0 (10s): . 0 (11m 48s): Bye God. 0 (11m 52s): you never stop. 0 (13m 49s): You never stop. Never stop. stop. Stop. Stop. 0 (14m 7s): stop. 0 (16m 13s): Stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop. 0 (16m 28s): promise in the thought that is a true story, Lord. 0 (17m 47s): That is who you are. You are always working in us 1 (17m 53s): With us and through us. And that we're so humbled by that heard a song this week that said, when everybody's running away, God is running towards you. Through failures, mistakes, dumb things that we say when people are moving away from us, God, you're moving toward us because you're working and your grace is sufficient kindness. 1 (18m 34s): Everlasting, your love unconditional hard to fathom. Thank you for it. Lord, God continue to move toward us in this service Lord and help us to move toward you as well. Lord, as we worship you, as we open up your word and receive instruction, Lord, we want to hear what you have to say to us, not just today, but every day, Lord God. Today's just the time that we gather corporately and we hear together what you want to say to the body of Christ, but Lord, every day, Lord, help us to remain in you, to abide in you, to be connected to you, to be filled with you. 1 (19m 16s): Lord God, I don't know about the rest of the group, the Lord. I can't do it without you. I don't want to do it without you. So thank you Lord, for your kindness to ride out the storms of life with us to be faithful when things are good. And when things are hard, you're faithful. God minister all over the central coast is people are struggling with illness and issues. Lord God, I just pray God that she bring healing all over the central coast. 1 (19m 58s): God, that people would know that you're alive and well because of the good work that you're doing. God, thank you more. Be ministering all over the world and places like Afghanistan, where they're just hard and horrific things happening, Lord God, we just pray for your grace, your sovereign power and presence all over the globe. Lord God that you be protecting people and rescuing people and responding to the hard cries of people meeting the physical needs and the spiritual needs of people all over the globe or God, God would just invite you to do wonderful and supernatural things locally and globally. 1 (20m 42s): God help us to be mindful to be prayerful and to be faithful. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Hey man, 2 (20m 49s): You can be seated. God bless you. God bless you. Thank you. Worship team. We've titled the message today. The PA the path to godly character in a fallen world and had a chance to be tested in this arena on, in, in a golf match that I was in this week, the path to godly character in a fallen world. One guy said I've given up cussing, unless I'm on the golf course. I didn't say that somebody else said that, but I might as well have said that. So the path to godly character in a fallen world. 2 (21m 30s): So money, money, where we were playing golf this week and, and we're excited, we're gonna go out and play 18 holes of golf. And, and we get out there and we get behind this, excuse me, but we get behind this geriatric couple, this very old couple and which is fine, but they were very slow as well. And I'm very, 3 (21m 51s): Very thoughtful about every shot and, and it just went on 1 (22m 1s): And on and on and on. And 2 (22m 3s): So finally, at one point we decided if we're going to just jump over this couple and go to the next hole. And then we ran into the same thing, another old couple who bless their hearts. They were very, just thoughtful about every shots. And, and so we get through the front nine and then we decided let's just go have lunch. Hopefully all of the slow people get, get ahead of us and move and get moving. And then we'll be able to get out and play. But the truth is we were playing such terrible golf, both of us from the first strike of the ball to the very last strike of the ball that we were completely discouraged with our golf game. 2 (22m 46s): And then we were, so it was just, we sat at lunch and we said, this was, this has been a, a lesson in patience today, the path to godly character in a fallen world and imperfect world. And so we were tested that day. We were so discouraged after nine holes and after lunch, then we get to lunch and we're at the counter for lunch. And then we get behind this other, I think it was one of the same couples that we were behind on the golf horse. And they were very thoughtful about every decision that they were making at the cafeteria there, the, the restaurant in and the service was really, really slow. 2 (23m 30s): So every moment we had opportunity to be, to find the path, to godly character in a fallen world, because you want to lash out you're right. You're like, w we, we wanted to say speed it, Alice, right? You want to just kind of