from the dead, 5 (33m 44s): Everything that he said was a lie and not worth following, but he did. 4 (33m 49s): So with that number four, why is the resurrection celebrated? Why do we celebrate the resurrection? Well, the resurrection represents new life for each and every one of us who would welcome Jesus into our lives to have our sins forgiven and to be welcomed into the family of God. It represents new life, new hope, new purpose, new promise in Jesus. The resurrection proves that Jesus is who he claimed to be. So we celebrate the resurrection 2000 years later because people for 2000 5 (34m 26s): And years have been trusting that resurrection I've been trusting that name. They've been putting their trust in the living God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. 4 (34m 37s): They've been trusting Jesus for the salvation of their souls, broken people, people who desperately needed forgiveness of their sins, good people who also recognize 5 (34m 48s): Guys that they needed the grace of the Lord. Jesus Christ. 4 (34m 51s): Good. The bad, the ugly, everybody in between people who need Jesus, 5 (34m 56s): The Hammond find forgiveness there. 4 (35m 0s): Celebrate the resurrection because 2000 years ago, Jesus made the only way possible to heaven. And people have been trusting Jesus for their salvation. 5 (35m 9s): Ever since let's read the 4 (35m 10s): Biblical account in Matthew chapter 28 verses one through 10, it says early on Sunday morning 5 (35m 16s): As the new day was dawning 4 (35m 18s): Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb. Suddenly there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord, came down from having imagined the scene, a large earthquake because an angel of the Lord came down from heaven. He rolled aside the stone and sat on it. His face shown 5 (35m 35s): Lightening and his clothing was as white as snow. The guards shook with fear when they saw him and they fell into a dead faint. Then the angel spoke to the women. Don't be afraid. He said, I know you're looking for Jesus who was crucified. He isn't here. He has risen from the dead just as he said, what happened, come and see where his body was lying. And now go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead. And he is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. Remember what I have told you in the women ran quickly from the tomb. 5 (36m 17s): Imagine though they're their emotion, their, what they're experiencing. As they went to go visit the tomb and they realized that Jesus is resurrected. The women ran quickly from the tomb verse eight. They were very frightened, but also filled with great joy. And they rushed to give the disciples, the angels message. And as they went, Jesus met them. I love that statement because I've experienced that in my own life. Jesus meeting me in my desperate time of need being faithful to me when I'm not his faithfulness being good to me when I'm not worthy of his goodness, Jesus met them. 5 (37m 8s): He met them and greeted them. This is what Jesus wants to do with each. And every one of us, he wants to meet us and greet us and then give us a message. They ran to him, grasp his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Go tell my brothers to leave for Galilee. And they will see me there. So the angel of the Lord spoke to the women. Don't be afraid. Jesus met them, greeted them and gave them the same message. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Jesus is alive. He's well, he's present with us. 5 (37m 48s): I'm declaring to you today that we are to be without fear in Jesus' name. Jesus died for our sins. Jesus made the way to heaven. Jesus 6 (38m 0s): Loves you. Jesus loves you. 5 (38m 6s): Jesus is faithful. 6 (38m 11s): So 5 (38m 12s): With all of the information that we've gathered this morning, what did we do with this Jesus? What did we do with Jesus? 6 (38m 24s): I heard Marie. Remember when I was in middle school, 5 (38m 28s): It was confronted with the gospel. The good news that for whatever reason, because he decided to not because I was good, but Jesus, he loves me. I was confronted with that revelation that Jesus loves me and that he wanted to forgive my sins, that he had a good plan for my life. That he wanted to be a part of my life. I remember being broken. It's just a young guy being broken by that revelation, that information, that truth that I knew, God was speaking 6 (38m 58s): To me. What do we do with Jesus? I want to encourage you. Don't be 5 (39m 5s): Afraid. Welcome him into your life. Jesus came that we might have life and life abundantly. He loves you. And no matter what you've done or on the other side of things, no matter how good you think you might be, you need Jesus. And by his grace, he welcomes you. Some are afraid. Some here are afraid to follow Jesus. Maybe you've tried and it hasn't worked out. I would just tell you, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to follow Jesus. Some are afraid of what others might think. 