yell it out there and get anxious. But, but we decided not to do that. And we just crumbled amongst ourselves instead, which is, you know, the high road, I guess in that situation, we shouldn't have grumbled at all, but we did. And so we just quit. We quit after nine holes and went home. We decided it was over. I was reading in Proverbs chapter three. It's not going to be up on the screen. But I was reading this yesterday in light of the message that I wrote this week. 2 (24m 14s): Proverbs three 15 through 17 says wisdom is more precious than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you long life in her right hand and riches and honor in her left, she will guide you down delightful paths. She will guide you down delightful paths. All her ways are satisfying. And so I thought it was interesting that that word path was used in my devotional reading. After I'd written the message, there's an expectation that God has upon us. It's put upon us. And it is to be expected actually as believers and followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ. 2 (24m 59s): Why? Because we're filled with actually, we're filled with his presence. When we come to faith in Jesus, we're told that his spirit, the third person of the Trinity, the person of the holy spirit actually comes in, takes up residency lives in us. And so we're to live our lives as believers, as followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ, reflecting that life that is within us. And we're told in John 15 to abide in Christ that he will abide in us and we will produce much fruit. And so out of that life of a biting remaining in Christ and being filled with the holy spirit, there's actually, there's actually a change of life that is obvious or should be obvious in us and with us, we're in Titus chapter two, but at the end of Titus chapter one, Paul wrote about the corrupt and unbelieving. 2 (25m 51s): He said, this is why they were corrupt and unbelieving. He said, they claim to know God, but they deny him by the way they live their lives. Isn't that interesting? So he said, they claim to know God, but they deny him by the way that they're living their lives. In other words, Paul could look at their lives and know that they're not, that they don't actually know God they're there. Their lives were actually in congruence. What they said, they believed didn't actually line up with the way that they live their lives. There there's a specific path, the path of godly wisdom that we must choose to develop godly character. 2 (26m 33s): And it's in doing so that our lives 3 (26m 36s): Arguing group, once we 2 (26m 39s): Live not perfectly, we can all raise our hands and talk about the struggles that we have followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ, things that get us into trouble and things that that causes problems. So we're not talking about perfection, but we are talking about consistency. And, and we're talking about on an honest pursuit of God, God, and his plans and purposes for our lives and honest pursuit of the path of righteousness that God is calling us to live on. So there's a specific path. It's the path of godly wisdom that we must choose news. And it's something that I find I got to choose all the time. 2 (27m 19s): I got to change. I got to choose it like on the golf course, I got to choose it. What I'm doing just about everything. I've got to choose this godly path or else by default, I'm off, off the path and do thinking and saying, and acting like I shouldn't be acting. So if I don't choose the path that I'm off the path all together. So that of wisdom keeps us congruent in the way that we live our lives. So we, we, we actually begin to live in the way that God has called us to live. So Paul wrote to Titus this clear instruction regarding life and lifestyle and how to live. 2 (28m 2s): He said in verse one, Titus two, one is for you, Titus promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. So he, Paul saying it matters. And we see it throughout the whole Bible old and the new Testament, whether Paul's writing about it or somebody else, we're seeing that it matters how we live our lives. As for you, Titus Titus, you're leading the people of God on the island of Crete, eat this godless place, this worldly place. I want you to promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching, make sure your living and your teaching line up. 2 (28m 44s): And this is a challenge for anybody like myself, who has a teaching role and responsibility, but it's not just about pastors and people upfront. It's about small group Bible study leaders. It's about youth leaders and Sunday school leaders and good news clubs, leaders it's about anybody who wants to proclaim with their lips, with their mouth, that they profess Jesus. We need to make sure that our living and our teeth Ching lineup Titus must live in such a way that his life models wholesome T teaching the teaching you received from Paul and the teaching. He gives day to day. 2 (29m 25s): So all of our lives should be, they should reflect the wholesome teaching we are receiving. So I get up on Sunday morning and I preach and teach and lead. And it's our job myself. First and foremost to take in what I say this all the time, I'm preaching to myself mostly. And if you get something out of it, then God bless you, but I'm mostly teaching to myself, you know, and all of us. And we need to make sure w what we're hearing as we listen to the teaching. And then as we open it of the scripture, because we need to be opening up the scripture to learn, to sell feed and, and, and teach and be taught by the holy spirit and, and be, and be learning all the time. 2 (30m 6s): As we look at them, the word of God, like a mirror held up to our lives. We say, oh, I'm actually not doing this. Yes, very well. And so Lord, forgive me for not doing this very well. I need to make sure that I'm doing this. So by your spirit and in your power, Lord helped me to do that. So we all need to reflect the wholesome teaching we're receiving. So that's a responsibility, right? It's a responsibility, the teacher, but also on the student, I need to be teaching and then making sure that my life is like coming up with what I'm teaching. And then the student must listen 3 (30m 41s): And then make sure their 2 (30m 43s): Lives are lining up with what is being taught. So the pupil and the teacher both have this responsibility that our lives accurately reflect the wholesome teaching of the scripture. So what does wholesome teaching look like? Your Bible might use the words like sound 3 (31m 2s): Doctrine. 2 (31m 3s): Your translation might say sound right. Doctrine sound doctrine is basically healthy doctrine. Healthy doctrine leads to a healthy, spiritual life. This contrasts with the disease. Remember we learned last week that the religious leaders, this church leaders in this, on this island of Crete were actually misleading. The people there were actually not godly people. They said that they knew God, but they denied him by the way they live their lives. So this contrast, this healthy doctrine, it contrasts with the diseased teaching of the religious leaders on the island in Titus one nine. It says that the elders are to encourage others with wholesome teaching or with sound doctrine, sound doctrine are the truths that we believe. 2 (31m 53s): They're the trues that we teach as followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It's our Christian statements of faith. It's this doctrine that we hold, dear. It's the chews we teach and preach. We already are Christian believers. Titus must teach these truths to do a couple different things to combat godless teaching, right? Because we're always hearing godless things, things that are not godly and things that are not truth. And so the truth of God's word combats, that, and he helps us to think properly about it, but it also equips the believers for good works in Christ. When we have a proper understanding of biblical doctrine, godly doctrine, then we live out of that. 2 (32m 38s): We live out of our, if the information that we believe we live out of that, that, and then hopefully we're making wise choices and we're staying on the path that God would have us to stay on. So Titus my teach these truths, the most combat godless teaching and do equip the believers for good works in Christ. Verse two, he says, teach the older men to exercise self-control to be worthy of respect and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience. So the path to godly character and a fallen world, number one, step one, exercise self-control. So this is for the older men, but as we will see these characteristics for the men, the older men, the older women, the younger man, the younger women for slaves, all of the above, they apply to all of us. 2 (33m 31s): They apply to all of us. And so we're actually, we actually won't become older, godly people. If we don't begin the process now, 3 (33m 44s): Well, there's, we, you know, they're there, 2 (33m 47s): There are exceptions to that. Obviously people come to faith in Christ, late in life. I remember Jolene's grandpa came to faith late in life, and he was completely transformed. He was completely transformed by the grace message of the Lord, Jesus Christ, as he was filled with the holy spirit. And he became, as we reflect in, as we remember, cause he passed about 10 years ago or so maybe a little bit longer, but we reflect on his life. He was totally transformed, getting saved at about, I don't know, in probably 80 years old or so. 3 (34m 21s): So 2 (34m 22s): There, there are exceptions, but the best way to gain this, that kind of stuff has to begin when we're young and to live a lifetime exercising self-control. So the older men are to 3 (34m 35s): Understand and grow in this 2 (34m 36s): Area of self-control and then model it to everyone. But this truth is for every one self-control well, let's unpack that a bit. Self-control it's fruit or evidence of the holy spirit control in our lives. Self-control I think I'll be wrestling with this area of self-control for the rest of my life. So it's good that I start now or hopefully started awhile ago because it'll be something that will be a burden to me for the rest of my life. Self-control but it was really the fruit or evidence of the holy Spirit's control. 