5 (39m 46s): If you started following Jesus, don't let the fear of man keep you from following Jesus. Some are afraid of what Jesus might expect. Trust me, whatever Jesus expects. The blessings on, on the other side of following Jesus is so out ways. The, the expectation that Jesus might have, Jesus said, my yoke is easy. My burden is light. 6 (40m 15s): What do we do with Jesus? 5 (40m 17s): Can I encourage you and invite you to give your life to Jesus? We're going to have a baptism. Baptism is a time when people who have decided to believe and follow Jesus, make a public declaration of their faith. They're saying to the world, to everybody who will witness to God into the world, I am a follower of the Lord. Jesus Christ. 6 (40m 42s): There's an opportunity 5 (40m 42s): To be baptized today. We've got a handful of people. Who've committed to be baptized ahead of time. But if you're here today and you have given your life to Jesus or want to give your life to Jesus and you want to get baptized, that I'm gonna encourage you. After we pray to go back to the tent behind me and we'll have a t-shirt and change of clothes for you, and you'll have the opportunity to be baptized with that. Let's go ahead and bow our heads in prayer and do some business with the Lord. Lord Jesus. We 6 (41m 17s): Are so 5 (41m 20s): Humbled by your presence. God, we're so humbled by your goodness. You gotta know that you've been speaking to people like you spoke to my heart so many years ago. And I thank you for that. Listen, if you're here today with everybody's eyes still closed, as we continue to pray, if you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord, you simply do this. You tell God you need him. You say, Lord, I need you. I need you to forgive my sins. I need you to come into my life. I need your love. I need your grace. 5 (42m 1s): I need your mercy. And as you humbly acknowledge your need to the living, God did Jesus. The Lord. He will come into your life and forgive your sins. He will adopt you into his family and make you his own. So Lord, I pray that as people make that decision today that it would stick and that those people would be bold to follow you all the days of their lives. Thank you for your amazing grace. We love you Lord in Jesus name. Amen. So if you'd like to get baptized, let's go ahead and stand up. We're going to worship some more as we stand up. If you'd like to be baptized, make your way to the baptism tent directly behind the platform and we will get you prepared for baptism. 5 (42m 48s): In the meantime, we will sing some songs, continue to worship the Lord. 0 (1h 1m 38s): What a celebration this morning. Thank you so much for joining us search. We're so glad that you were here with us this morning. We just want to take a moment and just pray as we close this service, would you bow your heads with me, Lord, we love you. Would you just seal upon our hearts, all that has been done here today? God, would you just draw hearts unto yourself? And would you cause us to be a reflection of your love to a dying hurting world around us that is so in need. And I pray that you would help us to walk without fear into this week ahead that we lean into you for strength, for guidance, for everything that we need, Lord, that you care for us so much, you know, the hairs on head and you know, every anxious thought. 0 (1h 2m 21s): And so we look to Jesus for all that. We have Nita. Thank you for coming. Thank you for living and dying and rising again that we could be free. So we celebrate you Jesus. This morning, we give you our hearts and all of our things in his precious and Holy name. Amen. Amen. Amen church. Well, that song that we close with, it's called walk without fear. And that's our special gift to you this morning. We have a recording of it available on iTunes on Spotify, and you can find the lyric video on YouTube. So I hope that you look that up. You can hop on our church website to find all those links, but it's just our gift to you that you could carry the stay with you forward and walk without fear. 0 (1h 3m 2s): So we're going to have that lyric video playing after service. But before we wrap up, we have some special announcements from our kids director. Leslie is going to tell us about the Easter egg hunt. So don't go far. If you've got, kids are gonna want to stick around for, this is my mind. We have our Easter egg hunts going on right now, right after service. They're going to begin in just a few minutes. So if you have kiddos between the ages of zero and 10 years old, we have a hunt for four to 10 year old in the first area. You'll see a balloon arch that's orange and yellow and white. You'll see that on the right side, down the driveway. So if you have a four to 10 year old, go ahead and go down there. If you have a birth to three-year-old, you're going to continue past that one. 0 (1h 3m 43s): You're going to see a second balloon arch on your right. And that's where you're going to go for those kiddos. So, all right. Happy Easter, everyone you're dismissed. 2 (1h 4m 1s): We didn't do food. 2 (1h 4m 18s): hi. 2 (1h 6m 38s): Oh me. Yeah. Now I see .
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