2 (35m 18s): It's evidence that the holy spirit is in us when we have self-control regarding our words, thoughts and deeds. It's not just about our deeds. It's just not about our words, but it's about our thoughts as well. That secret place where we can get out of control with a lack of self-control. And so God's concerned about all three, right? Because Jesus said, if you sin in your heart, you it's just like you've done it naturally or outward. So self-control all fruit or evidence of the holy spirit. So if you're lacking, self-control just ask the holy spirit, 3 (35m 59s): God, I need 2 (35m 60s): Self-control regarding my anger toward this person or regarding my attitude toward this person or regarding my responsibility in this circumstance. God give me self, okay. Control where they have respect. That's the next one self-control goes a long way in helping someone be worthy of respect. Think about the people that you respect in your life. Those people probably have self-control troll figured out. They've figured out how to control themselves and word thought indeed. And because they figured out how to control themselves and word that need, they are worthy of respect. You usually we respect people who are making wise choices. 2 (36m 43s): We respect people who are living their life, maybe the way that we hope to live our lives. And so we hold somebody in esteem saying, I respect that person because I respect the way that they're living their lives. Dave's who is respect again, people who make wise choices. And so I think about our, our, my life as a follower of Jesus Christ is my life worthy of respect. I do somewhat, some would say yes, some, some would say no way. Yeah, I, 3 (37m 12s): But my 2 (37m 14s): Audience is God, what does God think is my life worthy of respect? And thank God for his mercy. Amen. Who is worthy of respect. People who make wise choices. So it's a, it's a lifetime of, of, of kind of attaining this respect. It's a lifetime where throughout the course of a life, you look at somebody's life and you say, man, there's been consistency, but also we've known, we've all known people. Who've made mistakes who have repented of those mistakes. And they've lived consistently or people who are humble in the midst of their mistakes. And they're there. What is God working in your life? What has God want to get changed in your life so that you can become a person who is worthy of respect. 2 (37m 55s): Maybe you just need to speak differently to people. Maybe you need to think differently about your life. Maybe you need to act differently in relationship to your circumstances in life. None of us have a perfect life with perfect circumstances. So we have to figure out how to live as a person worthy of respect, no matter what we're going through. Difficult marriages, difficult kids, a difficult financial situation, difficult physical stuff. Are we living in a way that we're worthy of respect? This is the call that God has put upon older men, but it's something that all of us need to attain to. And it's only attainable through the power of the holy spirit when we yield God. 2 (38m 36s): And when we walk with God 3 (38m 40s): Being 2 (38m 41s): Filled with his presence and remaining in him the last couple of days, probably because of our journey group, we were talking about abiding in God. And that's kind of the whole abiding in Christ. That's pretty much the theme or the underlying theme of everything that we do in journey. So I've been thinking about a lot lately. So I I've been getting up in the morning and say, Lord, help me to abide in you. I don't think I've prayed that prayer much in my life I have, but not that much. And so lately, especially this week, I've said, Lord, help me to abide in you. Meaning I want my words, thoughts and deeds it's to reflect who you are. So if I'm up against a difficult situation, I want to make sure my words 3 (39m 22s): Reflect 2 (39m 23s): Who you are. I want to abide in you. And then hopefully out of that, there's there's wise choices and respect. Jesus said, yes, I'm the vine. You are the branches. Those who remain in me and I then will produce much fruit for apart from me. You can do nothing. 3 (39m 40s): John 15 there. So 2 (39m 42s): People who remain abiding Christ make wise choices. What else? The old men are supposed to have sound faith. The older men must have sound. Faith sound. Faith comes from sound. Faith sound. Faith comes from, how do you get sound faith while your faith will be tested to prove whether it's sound or not. There's just no other way around it. It will be tested. It's like building a boat. You've eventually got to put that boat in the water to see if it will float. If the float, if the boat doesn't float, it's not a sound boat, right? A boat is designed to float and to carry passengers and cargo. 2 (40m 25s): So if it doesn't do that, then it's not sound. And so what happens? The boat comes back out of the water and they go back to work on the boat, right? It's tested, right? So maybe you're pulled, been pulled out of the water so that your faith can be tested. And you're about to be put back in the water to see if your boat floats be okay, either way, be okay with it work because the work is done by the, the boat builder. In this case, the spirit of God, the person of God who wants to make you see worthy, you see worthy so that you can be effective doing the things that he's called you to do and living the way that you've called. 2 (41m 7s): He's called you to live so older. Men must have sound faith. And that again is developed over the course of life. Maybe you don't have sound faith right now, but you're saying, God, I want you to, I'm sinking in the water. And it take me out, put me on the rack and fix 3 (41m 24s): Me. All right? 2 (41m 27s): And you're saying, God, what does it need? What do I need to be fixed? Then you go back and maybe you're, you're looking at all these attributes that we're talking about today and tie this to you. And you're saying, I 1 (41m 35s): Need that. And I need that. And I need that. You're making a little 2 (41m 38s): Shopping list and let's let the holy spirit make that shopping list for you. He might say, yeah, you're doing great there, but you need this. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Self-control worthy of respect, sound faith. And the older man must also be filled with love and 3 (41m 55s): Patience, love and patience. I think 2 (42m 2s): Sometimes as we get older, we get a little less loving and a little less patient. That's the temptation, right? Little less loving. Cause we get a little more cynical. Right? Right. Cause we know things where we think we do. We've got opinions about things. And so we get a little less loving, a little less patience. So I think it's interesting that that Paul said to the older men be filled with love and patience. Jesus said in John 1334 and 35, it's up on the screen. So now I'm giving 3 (42m 33s): You a new commandment, love each other, love each other. How just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another 2 (42m 45s): Will prove to the world that you are my disciples. 3 (42m 48s): When we're loving each 2 (42m 50s): Other, like Jesus loves us. We're demonstrating that we belong to him, that we belong to Jesus because our love looks just like Jesus's love 3 (43m 0s): For the world. A new commandment 2 (43m 3s): Love each other just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. So that's the doctrine of love or to love, not just in 3 (43m 16s): Word. I love you. We should say that. We should say it often to the people that we love, but our 2 (43m 27s): Actions should reflect that statements. Just like our actions should, should support the statement of our faith. It's just support our love. So are we doing loving things 3 (43m 39s): Where we're just getting crotchety as we get old, 2 (43m 46s): The doctrine of love, this is what Jesus taught us about. Love and impatience. 3 (43m 52s): I think 2 (43m 52s): We should, as we get older, we should be the most patient people 3 (43m 54s): In the world. But what happens? 2 (43m 57s): We start aching everywhere. We start, you know, start feeling all the pains of life. And, and then we get impatient and we kind of justify our inpatients. Where's the, ah, I'm an old guy. Everybody, everybody should be patient with me. Right. And, and, but that's not what the Bible says. That's not what Paul is telling us. He said, be patient. The, the younger people in our lives should witness our patients and then desire that it's something that's is very difficult in this day and age. 2 (44m 39s): But it's a work of the holy spirits 3 (44m 42s): That makes 2 (44m 43s): Us patients. So be patient, the older men must be patient. It's a lifetime process. Right? So number one, exercise. Self-control number two. Choose to honor. God says in verse three, similarly. Yeah. That's always a hard word for me to say, similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God 3 (45m 8s): Teach the older women 2 (45m 9s): To live in a way that honors God. Paul's addressing the issues of the people on this Greek island called Crete. And he's fashioning a list of areas for men and women, old men, old women, young women, young men, slaves, he's fashioning a list of areas that need attention. So Paul was writing a letter to you. What might that look like? What might that list be? Mate, maybe you can kind of take a little bit from each and every area and say, yeah, this is kind of my, yes, this is kind of my lists teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. 2 (45m 52s): And then he just kind of unpacks that. He said, they must not slander others. The king James version says don't be a false accuser. In other words, your words should be seasoned with 3 (46m 10s): Grace. So 2 (46m 13s): Maybe you check with your self or check with the holy spirit. That's a better idea. So I got, should I say this? I think we should be filled so filled with the holy spirit that God has full access to our lives. So that when we're about to say something, because he knows that we're going to say, he knows what we're going to say before we say it. He knows what we're going to do before we do that. We give him full access so that we actually are so sensitive to the holy spirit that we hear him say, sheesh, like stop. Like don't, don't say that. All right. And then what w we say, yes, Lord. 2 (46m 53s): Right? We say, yes, Lord. Like I know what I was going to say. And you know what I was going to say, but I'm, I'm, I'm not going to say it. Or if we're about to do something and word thought or deed, and he says, stop, 3 (47m 13s): We have 2 (47m 15s): A sensitivity to the holy spirit. And so we, I think that's what God's desire for us and sending the holy spirit to do, empower us to live the kind of life that he's called us to live, to do the works that he's called us to do. But he's got to have close access to our hearts and minds that just with the still a smallest voice, he's got her attention and we do what he says to do. So maybe the next time we're tempted to, and again, this is not just for older women, but this is for all of us. All of this list is, but specifically there must've been an issue with the older women, slandering, falsely accusing. 2 (47m 56s): And so he's addressing yet. So maybe, maybe this is your issue. Maybe it's not your issue, but maybe the next time you're tempted to slander and we're all tempted to slander. Maybe you just say, God, 3 (48m 8s): I, I want to make sure 2 (48m 10s): That my words are seasoned with grace. I want to listen and then watch your behavior. And your words change as the holy spirit says, stop, don't be falsely accused or your words should be seasoned with grace. Speaking the truth in love. We're we're really good at speaking the truth. We're really good at that. Right? But speaking the truth in love so that our words are seasoned with grace, what does it mean to speak the truth in love? It means we want the very best for the person that we're speaking the truth to. We're not looking to be right. We're not looking to accuse. 2 (48m 52s): We're just speaking the truth in love and that we want to see that person built up in their faith and their understanding. We want to see that per person restored. We make sure that person is loved. And sometimes we say hard things, but it's done in love. 3 (49m 12s): We've done our part. We must 2 (49m 14s): Us to speak the truth, but we must speak the truth and love again, this is not just for older women, but all of us also it says, or be a heavy drinker. So older women must not be heavy drinkers and slaves to much wine. It says we live in wine country. So we have to guard against this. It doesn't say don't drink wine. It says don't be enslaved to much wine or be heavy drinker. So just be careful, be careful that you're not drinking 3 (49m 50s): Too much. 2 (49m 52s): Bible says, yeah, the fees is five. Don't be drunk with wine. It will ruin your life instead. Be filled with the holy spirit. So be careful. Some of us have Liberty to drink. Some of us don't have Liberty to drink. Some of us can drink a little in moderation and we're fine. Some of us can't drink at all because we won't be fine. So pay attention to what you're doing and make sure that you're fine. Make sure that you're good with the Lord. Maybe it's the holy spirit again, saying stop to that extra bit or two at all. Don't be heavy drinkers. Why? Because drunkenness leads to foolishness and foolishness is the antithesis of what we're trying to accomplish as followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ. 2 (50m 39s): We want to be on a path, the path to godly character in a fallen world. Instead, the older women should teach others. What is good in word? And indeed so older women are to teach 3 (50m 55s): In word 2 (50m 55s): And indeed. So it actually doesn't do a lot of good just to speak. If there's not action, following the speaking, 3 (51m 7s): It actually 2 (51m 8s): Is pretty pointless to try to and give instruction when there's not 3 (51m 13s): Evidence that you're following 2 (51m 16s): That instruction yourself. So instead of the older women should teach others, what 3 (51m 21s): Is good? So not drinking to excess drunkenness, not slandering others, living in a way that honors God that's, God's call for our older women. I'm gonna stop 2 (51m 44s): There for this week because there's a lot more than I need to cover for this chapter. And we're just kind of getting out of time. So we will pick up the balance of this next week. Steps three, four, and five step three for next week, just to wet your appetite own the next generation. That's what we'll be talking about. Step four for next week. Being an example by doing good works will impact this next week. And step five, do all things as unto the Lord 3 (52m 21s): Lord. As we consider these things, imprint upon our hearts and minds, the truth that we need to hear and to give us the grace to be obedient. We pray 2 (52m 38s): In Jesus name. Amen. Hey, as the worship team comes up and kind of gets ready to go, I'm going to go over to the list of home groups that are available. Ron talked about all kinds of stuff that's going on, but there is so much going on. Christy covered it last week. But I asked Christie to give me a outline of everything that's happening so quickly. I'm going to go through the, I think 17 different opportunities that are before us to be involved. I think that's the number don't count because I could be wrong about that. Here we go. Home groups. This is under home groups. Brett's and Ann Harvey are hosting a group for families focused on those who have adopted children or foster care families, but all families are welcome. 2 (53m 19s): They will meet twice a month on Sundays at 5:00 PM. So that's a home group at the Harvey's. I believe they're in Nipomo. And so that if, Hm, no, it is an age. Okay, good. So all of this information is on our website. Also Jim and ginger Raman host a home group on Wednesdays at seven o'clock in a row Grandy Kurt and Andy Saltzman will be hosting a home group for parents of teens. They will meet on Wednesdays at the same time as youth group. So that's happening. Scott and Amy Goodman hosts a home group on Thursdays at 6:00 PM and a Pomo. They are currently setting through the book of Luke, Carol, Gary and Carol when hosts a home group on Thursdays at 6:30 PM in AIG, Matt and Stephanie list, we'll be hosting a group for families meeting twice a month on Sundays from four to seven for worship potluck, dinner, fellowship, and sermon discussion. 2 (54m 9s): Josh and Christine Erdmann will be hosting a group setting the Bible Bible school on wheels classes. So the, the stuff that we've been teaching through midweek for the last few years, they will meet on Tuesdays at six 30 for discussion study and fellowship. And they're in a Pomo. Seth and Carrie McMillan will be leading financial peace university. Ron already talked about that biblical money principles that teach you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt, spend wisely and save for your future. 3 (54m 42s): They meet in the Pomo. Our 2 (54m 44s): Foundations class. This session will be the survey. The Bible taught by Bruce Wilkinson. That will be Sunday mornings at nine o'clock. And then we have a weekly prayer group that meets Thursday mornings at eight o'clock in the loft. So that's home groups and the prayer prayer group. And then there's also men's groups. Jim Erickson leads a early morning men's Bible study, which meets Thursday mornings at six 15 currently studying the book of Philippians. So that's happening Thursday, six 15, Dave Workman leads a men's Bible study and prayer group. They meet on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM here at the church. The pure desire groups for men who are seeking sexual purity. 2 (55m 28s): They meet on Mondays at 6:30 PM, really all over this campus on Mondays age specific, the young professional groups, they call themselves the GoPros, the unprofessional group for ages 22 to 39 meets twice a month on Mondays at 7:00 PM. And we'll be setting through a book of the Bible. The college group meets on Friday evenings at 6:00 PM in various homes in the five cities area. So that's college and yo pros. And then you've got women's groups. Our morning, ladies Bible study has led by Jean and Nate. They meet on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM and we'll be setting the book of second Peter. And they meet, I believe in the loft. 2 (56m 8s): Jen Hayden leads a young women's Bible study for those, between the ages of 25 and 40. The group meets on Tuesdays at 6:45 PM. And then the good yarn club meets for fellowship and yarn crafting on the second Saturday of each month, 5:00 PM also there's clubs, five, six for fifth and sixth graders. I think there were like 28 or so fifth and sixth graders this week. There's junior high and high school. There's all kinds of stuff going on. There's journey groups that are already happening. So they're not really open for newcomers at this point, but there's journey groups for men and for women that are also happening. And you'll be up to speed on those. When those restart soon, there's just so many opportunities. 2 (56m 49s): I'm guessing, I'm guessing. Did anybody count? I told you not to count. Good job. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. I was close 3 (57m 8s): 18. 2 (57m 10s): Plus the groups that are already going puts us probably close to 20 to 23 groups happening during the week. So plenty of opportunity for people of all ages, male and female, you guys are welcome to, to check those things out there on our website. Also, you can send them to be a part there's a kind of a little signup, fair outside. You can send it to be a part of ministries within the church. How many, how many I'm going to have you guys stand? How many are work have are working with kids in the church. If you're working with kids, go and stand up all over the campus. If you're working with kids. So that would be, that would be nursery through high school. 2 (57m 52s): All right. Nurses, your high school. What about the college and young adults? How many are working with colleges? Young adults. If you're doing that, go ahead and stand up. What about women's groups? If you're working with women's groups, go ahead and stand up. No, stay standing, stay standing. There we go. There we go. Sorry. I didn't make that clear also. Okay. What if you're working with men groups, go ahead and stand up. Jim. That would include you. Go ahead and stand up. 3 (58m 18s): There we go. There we go. 2 (58m 22s): Men's women's kids. Prayer. How many are involved in prayer? The ministry of the church. Go ahead and stand up. 3 (58m 30s): What about 2 (58m 32s): Para church ministry? Whether you're involved in a ministry outside of the church where you're involved in like jail or convalescent home, or you're involved in some kind of street ministry where you're involved in doing some kind of ministry throughout 3 (58m 47s): The week. What 2 (58m 49s): If you, there we go. Go ahead. Yeah. What if you take in little tiny babies and nurture them and love on them? If that's you go ahead and stand up. Cause that's a killer ministry. What if you're going to stand up? If you've got a foster your care ministry, there are so many things. What have I missed cleaning? What if you're a part of the cleaning team? Go, go ahead and stand up. Jolene cleaning. I knew I was, I should've made a list. If you're a part of the cleaning team, go ahead and stand up. If you're a part of the music ministry, go in and stand up music, meeting tech. So that'd be a tech team. You guys can stand up. If you're a part of the maintenance team here at harvest shirts, go ahead and stand up all over the campus. 2 (59m 35s): What else? Safety team. If you're part of the safety team, all of it, we make me list for a second service. Also, if you're a part of the coffee ministry of harvest yards, go ahead and stand up. Emmy. You should be standing up for women's stuff. There we go. Don't make me call you out. If you're a part of men's ministry, that would be you guys because you're, you're helping with men's breakfast stuff. Greeters. If you're a greeter, go ahead and stand up. If you're an usher, go and stand up. Info center. Sunday setup team 3 (1h 0m 13s): Jolene is my helpmate. She's better 2 (1h 0m 16s): Than I am smarter than I am. We're capable. She writes my sermons, just get it. She had to do that, all that to say there's a ton of people doing a ton of things all over. It takes literally a couple of hundred volunteers. Let's go ahead. Now, everybody stand up now. Thanks for standing. It takes literally like 200 to 250 volunteers. They do everything it needs to be done around the church. So even with all of these people signed up and serving, we still have more people in needed to serve. And so if you want to be a part of any of those things that we talked about, you can go out to the sign up, fair out there and be a part of that. So shall we worship some more? This is why I cut my message off a little early. 2 (1h 0m 57s): Cause I knew I'd be doing all of this. So Lord, as we worship be glorified, we pray in Jesus name. Amen. Let's sing. 4 (1h 1m 4s): Now if you breathe, if you can breathe in here, please stand up. If you can breathe. 0 (1h 1m 42s): That is Jesus, God, we worship you in this place. 0 (1h 10m 12s): Lord, we thank you for the service this morning. God, I pray that as we go outward that we would find moments to honor you God, that we would find moments to pause in our day and just ask you, ask him, call on the holy spirit. Lord, we worship you. We praise you in your most precious name. We pray. Amen. If you need prayer, make your way forward. We have an amazing team of friends. Have a wonderful day.
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